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  • 经济学人254:瑞典政府 生命短暂 Sweden's government 瑞典政府 That was quick 生命短暂 Stefan Lofven's fall shows the strength of the far-right Sweden Democrats 瑞典首相斯特凡勒文下台,彰显瑞典极右翼民主党实力 IT WAS supposed to be the Swedish Social D
  • 经济学人255:城市放权 领导求权若渴奈何时机未到 City devolution 城市放权 Viva la Wolvolution 万岁 Few city regions are ready for the powers their leaders crave 领导求权若渴,奈何时机未到 WOLVERHAMPTON, a poor city in the West Midlands, and Solihull, a rich suburb 30 miles (48km)
  • 经济学人256:添砖加瓦 政府促进房地产建设的步伐跌跌撞撞 New homes 新家 Building blocks 添砖加瓦 The government makes a lame attempt to boost house-building 政府促进房地产建设的步伐跌跌撞撞 AS GEORGE OSBORNE prepared to deliver his autumn statement, on December 2nd, Danny Alexander, h
  • 经济学人257:小型食品店 美味的熟食 Boutique food shops 小型食品店 Deli-licious 美味的熟食 As supermarkets flounder, small food and drink retailers are booming 大型超市困境中挣扎之际,正是小型饮食零售店繁荣之时 Chi-chi cheese 琦琦奶酪 INVESTORS in
  • 经济学人258:莱克星顿 移民的数字游戏 Lexington 莱克星顿 The immigrant numbers game 移民的数字游戏 Why Barack Obama's partial amnesty won't be reversed 为什么奥巴马的局部赦令不会被逆转? SOMETIMES the hardest questions come from friendly crowds. Barack Obama o
  • 经济学人259:德国的大学 处于顶尖和一般之间 German universities 德国的大学 Between great and so-so 处于顶尖和一般之间 Not in the elite but improving, German universities bet on a middle way 虽非精英教育但一直在提高,德国的大学秉承着中庸之道 A GLANCE at th
  • 经济学人260:尼加拉瓜运河 挖掘真相 Nicaragua's canal 尼加拉瓜运河 Digging for truth 挖掘真相 Chinese construction is due to startbut of what? 这个中国建设的工程是为了什么而动工。 ON DECEMBER 22nd an odd coupleNicaragua's left-wing government and a Chinese-b
  • 经济学人261:欧盟委员会 处在正确位置的朋友 The European Commission 欧盟委员会 Friends in the right places 处在正确位置的朋友 The British are down, the Germans and east Europeans are up 英国势力不在,德国和东欧的势力崛起 I AM French, I am deeply French, but here
  • 经济学人262:年度国家奖 希望在跳跃 Our country of the year 年度国家奖 Hope springs 希望在跳跃 This has been a bad year for nation-states. But someand one in particulardeserve congratulations 今年对于国家来说并不好,但是一些国家,特别是有一个国家,还
  • 经济学人263:希腊和欧元 Greece and the euro 希腊和欧元 Crisis revisited 危机重现 The euro is still vulnerable, and Greece is not the only problem 欧元仍然脆弱不堪,而希腊不是其中唯一的问题。 IT WAS almost exactly five years ago that the euro c
  • 经济学人264:气候变化与地质工程学 地球发光令人担心 Climate change and geoengineering 气候变化与地质工程学 Fears of a bright planet 地球发光,令人担心 Experiments designed to learn more about ways of geoengineering the climate should be allowed to proceed 为更好地利用工程学手
  • 经济学人265:家庭财富 资产负债表的繁荣 Household wealth 家庭财富 The balance-sheet boom 资产负债表的繁荣 Household wealth, and debt, is forecast to swell in 2015 预计2015年家庭财富和债务将膨胀 WITH the excesses of Christmas nearly over, Britons are planning their
  • 经济学人266:阿根廷债务 别签协议啦 Argentina's debt 阿根廷债务 Let's not make a deal 别签协议啦 Argentina may spurn a chance to settle with its creditors 阿根廷或将还债机会弃如敝履 WHEN Argentina defaulted on its debt for the second time in 13 years last July, t
  • 经济学人267:空气污染 英国需要采取更多措施来净化污浊的空气 Air pollution 空气污染 The big smoke 雾都 Britain needs to do more to clean up its dirty air 英国需要采取更多措施来净化污浊的空气 VISITING Oxford Street, a road teeming with tatty shops and overcrowded with people, is plainly
  • 经济学人268:公共信息电影广告 莫停留莫张望莫听信 Public-information films 公共信息电影广告 Don't stop, don't look, don't listen 莫停留,莫张望,莫听信 Scary adverts don't work, yet they are everywhere 骇人的广告如同鸡肋却无处不在 CHATTERING schoolchildren don colour