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经济学人403:苹果 一体化产品

时间:2014-11-07 05:48来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]


  Frictionless1 fruit
  Convenience is the technology giant's latest weapon
  Cooking up a better Apple ecosystem2
  AN APPLE launch that has an audience of thousands clapping and whooping3? Must be a new iPhone, surely, or the long-awaited iWatch? The truth may sound dull, but it matters as much as any fancy new gadget4. What Apple's boss, Tim Cook, presented on June 2nd, at the company's annual conference for software developers in San Francisco, were upgraded operating systems, one for its Mac desktops6 and laptops and another for its mobile devices, plus a new programming language. These, combined with other moves to nurture7 the Apple “ecosystem”, should make its offerings even more attractive to both developers and consumers—and even more formidable to its rivals.
  Apple's pitch is greater convenience, in at least three ways. First, the operating systems, OS X Yosemite for Macs and iOS 8 for mobiles, will do more than improve on the current versions when they are released in the autumn.They will allow devices to work together seamlessly. An e-mail started on an iPhone or iPad can be finished on the desktop5. If your iPhone rings, you will be able to take the call on your Mac—in effect, using it as a speakerphone.
  至少从三个方面我们可以看出,本次苹果的战略中心在于提供更好的产品便捷性。首先是新的两大操作系统,当中包括电脑使用的OS X Yosemite以及移动设备所使用的iOS 8。而今年秋季这两大新系统正式发布时,人们将会看到这次的升级不仅仅是新系统在现有系统的基础上进行提升。新系统能够让所有的苹果产品进行无缝对接。例如,一封邮件的编辑可以从iPhone或者iPad上开始,并且能够转移到台式电脑里完成。如果你的iPhone响起了电话铃声,那你能够在自己的电脑里接听这通电话—实际上就相当于把电脑作为扬声电话来使用。
  Apple is not the first to make such a promise. When Microsoft launched its Windows 8 system in the autumn of 2012, its big idea was to provide the same experience on all types of device, from desktop to mobile. Yet few have bothered to buy Windows smartphones or tablets, or personal computers with Windows 8. “Microsoft have all the pieces,” says Carolina Milanesi of Kantar WorldPanel, a research firm, “but they haven't pulled it all together.”
  苹果并不是首家做出这种承诺的公司。例如,微软在2012年秋季Windows 8操作系统发布会举行之时,就已经将这样的一个设想呈现了出来:一个能够连接从电脑到移动设备所有类型产品,提供一体化体验的操作系统。然而,只有很少一部分人不厌其烦地购买了配有Windows系统的智能手机或平板电脑,或是配备Windows 8系统的个人电脑。来自调查公司Kantar WorldPanel的Carolina Milanesi表示,“微软已经拥有全部所需的设备,但他们并没有将其整合到一块。”
  Not only does Apple promise friction-free computing8; it has customers who are likely to use it. They upgrade eagerly, either by buying new gear or by installing new software on old stuff. Mr Cook boasted at the conference that 89% of Apple's mobile devices were on iOS 7 and 51% of Macs on OS X Mavericks9, the current incarnations. In comparison, he gloated, only 14% of Windows personal computers were on Windows 8. And a mere10 9% of mobile devices with Google's Android operating system had the latest variant11.
  苹果不仅对外承诺了一体化操作的更新,而且该品牌的顾客们也愿意去使用新系统。无论是购买新设备,还是在原有设备上更新软件,这些“果粉”永远渴望着更新换代。发布会当中,库克先生夸口称在目前使用的最新一代系统普及率方面,移动设备的iOS 7版本达到了89%,而电脑设备的OS X Mavericks则达到了51%。随后他得意地表示,相比之下,微软最新的系统Win 8在个人电脑市场普及率仅为14%,然而谷歌公司的安卓系统在移动设备市场的更新普及率也仅有9%。
  Apple's second move towards greater convenience is to loosen some of its tight restrictions12 on developers. They will be allowed to bundle apps for sale at a discount in Apple's store, to show video previews and to invite users to test beta versions. Apple will also allow third-party apps—for example, ones that apply fancy effects to photos—to be embedded13 in its own apps.
  The new programming language, Swift, will make it easier to write apps. Thanks to all this, programmers should be even keener to write them for iOS 8 first, before they turn to Android's many versions or to Windows. A fuller app store is in turn a bigger draw for consumers.
  全新的编程语言Swift能够使开发者更容易创造新的软件应用。多亏了这一点,编程人员应该会更愿意先为iOS 8系统开发软件应用,而不是转向安卓系统里为数众多的不同版本,或者是投向Windows系统。一个货架上商品琳琅满目苹果商店,相应地会对消费者们产生更大的吸引。
  The third convenience-boosting move is to simplify the growing mishmash of applications in two fields: health and the home. Apple plans to bring a lot of third-party health apps under a common platform, HealthKit, so that a blood-pressure reading from one app, say, might trigger an alert from another that prompts a call from the doctor. Likewise, HomeKit will bring together diverse apps for stuff around the house: at bedtime, a verbal instruction to an iPhone may lock the doors and dim the lights.
  Apple hopes that the sheer ease of having several interconnected apps in one place will bind14 people to its ecosystem of devices and software. People will still be able to switch to other devices, and take their data with them, but the fiddliness of changing over may keep them loyal. What may be more likely to put them off is who might get to see all their assiduously compiled data, especially about their health, a concern Apple sought to allay15 this week.
  Although Microsoft's new boss, Satya Nadella, is bursting with bright ideas about a “mobile first, cloud first” world, the firm has a lot of catching16 up to do. As for makers17 of Android devices, they lack Apple's control over the operating system and the app store. The biggest of them, Samsung, plans to sell a smartphone based on its own operating system, Tizen—probably as a hedge against reliance on Google. “This is something only Apple can do,” purred Mr Cook this week. For now, he is right.
  虽然微软的新老总Satya Nadella正想极力推动一堆充斥着脑海的好点子,有关创建“移动和云优先”世界的好点子,但公司还有许多方面需要努力迎头赶上。至于安卓设备的制造商们,他们所欠缺的是苹果公司的控制力——对操作系统以及应用商店的控制力。安卓阵营里规模最大的三星,正准备发售搭载了自家操作系统Tizen的智能手机——或许以此摆脱对谷歌安卓系统的依赖。本周,库克先生兴奋地说道:“这是只有苹果才能完成的事业。”而暂时来说,他说得很对。


