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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语时差8,16>
  • 【英语时差8,16】肥皂草

    生词: saponaria [ˌspəˈnɛərɪə] 肥皂草属 turmoil ['tə:mɔil] 骚动 Voltaire:French writer who was the embodiment of 18th century Enlightenment (1694-1778) utilitarian [͵ju:tili'təriən] 功利主义的, 实利主义的 buxom ['bʌk...

  • 【英语时差8,16】荷包牡丹

    生词: discentra [dai'sentrə] 荷包牡丹属植物 moisture ['mɔistə] 湿气, 水分 botanist [`bɔtənɪst] 植物学家 specimen ['spesimin,-mən] 样本; 样品 orient ['ɔ:riənt] 东方的 propagate ['prɔpəɡeit] 繁殖;传播 raceme...

  • 【英语时差8,16】危险的饼干

    Dangerous Biscuits When we are warned about the dangers of food, it usually relates to food allergies or food poisoning. The image of killer biscuits has never quite come in to people's minds. Millions of people reach for a 'biccy' whenever they pour...

  • 【英语时差8,16】一年生植物

    生词: annual ['njuəl] 一年生的 frost [frɔst,frɔ:st] 冰冻;结霜 perennial [pə'renjəl] 多年生的 marigold ['mriɡəuld] 金盏菊 zinnia ['zɪnɪə] 百日菊 petunia [pi'tju:njə,-niə] 矮牵牛 nasturtium [nə'stз:əm;(US)n...

  • 【英语时差8,16】怎样要求加薪?

    W:Good afternoon,Mr Calroson.Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me. M:I always make time for my best workers ,Clorial. Please have a seat. What can I do for you today? W:Well, as you know, I have been working here for about 15 year...

  • 【英语时差8,16】关心室内盆栽

    Caring For House Plants All plants need air, but houseplants dont get much fresh air when it is cold outdoors. Indoor plants suffer if they are too close to radiators, vents, fans or open windows as they dislike drafts. Move them back from windowpane...

  • 【英语时差8,16】害怕被剑齿虎咬

    D:Hey,Yale.Would you rather be bitten by a saber-toothed tiger or a modern day tiger? Y:Neither,of course.But if I have to pick,I supposed I choose the modern tiger.Since the saber-toothed tiger massive fangs. D:Well,you may be surprised to learn tha...

  • 【英语时差8,16】春之诗

    Poetry of Spring Come oer the eastern hills, and let our winds kiss my perfumed garments; let us taste they morn and evening breath; scatter thy pearls upon our lovesick land that mourns for thee. A more modern poet Siegfried Sassoon wrote a poem in...

  • 【英语时差8,16】浇水开花的室内盆栽

    Watering Flowering House Plants Some of us receive flowering plants as gifts, or buy them when it is too cold to keep them out of doors. We may worry about how much water they need in heated homes. First we should read the label that is (hopefully) t...

  • 【英语时差8,16】情人节的玫瑰

    Valentines Day Roses The rose, as a symbol of love has been recurring literary theme since the thirteenth century. There were at least three wild species of roses in Medieval Europe: the French Rose: Rosa Gallica, the Dog Rose Rosa Canina and the Egl...

  • 【英语时差8,16】麦克和亚曼达正在聊暑假计画

    Amanda: Summer vacation is just around the corner, so what are your plans for this year? Mike: I am going to work at the gift shop at the natural history museum, so I can save up for an electric guitar. Amanda: Really! I didn't know you had any music...

  • 【英语时差8,16】牛奶的巴氏灭菌法

    Pasteurized Milk All of the milk on the shelves at your local grocery store has been pasteurized to ensure that its safe to drink. Pasteurization makes milk safer to drink by heating it and killing potentially dangerous germs or harmful microbes. Mic...

  • 【英语时差8,16】艾米丽 迪金森

    Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 and lived all of her 56 years in Amherst, Massachusetts where, during her lifetime, she was celebrated more as a gardener than a poet. Gardening in mid-Victorian times was thought to be a more appropriate activity for...

  • 【英语时差8,16】花的复原

    Tips: catalogues--目录hyperbole--夸张weary--厌倦Paperwhite Narcissus--雪白水仙 cluster--集群floral--花的Philadelphia--费城habituated--习惯于A Flower Fix Flower Gardeners begin to get restless when February arrives. Fortunately, it...

  • 【英语时差8,16】恐龙也会得癌症?

    Dinosaur Cancer If you think that cancer is only found in humans, or that its a modern disease, think again. Scientists have not only found cancer in many other animals, they have found it in dinosaurs that lived more than sixty-five million years ag...
