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  • 【英语时差8,16】鱼的性格-上

    Hot periods in July and August are called the dog days of summer because they do more than make a person sweat. Peoples personalities change. They become tired and irritable. Tempers shorten. Many prefer lounging like a dog rather than working. It ap...

  • 【英语时差8,16】晚上出去玩-看戏篇-上

    Its such a pleasurable experience. I dont really go to (the) theatre but that was really impressive. We came for a special treat. I just love (the) theatre. Andrea: Going to the theatre is just another way many people in Britain like to spend a night...

  • 【英语时差8,16】智利地震如何使白天变短-上

    Powerful earthquakes-like the ones in Haiti and Chile in 2010-leave destruction in their wake. Buildings collapse, many people are injured and killed. But the chaos created by massive quakes isnt limited to the regions where they happen. The Chilean...

  • 【英语时差8,16】热到底是什么?-上

    At one time it was believed that heat was a liquid. Sure, that sounds kind of crazy, but if you think for a second, you might see why. Suppose you have an object thats very hot say a metal spoon thats been sitting in hot coffee. Pick it up and you ca...

  • 【英语时差8,16】蓝莓提升记忆?-上

    You probably already know that blueberries are delicious. And you may have heard that theyre healthful, too.But did you know that blueberries boost memory in older people at risk for memory loss? A study looked at how drinking wild blueberry juice af...

  • 【英语时差8,16】晚上出去玩-饮酒篇-上

    Andrea: Hello, Im Andrea. Were finding out what young people in Britain like to do at night. And first we asked people what they liked to drink. GT and beer sometimes. Wine maybe. I start off very sensibly on maybe a Bloody Mary or maybe one or two v...

  • 【英语时差8,16】晚上出去玩-饮酒篇-下

    The last time I did get really drunk it did involve me falling about 6 foot off a wall, so I try not to get that drunk these days. Andrea: Oh my goodness. She got so drunk she fell off a wall. For most people its just another way to entertain themsel...

  • 【英语时差8,16】晚上出去玩-饮酒篇-中

    One year, on my birthday, we decided to go on a pub crawl. And this basically means that theres one street where there's a lot of pubs next to each other. So you start at the beginning of the street and you go in each pub and by the time you reach th...

  • 【英语时差8,16】利用太阳能-上

    Did you know that enough sunlight falls on the earths surface every minute to provide energy for the entire world? The trick, though, is turning sunlight into power we can use for things like heating water and making electricity. And there are two ty...

  • 【英语时差8,16】火山灰与飞机-上

    After six days of being grounded aeroplanes have been given the all-clear to fly in British airspace again. The UK has effectively been a no-fly zone since last Thursday when a huge cloud of volcanic ash was thrown up into the atmosphere by a volcano...

  • 【英语时差8,16】船锚与弱扣环-下

    The navy has prepared for this by building what is called a weak link into their anchor chains. The weak link is the last link in the chain, and while its strong enough to hold together in general, its weak enough to break if the whole weight of the...

  • 【英语时差8,16】网上信息搜索-下

    Yang Li: We also spoke to Primrose and David from London. They are both in their 30s and both daily users of the internet for research and information. Primrose: I use it in my work life and I also use the internet for information. I don't watch TV,...

  • 【英语时差8,16】网上信息搜索-中

    Yang Li: Next Daya and Phillip told me how helpful they find the internet for research. Daya: Internet is a very important tool for research and I use it heavily for my degree and especially for my dissertation and for some of the essays that we have...

  • 【英语时差8,16】网上信息搜索-上

    Diarmuid: Todays focus is online research and information. OK, so my name's Heather Mendick and I work at Goldsmiths, University of London. Hi, my name's Daya, I'm a Politics and Economics student in my third year and I'm 22. Hi, my name's Phillip, I...

  • 【英语时差8,16】书店街-上

    Yang Li:If you love books, then this is just the programme for you. Diarmuid: Yes, Charing Cross Road, near Soho, has long been a street famous for its bookshops. Yang Li: You can find all kinds of books there, can't you? Diarmuid: Yes, such as the f...
