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  • 新西兰英语 327 Alcohol Laws

    In April, the Law Commission gave the government a report on alcohol problems in New Zealand. The report recommended 152 changes. The government now has decided to accept 126 of these recommendations. The main changes affect young people under the ag...

  • 新西兰英语 326 Australian Elections

    Although the Australian elections were held yesterday, there is no still no decision about which party won. Labor won about 72 seats and the Liberals won about 73. Some seats are still too close to know who won. There are 150 seats in the Federal par...

  • 新西兰英语 325 Historic Antarctic photos

    An exhibition of historic Antarctic photographs opened at Canterbury museum in Christchurch today. Some of the photos were taken during Captain Scotts journey to the South Pole 100 years ago while the other photos were of Shackletons expedition from...

  • 新西兰英语 324 More babies born

    Statistics New Zealand released figures of births for the year ending June 2010. The figures show that births are up by 2%. Most of that increase is in Auckland. In 1961, women had an average of 4.3 children but today women have an average of 2.2 chi...

  • 新西兰英语 323 Fishing boat sinks

    Early this morning, a fishing boat sank about 700km off the coast of Dunedin. 51 men were on board. 45 men in life rafts were rescued by another fishing boat nearby but three bodies were found. An air force plane searched for three more men today but...

  • 新西兰英语 322 Register to vote

    Local body elections will be held from 17th September to 9th October this year. You can vote if you are a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident, are 18 years old or older, and have lived in New Zealand continuously for at least one year. To rec...

  • 新西兰英语 321 Mt Hutt closed overnight

    Last night Mt Hutt skifield was closed and about 1300 skiers had to spend the night on the floor of the lodge on the mountain. There is no sleeping accommodation on the mountain. Yesterday morning, the ski field opened as usual to skiers but by aroun...

  • 新西兰英语 320 Military funeral

    The funeral for Lieutenant Tim ODonnell was held today at Linton Military Camp. Linton is the nearest military camp to Tims hometown, Feilding. Tim was killed a week ago in Afghanistan. Listen to August 4th 2010 for more about what happened. He is th...

  • 新西兰英语 319 Company fined for false information

    Yesterday the District Court in Christchurch fined a company for selling tourist products which looked like New Zealand products but were made in China. A Christchurch company, ProKiwi International, imported body care products from China but labeled...

  • 新西兰英语 318 Bledisloe Cup for Rugby

    The All Blacks beat the Australian Wallabies tonight and won the Bledisloe Cup. Lord Bledisloe, who was Governor General of New Zealand, gave this cup in 1931 for the winner of a rugby game between Australia and New Zealand. Now, the winner has to wi...

  • 新西兰英语 317 Soldier dies in Afghanistan

    A New Zealand soldier was killed today in Bamiyan province, Afghanistan. He was Lieutenant Tim ODonnell, aged 28. Two other New Zealand soldiers and an Afghan interpreter were also injured. He is the first New Zealand soldier to die in Afghanistan. 1...

  • 新西兰英语 316 Sir Geoffrey Palmer’s new job

    On May 31st, a number of ships from Turkey tried to go to Gaza but were attacked by Israeli soldiers. Nine Turks were killed. Israel had blocked the port of Gaza to stop Palestinians bringing in weapons. Now the United Nations has decided to hold an...

  • 新西兰英语 315 Which stores can sell alcohol?

    A High Court decision this week means that only supermarkets and bottle stores can sell alcohol. Supermarkets have been allowed to sell beer and wine since 2000. In 2001, some small convenience stores applied to the Liquor Licensing Authority (LLA) f...

  • 新西兰英语 314 MP Chris Carter

    The Labour MP Chris Carter is in trouble today. He wrote a letter which he handed to some reporters. The letter said that he believed Phil Goff, who is the Leader of the Opposition, does not have a chance to win the next election. He believed that an...

  • 新西兰英语 313 Maori Language week

    This is Maori language week, a time to think about the survival of the Maori language and to encourage more people to use it. Listen to more about the purpose of Maori language week: July 29 2009 About 18,000 people are fluent in Maori but the number...
