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2015年CRI 京津冀共同推广新能源找回蓝天

时间:2017-12-05 07:23来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


The two municipalities and one province have launched a project to build wind, photovoltaic and power storage stations.

Zhangjiakou, a city in Hebei province, boasts more than 6,000 hours of effective winds annually1 and 3,000 hours of sunshine annually.

As an ideal place for developing renewable energy, the city has attracted more than 30 large new energy enterprises and wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises.

Guo Junfeng with the Zhangjiakou City Development and Reform Commission, says the city has formed a complete chain of production, such as wind power generators2, wind mill vanes and tower poles.

"The city will have a total installation capacity up to 20 million kw to become the country's leading comprehensive innovation base for the use of renewable energy by 2020."

Beijing has taken the lead in encouraging the use of electric vehicles.

Xu Xinchao with the Beijing Science and Technology Commission says authorities have provided financial subsidies3 for the purchase and use of electric vehicles, and will also reduce or exempt4 parking and toll5 fees for electric vehicle drivers in the future.

"We have shifted our policy priority from vehicle purchase to vehicle usage in 2015. We have decided6 to lift restrictions7 on electric vehicles. At the same time, we are now studying the possibilities of scrapping8 parking and toll fees for new energy vehicles."

Tianjin has imported 370 million cubic meters of natural gas at a port in the east of the city.

Gao Huaiying, official in charge of the energy department in Tianjin, says the city plans to use natural gas for central heating in all residential9 quarters in the coming winter.

"We have improved the energy consumption structure in the city. According to the accountability agreement we have signed with the Ministry10 of Environmental Protection, we will reduce coal consumption by 10 million tons by 2017."

According to plans, all refineries11 and chemical companies in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei will be using clean energy by the end of 2017.

Besides, the three administrative12 regions have started to implement13 coordinated14 environmental legislation in an effort to improve regional air quality.

Zhou Ying with the standing15 committee of the Hebei Provincial16 People's Congress says the coordination17 will help to achieve more blue skies.

"It helps to break administrative barriers, reduce legislation costs and integrate legislation resources and provides institutional support and guarantee for coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province."

The annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Hebei province dropped by 12 percent over the previous year, exceeding the national reduction target in 2014.

Authorities in the region have reached an agreement to reduce concentration of PM2.5 by 25 percent by 2017.

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.


1 annually VzYzNO     
  • Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.许多候鸟每年到这个湖上作短期逗留。
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
2 generators 49511c3cf5edacaa03c4198875f15e4e     
n.发电机,发生器( generator的名词复数 );电力公司
  • The factory's emergency generators were used during the power cut. 工厂应急发电机在停电期间用上了。
  • Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system. 电力可以从风力发电机流入输电网。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 subsidies 84c7dc8329c19e43d3437248757e572c     
n.补贴,津贴,补助金( subsidy的名词复数 )
  • European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlock over farm subsidies. 欧洲各国农业部长在农业补贴问题上未能打破僵局。
  • Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income. 农业补贴占去了欧盟收入的大约一半。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 exempt wmgxo     
  • These goods are exempt from customs duties.这些货物免征关税。
  • He is exempt from punishment about this thing.关于此事对他已免于处分。
5 toll LJpzo     
  • The hailstone took a heavy toll of the crops in our village last night.昨晚那场冰雹损坏了我们村的庄稼。
  • The war took a heavy toll of human life.这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
6 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
7 restrictions 81e12dac658cfd4c590486dd6f7523cf     
约束( restriction的名词复数 ); 管制; 制约因素; 带限制性的条件(或规则)
  • I found the restrictions irksome. 我对那些限制感到很烦。
  • a snaggle of restrictions 杂乱无章的种种限制
8 scrapping 6327b12f2e69f7c7fd6f72afe416a20a     
  • He was always scrapping at school. 他在学校总打架。
  • These two dogs are always scrapping. 这两条狗总是打架。
9 residential kkrzY3     
  • The mayor inspected the residential section of the city.市长视察了该市的住宅区。
  • The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college.住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。
10 ministry kD5x2     
  • They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。
  • We probed the Air Ministry statements.我们调查了空军部的记录。
11 refineries f6f752d4dedfa84ee0eead1d97a27bb2     
精炼厂( refinery的名词复数 )
  • The efforts on closedown and suspension of small sugar refineries, small saccharin refineries and small paper mills are also being carried out in steps. 关停小糖厂、小糖精厂、小造纸厂的工作也已逐步展开。
  • Hence the sitting of refineries is at a distance from population centres. 所以,炼油厂的厂址总在远离人口集中的地方。
12 administrative fzDzkc     
  • The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.必须解除地方政府的行政负担。
  • He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾。
13 implement WcdzG     
  • Don't undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。
14 coordinated 72452d15f78aec5878c1559a1fbb5383     
  • The sound has to be coordinated with the picture. 声音必须和画面协调一致。
  • The numerous existing statutes are complicated and poorly coordinated. 目前繁多的法令既十分复杂又缺乏快调。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
15 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
16 provincial Nt8ye     
  • City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes.城里人以为乡下人思想迂腐。
  • Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday.昨天从省里下来了两位领导干部。
17 coordination Ho8zt     
  • Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable level of coordination.体操是一项需要高协调性的运动。
  • The perfect coordination of the dancers and singers added a rhythmic charm to the performance.舞蹈演员和歌手们配合得很好,使演出更具魅力。
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