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相关教程: 绝命毒师 美剧 学英语





  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第15期:缩写及读音 《绝命毒师》讲解 第15期:跟读
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第16期:如何拼读 Walt: I was curious. Honestly, I never expected you to amount to much, but methamphetamine? I didn't picture that. There's a lot of money in it, huh? 我只是好奇,说实话,我从没期望你有什么成就,但是甲基安非他命?我可没
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第17期:美语的T Welcome Back Kotter John Travolta Dead Poets Sociaety 死亡诗社 Captain Cook Captain Hook 发音要点: The American T Written Sentence Mountain She's certain that he has written it.
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第18期:小词大用partner Walt: The DEA took all your money, your lab. You got nothing. Square 1. But you know the business. And I know the chemistry. I'm thinking maybe you and I could partner up. 缉毒署拿走了你所有的钱,你的实验室,你现在什么都没有了
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第19期:知识点 Marie: And somebody bought it? 还有人买这个? Skyler: Yeah, some guy in Minneapolis. $14.00 plus shipping. 有个Minneapolis的人买的,14美金加运费。 Marie: At this rate, in 50 or 60years, you'll be rich. So how goes the novel? 照这个
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第20期:学俚语记单词 Walt: You and I will not make garbage. We will produce a chemically pure and stable product that performs as advertised. 咱俩不会做垃圾。我们要做跟宣传的一样的,化学纯度高并且稳定的产品。 As advertised 跟宣传的一样
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第21期:跟读 《绝命毒师》讲解 第21期:跟读
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第22期:构造口语长句 Walt: This is all the money I have in the world. This is all the money. This is all the money + (that) I have + in the world. Did you see the book? Did you see the book I bought? Did you see the book I bought from Amazon? Did you see the book I bough
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第23期:知识点 Jesse: Nah, come on! Man, some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, all of sudden at age, what, 60, he's just gonna break bad? 一个像你这么正直的人,突然间,60岁了,就突然变化了? Break bad 失去控制,变坏 Jesse:
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第24期:买衣服必备 So how are those feeling in the waist? 腰那感觉怎么样? Are they too tight? 有没有太紧? Are you sure you don't want want to get a different kind? 你确定不要另一种? Try on something 试(衣服) 想试衣服,可以跟店员
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第25期:小词大用shot You have one shot! 开枪;枪声 I was in my house and I heard two shots outside. I immediately called the police. 我在家里听到两声枪响。我立刻就报了警。 尝试某事 This level is too hard. I can't beat it. Do you want a shot at
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第26期:着装标准 good clothes dress code 公司、学校、餐馆、活动等场合的穿衣要求。 正式着装 Formal Attire White tie ball gown tailcoat 半正式着装 Semi-formal Black tie evening wear tuxedo 非正式着装Informal attire 商务穿着Business
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第27期:老白小粉语言对比 Jesse: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, work it. Baby, work it. Work it. 让别人做出性感姿势时说的话 Yeah, hold that pose. Work it! Nice I think we got the shot. 好,保持那个姿势,性感一点!不错,我觉得拍好了。 Walt: Actually,
  • 《绝命毒师》讲解 第28期:如何强烈感谢别人 You are a life saver. 你简直是救命恩人 Yeah, man. 是啊,伙计 We can't thank you enough. 我们实在太感激你了 Hey, mad props. 太感谢了