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  • 【英语时差8,16】网上娱乐-上

    Diarmuid: Hi Im Diarmuid. Todays topic is online entertainment. Yang Li: What can you do on the internet to while away your time? Diarmuid: And what are the advantages and disadvantages? Yang Li:We start with our interview with a group of students at...

  • 【英语时差8,16】赚钱的清闲差事-上

    Is it ever too cold to exercise? During those cold winter months, it sometimes seems too chilly to run or jog. What if your lungs freeze? Well actually, your body is designed so that by the time air reaches your lungs, its been warmed up and moisturi...

  • 【英语时差8,16】对口型演唱 -上

    D:Oh, no,Y,it's starting to rain, and i left my ant farm outside, now my ants will drown and die. Y:Come on,D,i'm guessing plenty of ants drown every time it rains,which makes me wonder how do groud-nesting ants cope with rain? D:Actually, ant specie...

  • 【英语时差8,16】言语错误-上

    What do brain damaged patients, adults saying tongue twisters and all children have in common? Theyre more likely to make speech errors than an adult who is speaking under normal circumstances.In this moment of science, we'll look at why. ' A common...

  • 【英语时差8,16】对口型演唱 -下

    A: My favourite band were on TV last night but they just lip-synced the songs. B: Oh I hate it when they do that. A: It must be hard for stars to sing and do complicated dance routines at the same time. B: I suppose that's why so many of them lip-syn...

  • 【英语时差8,16】搭讪 -上

    Diarmuid: No... that's no good. Oh, no that's even worse. Jean: Hi Diarmuid, what are you up to? Diarmuid: Hello Jean. I'm trying to think of some chat up lines. Jean: Chat up lines? How is single life going? Diarmuid: Terrible. I just can't seem to...

  • 【英语时差8,16】公平竞争 -上

    William: Hello I'm William Kremer. Feifei: I'm Feifei. What's today's word, William? William: Well there's a footballing theme to this week's question, or at least a sporting theme. Let me ask you, Feifei, what characteristics do you associate with B...

  • 【英语时差8,16】湿沙为什么黏在一起?(上)

    At the end of the day, just before going to bed, you go through the house to do an energy check.You make sure all the lights are off, the oven is cold, the iron is unplugged. So now youve done your duty as a good energy conserver, right? Not so fast....

  • 【英语时差8,16】希腊人最先发现地球是圆的(下)

    Being clean is a good thing. After all, simply washing your hands regularly can help ward off flu and other contagious diseases. Maybe For the past few decades scientists have been debating the so called hygiene hypothesisthe idea that being exposed...

  • 【英语时差8,16】耳鸣(上)

    Its not uncommon, now and again, to hear a ringing or buzzing in the ear. The condition is called tinnitus, and it can be caused by a number of things such as ear infections, allergies and even as a medication side effect. For most people, tinnitus i...

  • 【英语时差8,16】幼童尿床(下)

    Other causes are harder to pin down. One promising area of research is on the kidney hormone ADH. We all produce more ADH hormone at night. ADH signals the kidney to slow down production. This is why we dont go to the bathroom for eight hours at nigh...

  • 【英语时差8,16】幼童尿床(上)

    Never a happy topic, bed wetting is a very distressing problem for five to seven million American kids. If we cant explain why some people like to pick on these kids, can we at least shed some light on what causes bed wetting? At one time, people pun...

  • 【英语时差8,16】选择性平面照明显微镜

    SPIM stands for Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy. SPIM is a new kind of microscope technology. It provides a significantly sharper image than current microscopes, and it also allows one to study living organisms without destroying or harming t...

  • 【英语时差8,16】骨质疏松(上)

    One of the most impressive feats of muscular coordination in nature is the instance of a frog darting out its tongue in order to catch a fly. No matter how fast you are, you could never rely on plucking bugs out of the air to stay alive; but for frog...

  • 【英语时差8,16】早产性睡眠窒息

    Everyone knows that caffeine keeps a person up all night. But for some people, caffeine is the doctors order for good, or the better word may be safe, sleep. Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which a persons breathing periodically stops for brief peri...
