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  • 2021年经济学人 结束新冠的代价是什么?(2) Mr Agarwal and Gita Gopinath, the IMF's chief economist, have now turned this insight into a broader $50bn proposal to end the covid-19 pandemic. Only $4bn of the headline total is necessary to buy the 350m extra vaccination courses. The rest is earm
  • 2021年经济学人 电脑芯片(1) Computer chips 电脑芯片 Loading, please wait 加载中,请稍等 The global chip shortage is here for some time 全球芯片短缺将持续一段时间 FOR WANT of a chip, the factory was lost. On May 18th Toyota became the latest carmaker forc
  • 2021年经济学人 电脑芯片(2) The pandemic thus arrived at the worst possible time. After an early crash, demand in several segments boomed, says Alan Priestley of Gartner, another consultancy. Locked-down consumers bought laptops and other gadgets. Cloud-computing operators, whi
  • 2021年经济学人 外资银行抢滩中国市场,生存几何?(1) Asset management 资产管理 Chasing a pot of gold 追逐一罐黄金 Foreign financial firms are looking to tap into China's vast pool of savings. 外国资产管理公司盯上了中国的巨额存款 Do they stand a chance against home-grown mana
  • 2021年经济学人 外资银行抢滩中国市场,生存几何?(2) For China's regulators, the new ventures are a high-stakes experiment meant to transform how savers think about investing. For years retail investors ploughed cash into deposit-like investment products sold and backed by state banks. The principal on
  • 2021年经济学人 外资银行抢滩中国市场,生存几何?(3) Another benefit of the joint ventures is their links to China's largest financial firms. The banks and their tens of thousands of branches were key intermediaries during the first era of wealth management and, say experts, may also define the next. T
  • 2021年经济学人 美国4月通货膨胀率创12年新高 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Business 商业版块 Americas annual inflation rate soared to 4.2% in April, higher than expected and fuelling concerns that rising consumer prices may become a problem for the American economy. Inflation hawks
  • 2021年经济学人 特斯拉不再接受比特币购车 SoftBank reported net income of 5trn yen ($46bn) for the year ending March 31st, a record annual profit for a Japanese company. Much of that came from gains in its vision-fund investments, particularly Coupang, a South Korean e-commerce company that
  • 2021年经济学人 甘肃马拉松21人因极端天气遇难 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Politics 政治版块 Belarus hijacked a Ryanair plane flying from one EU country (Greece) to another (Lithuania) with more than 100 people on board. The plane was in Belarusian airspace. Citing a bomb threat, t
  • 2021年经济学人 欧洲多国防范英国出现的变异新冠病毒 Iran reached a deal with the International Atomic Energy Agency to extend for a month an agreement that allows international monitors to inspect its nuclear programme. The head of the agency said he was very concerned about Irans claim to be enrichin
  • 2021年经济学人 壳牌不满被勒令减少碳排放 The world this week 一周国际要闻 Business 商业版块 At least two directors nominated by Engine No. 1, a small, environmentally minded hedge fund, were elected by shareholders to the board of ExxonMobil. It is the most significant victory yet
  • 2021年经济学人 亚马逊在美遭反垄断诉讼 Turkeys president sacked a deputy governor at the countrys central bank, the third defenestration of a senior official within two months. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has whittled away at the central banks independence over the years in his attempt to suppre
  • 2021年经济学人 G7领导人齐聚卡比斯湾参加峰会 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Politics 政治版块 The leaders of the G7 countries headed to the Cornish resort of Carbis Bay for a summit, their first in two years and the first for Joe Biden as Americas president. Ahead of the summit, G7
  • 2021年经济学人 以色列成立新政府 内塔尼亚胡下台 The European Commission launched legal proceedings against Germanys Constitutional Court to assert the primacy of European Union law. The case relates to the German courts ruling last year that the European Central Banks bond-buying programme contrav
  • 2021年经济学人 脸书封禁特朗普账号延长至2023年 The world this week 本周国际要闻 Business 商业版块 The approval granted by Americas Food and Drug Administration to a new drug to combat Alzheimers disease was hailed as a breakthrough, even though the FDA conceded that the drug, aducanumab