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  • 新西兰英语 252 Tsunami Warning

    Two hours after the 8.8 earthquake in Chile last night, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that a tsunami had started. It hit parts of Chile and moved across the Pacific. The New Zealand Civil Defence and police moved quickly to send messages on...

  • 新西兰英语 251 BAFTA Awards

    The winners of the BAFTA (the British Academy of Film and Television Arts) awards on Sunday included the New Zealand company Weta Digital for the visual effects in the movie Avatar. Weta Digital used some of the worlds most powerful supercomputers to...

  • 新西兰英语 250 Philanthropy

    A philanthropist is a person who helps others. Usually a philanthropist gives money although people who volunteer their time to help others are also philanthropists. New Zealand is lucky to have many volunteers, many people who give donations of mone...

  • 新西兰英语 249 Sports Teams Going to India

    A terrorist threat to sports teams going to India is worrying players, our government and the Indian government. A group connected to al-Qaida warned sportsmen and women not to take part in the World Cup Hockey, the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricke...

  • 新西兰英语 248 Creative New Zealand

    Creative New Zealand wants to make changes. At the moment, Creative New Zealand has four organisations: the Arts Council, the Arts Board, Te Waka Toi, and the Pacific Arts Committee. Together these organisations have 55 staff including 28 directors....

  • 新西兰英语 247 The Coast-to-Coast Race

    Yesterday was the famous Coast-to-Coast multi-sport race, from the Tasman Sea on the West Coast, across mountains, down a river, then on the road to the Pacific Ocean on the East Coast. It is called multi-sport because competitors have to be good at...

  • 新西兰英语 246 Jeanette Fitzsimons retires from Parliame

    The Green Party MP and co-leader, retired from Parliament today. She has been in Parliament for 13 years. She was elected as a list MP for the Alliance Party in the first MMP Parliament in 1996. At that time, the Greens were part of the Alliance Part...

  • 新西兰英语 245 New Zealander of the Year Awards

    Last week, four New Zealanders won awards for this year. Each of them volunteered their time and skills to help others. It is hard to say only one thing about each of these people because they have all done so much. Sam Tutu Chapman won the Local Her...

  • 新西兰英语 244 Waitangi Day

    Today is Waitangi Day. It is 170 years since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. This was a treaty between Queen Victoria of England and Maori chiefs in New Zealand. The Queen promised to give Maori all the rights of British citizens and to protec...

  • 新西兰英语 243 Sportsperson of the Year

    Last night was the annual sports awards for the best sports man and woman for the year. Nominations included people from these sports: rowing, basketball, netball, cycling, sailing, surfing, cricket, rugby, football, Paralympics (for disabled people)...

  • 新西兰英语 242 Problems with XT mobile network

    The XT mobile network crashed on Wednesday last week. It took one day to fix the problem in the North Island but three days for the far south of the country. More than 200,000 people have Telecom XT in New Zealand. Between 70,000 and 80,000 people in...

  • 新西兰英语 241 Tauranga library may charge for books

    Tauranga City Council want to charge adults a fee to borrow books from the public library. The fee would be 50 cents for each book but would increase to 80 cents in three years time. Libraries get most of their money from rates. Everyone who owns a h...

  • 新西兰英语 240 New Air NZ planes

    Air NZ showed what their new planes will look like inside. The CEO of Air NZ said that there have been many improvements for Business class passengers in the past few years but nothing for Economy class. The new planes, the Boeing 777-300 model, will...

  • 新西兰英语 239 Farmers buy shares in Fonterra

    Fonterra is the biggest company in New Zealand and also the biggest export dairy company in the world. It is a co-operative which means that farmers own it. In fact, 10, 500 dairy farmers in New Zealand own Fonterra. Each farmer has one share for eac...

  • 新西兰英语 238 Mike Moore US Ambassador

    The government announced our new ambassador to the United States will be Mike Moore. This is an interesting choice as Mike Moore was a Labour Party MP and also, very briefly, the Prime Minister in 1990. The present government is a National government...