1 frictionless tiTxY     
  • The suspension of the mirrors must be very frictionless, but strongly damped. 反射镜的悬挂既要无摩擦,但又要有强阻尼。
  • There is a frictionless hinge at C. C点是无摩擦铰。
2 ecosystem Wq4xz     
  • This destroyed the ecosystem of the island.这样破坏了岛上的生态系统。
  • We all have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.维持生态系统的完整是我们共同的利益。
3 whooping 3b8fa61ef7ccd46b156de6bf873a9395     
  • Whooping cough is very prevalent just now. 百日咳正在广泛流行。
  • Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough? 你给你的孩子打过百日咳疫苗了吗?
4 gadget Hffz0     
  • This gadget isn't much good.这小机械没什么用处。
  • She has invented a nifty little gadget for undoing stubborn nuts and bolts.她发明了一种灵巧的小工具用来松开紧固的螺母和螺栓。
5 desktop sucznX     
  • My computer is a desktop computer of excellent quality.我的计算机是品质卓越的台式计算机。
  • Do you know which one is better,a laptop or a desktop?你知道哪一种更好,笔记本还是台式机?
6 desktops 48b7203c1bafa2d05e78161da65feeed     
桌面( desktop的名词复数 )
  • You switch between these virtual desktops by clicking on the one you want to make active. 只需单击你所希望激活的桌面就可以在这些虚拟桌面之间进行切换。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • Laptops outsell desktops for the first time in the United States. 膝上型电脑首次在美国销售量胜过桌上型电脑。
7 nurture K5sz3     
  • The tree grows well in his nurture.在他的培育下这棵树长得很好。
  • The two sisters had received very different nurture.这俩个姊妹接受过极不同的教育。
8 computing tvBzxs     
  • to work in computing 从事信息处理
  • Back in the dark ages of computing, in about 1980, they started a software company. 早在计算机尚未普及的时代(约1980年),他们就创办了软件公司。
9 mavericks 3ac87f645e7e17c0410306b33eb282f6     
未烙印的牲畜( maverick的名词复数 ); 标新立异的人,不合常规的人
  • And what about the Dallas Mavericks and Dirk Nowitzki? 那达拉斯小牛队和诺维斯基呢?
  • And we see it with bringing Jason Kidd to the Dallas Mavericks. 而且我们看到它同实现基德向达拉斯小牛队。
10 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
11 variant GfuzRt     
  • We give professional suggestions according to variant tanning stages for each customer.我们针对每位顾客不同的日晒阶段,提供强度适合的晒黑建议。
  • In a variant of this approach,the tests are data- driven.这个方法的一个变种,是数据驱动的测试。
12 restrictions 81e12dac658cfd4c590486dd6f7523cf     
约束( restriction的名词复数 ); 管制; 制约因素; 带限制性的条件(或规则)
  • I found the restrictions irksome. 我对那些限制感到很烦。
  • a snaggle of restrictions 杂乱无章的种种限制
13 embedded lt9ztS     
  • an operation to remove glass that was embedded in his leg 取出扎入他腿部玻璃的手术
  • He has embedded his name in the minds of millions of people. 他的名字铭刻在数百万人民心中。
14 bind Vt8zi     
  • I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.我让服务生帮你把包裹包起来。
  • He wants a shirt that does not bind him.他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
15 allay zxIzJ     
  • The police tried to allay her fears but failed.警察力图减轻她的恐惧,但是没有收到什么效果。
  • They are trying to allay public fears about the spread of the disease.他们正竭力减轻公众对这种疾病传播的恐惧。
16 catching cwVztY     
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
17 makers 22a4efff03ac42c1785d09a48313d352     
  • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
  • The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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