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  • 【英语时差8,16】少吹冷气对大家都好

    Less use of air conditioners would be better for us all A strict no-air-conditioning ban was enforced for 87,000 Taiwanese students taking the college entrance examinations this month despite temperatures in many areas reaching 34 to 36 degrees Celsi...

  • 【英语时差8,16】对抗H1N1A型流感

    Although Taiwan has more confirmed cases of the A(H1N1) influenza, the Department of Health (DOH) has shown professional and decisive leadership on the H1N1 scenario thus far. Taiwan was among the first nations to rename the virus from Swine Flu to A...

  • 【英语时差8,16】少女赢得全美传简讯比赛冠军

    The newest U.S. texting champion has a message for parents across the landalthough they might not want to hear it. Let your kid text during dinner! Let your kid text during school! It pays off, 15-year-old Kate Moore said after winning the LG U.S. Na...

  • 【英语时差8,16】「完美第二对」:传统德国的一段不寻常恋曲

    'Everyone Else': An unconventional love in a conformist German society Chris and Gitti, a German couple spending their summer in Sardinia, Italy, live in seemingly perfect harmony. Gitti (Brigit Minichmayr) is exuberant, speaks her mind, and works fo...

  • 【英语时差8,16】说溜嘴,说错话

    a SLIP of the TONGUE If you are walking across fresh ice in winter, or maybe walking on a tile floor just after it's been cleaned, you know how easy it is to slip and fall. You can hurt yourself, and that can be embarrassing, too. Similarly, when we...

  • 【英语时差8,16】小红莓

    Tips: Pilgrims--朝圣者 swampy--沼泽 Plymouth--普利茅斯 thornless vine--无刺藤 crane--鹤;鹳 Nova Scotia--新斯科细亚省 North Carolina--北卡罗来纳州 Wisconsin--威斯康星 Henry Hall--亨利霍尔(退伍軍人) Massachus...

  • 【英语时差8,16】秋之诗

    Tips: Emily Bronte--艾米莉勃朗特(《呼啸山庄作者》) bliss--福佑 wreaths--花圈 drearier--沉闷 Politzer--乔治 波利策(诗人1903-1942) gusty--有风的 gallop--疾驰 roaming--漫游 preen--精心打扮 The poetry of Autu...

  • 【英语时差8,16】花园清洁

    Tips: heroically--英勇 frost--霜冻 vibrant--充满活力 petunias--矮牵牛 exuberantly--绿叶成荫 marigold--万寿菊 gaillardia--天人菊 aster--翠菊 dilapidated--破旧 Russian sage--俄罗斯鼠尾草 skeletal--骨骼 Garden Clean-up A...

  • 【英语时差8,16】郁金香种球

    Tips: Tulip--郁金香 Turkish Sultans--土耳其苏丹 flemish--弗拉芒语 Netherlands--荷兰 Darwin--达尔文 Tulip Bulbs Tulips were growing in the gardens of Turkish Sultans in the early 1500s. The name is derived from the flowers resemblance...

  • 【英语时差8,16】为什么冰不滑

    Why Ice Is Not Slippery Try telling someone who has just fallen on a patch of ice that ice is not slippery and theyll think youre crazy. But, in fact, ice itself isnt slippery because it is a solid. One quality of solids is that when two solids are t...

  • 【英语时差8,16】风信子鳞茎

    Tips: Hyacinths--风信子 buld--鳞茎 versatile--多功能 muscari--麦冬 cobalt--钴 non-scripta--Another hyacinth Hyacinths were first found growing in Asia, but because of the efforts of Dutch growers, there are now many varieties in the genus...

  • 【英语时差8,16】秋季种花的安排

    Tips: dew--露水 glisten--反光 savor--品味 blue salvia--蓝色鼠尾草 globe amaranth--千日红 lavender--薰衣草 celosia--鸡冠花 stem--茎,干 hydrangea--绣球 stiff--僵硬 bittersweet--苦乐参半 lantern--灯笼 crabapple--海棠...

  • 【英语时差8,16】发霉的奶酪

    Moldy Cheese Usually when we think of moldy foods, we picture a month-old loaf of bread forgotten in the back of a refrigerator. But some moldy foods can be quite delicious. For instance, many cheeses owe their sharp flavor to molds. The making of an...

  • 【英语时差8,16】金合欢树,蚂蚁和大象

    Acacias, Ants And Elephants D:Hey,Yael, what ants, acacia trees and elephants have in common? Y:Hmm,I don't know,Don. D:Ants, acacia trees and elephants are linked together in a somewhat ironic relationship. Acacias are thorny scrubby African trees.A...

  • 【英语时差8,16】菊花

    Tips: Chrysanthemums--菊花 parentage--亲子 Confucius--孔子 symbolic--象征 esteemed--尊敬 life-prolonging--长寿 herb--药草 transplant--移植 vigor--活力 soggy--潮湿 Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemums have been grown and hybridized for man...
