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  • 新西兰英语 372 Memorial service for 29 miners

    Today, a memorial service was held in Greymouth for the 29 miners killed in the Pike River Coal Mine. The bodies are still in the mine so families cannot hold funerals but instead this was a service to remember and honour all 29 men. The service was...

  • 新西兰英语 371 Despair in Greymouth

    Greymouth families who have lost their husbands, fathers, sons or brothers in the Pike River Coal mine, are facing more despair. It now seems unlikely that the bodies of the 29 miners will be recovered soon. Another explosion occurred yesterday and t...

  • 新西兰英语 370 Third explosion at Pike River coal mine

    A third explosion happened this afternoon, two days after a second explosion. By Wednesday evening, police said that all miners now must be dead. Probably they became unconscious first through carbon monoxide poisoning and would have felt nothing. It...

  • 新西兰英语 369 No progress on rescuing miners

    Very little progress has been made today in rescuing the trapped miners in Pike River Coal mine. The army robot with a camera on it broke down about half a km into the mine perhaps because of the water in the mine. A second army robot has arrived but...

  • 新西兰英语 368 Miners still trapped

    There is still no news about the 29 miners trapped in the Pike River coal mine. The company is still testing the air quality every half hour but it is still not safe to send in a rescue team. They are also drilling a hole 150mm diameter into the tunn...

  • 新西兰英语 367 29 Miners Trapped

    29 miners are trapped in the Pike River coal mine on the West Coast of the South Island A gas explosion yesterday about 4.30pm trapped the miners. Nobody knows if they are still alive but it is possible they have found a safe area near a fresh air pi...

  • 新西兰英语 366 MPs to lose travel perks

    Now the Speaker of the House, Dr Lockwood Smith, has decided that all MPs and their partners will lose the right to have cheap international holidays. This is called a perk. Most workers do not get perks as part of their job. Most workers do not get...

  • 新西兰英语 365 Kiwi fruit disease spreads

    The bacterial disease, PSA, which affects gold kiwi fruit has spread. Now tests show that 13 orchards have the disease and more orchards are in quarantine, waiting for the results of tests. This is very serious for the kiwi fruit industry. The Zespri...

  • 新西兰英语 364 Pansy Wong Resigns as Minister

    Pansy Wong has resigned as from her job as Cabinet Minister. She was Minister of Womens Affairs, and Minister of Ethnic Affairs. She resigned because her husband has been getting cheap international travel through her office for his business trips. M...

  • 新西兰英语 363 More Neuro-surgeons for SI

    Otago University Neuro-surgery department will not close and Christchurch hospital which has four neurosurgeons will get one more. This news was announced yesterday. Neuro-surgery is brain surgery. Earlier this year, the government said it was too ex...

  • 新西兰英语 362 Kiwi Fruit Disease

    One kiwi fruit grower in the Bay of Plenty has discovered a disease in his orchard which has frightened all kiwi fruit growers in the area. Tests have shown that the disease is PSA although they dont yet know which type of PSA it is. This disease is...

  • 新西兰英语 361 World Rowing ends today

    The World Rowing Championships finished today after 10 very successful days. It was windy on two days but mostly the weather was good and today it was perfect. A large number of spectators attended. Today, 15,243 spectators came to see the finals and...

  • 新西兰英语 360 Guy Fawkes Night

    If you hear fireworks outside your house, its probably your neighbours celebrating Guy Fawkes night. Christchurch and possibly Wellington have had to postpone their public Fireworks shows because of heavy rain and wind but the weather looks better fo...

  • 新西兰英语 359 one of the top cities in the world

    Lonely Planet, the popular travel guide, rate Wellington as the 4th best city in the world to visit. The best city was New York, followed by Tangier in Morocco, Tel Aviv in Israel then Wellington. Wellington seems little because you can walk around t...

  • 新西兰英语 358 New Auckland City

    The new Auckland City came into existence today with early morning celebrations. Celebrations continued when the new mayor, Len Brown, and 20 councillors were sworn in this evening. The new council will meet tomorrow morning at 9am, ready for busines...
