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密歇根新闻广播(News for Michigan)

  • 密歇根新闻广播 纳税人的钱是否可以进入私立学校 纳税人的钱是否可以进入私立学校 The Michigan Supreme Court will decide whether it's ever okay under the state Constitution for taxpayer dollars to support private schools. The case challenges two state budgets adopted by Republicans. Th
  • 密歇根新闻广播 人们抗议建立发电站 Residents are trying to stop a Michigan energy company from building a massive gas plant in Rives Township, a rural area north of Jackson known for its horse farms. Residents packed a planning commission meeting on Monday. They asked the commission t
  • 密歇根新闻广播 take a listen的语法正确吗 When someone asks you to take a listen, it's usually meant as a friendly invitation. But not everyone wants to take a listen. Several listeners have asked us about this phrase, including one who wanted to know whether it's grammatically correct. We'r
  • 密歇根新闻广播 农民依靠保险度过恶劣天气 This rainy spring made it difficult for farmers to plant crops, and that means many farmers are turning to crop insurance. Matt Thelen, crop insurance specialist for the Michigan Farm Bureau, says about 80% of Michigan farmers have crop insurance. Wh
  • 密歇根新闻广播 高院否决了人口普查的公民问题 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday to reject the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census for now. The Trump Administration said it wanted to add the question to enforce the Voting Rights Act, which protects minority voters' access to
  • 密歇根新闻广播 汽车传奇李·艾柯卡去世 Automotive legend Lee Iacocca, known best for developing the Ford Mustang and pulling Chrysler back from the brink of bankruptcy in the 1980s, has died. He was 94. The son of Italian immigrants rose from a modest background to become a household name
  • 密歇根新闻广播 边境现状令人担忧 It was a tense and emotional visit for Democratic lawmakers at Border Patrol facilities in Texas where migrant families are being detained. Twenty-one members of Congress, including Michigan's Rashida Tlaib visited the facilities Monday. It was emoti
  • 密歇根新闻广播 探讨一下巴士政策 In the presidential campaign, Democrat Joe Biden's past positions on school busing have become an issue. Growing up in Alabama, Detroit Free Press columnist Nancy Kaffer was bused as a result of a desegregation lawsuit. That experience has left her w
  • 密歇根新闻广播 发育问题少年不易吸食大麻 As more states climb aboard the legal weed train, there are voices from the medical community urging caution, especially when it comes to teens. They warn that adolescent brains are exposed to a much more potent form of cannabis than the pot of days
  • 密歇根新闻广播 诈骗电话不会停止 诈骗电话不会停止 If it seems like the only phone calls you get are robocalls and scams, you're not alone. According to Robocall Index, 4.4 billion of these calls were made in the United States in June. That's 6 million calls every hour, 1,700
  • 密歇根新闻广播 24个县类阿片滥用严重 As Michigan joins the nation in seeking solutions to the opioid crisis, researchers at the University of Michigan have come up with an important tool for policymakers and leaders. It's a study that identifies counties considered high-risk in the opio
  • 密歇根新闻广播 科技对制造业的影响 A majority of Americans see manufacturing as vital to the country's economy, but much fewer are confident about its future. That's according to a new survey from the Brookings Institute. The survey also found that few respondents would encourage youn
  • 密歇根新闻广播 in and of itself多余吗 Apparently, in and of itself is the source of some concern about redundancy. This phrase wasn't actually on our radar until a listener brought it up at our most recent Grammar Night event. The listener wanted to know whether the phrase is redundant.
  • 密歇根新闻广播 对候选人自由言论的限定 Last week, a federal appeals court ruled that President Donald Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking critics on Twitter. In Michigan, state politicians are also wrestling with the parameters of free speech online. That's after GOP state Repr
  • 密歇根新闻广播 解决家庭暴力有新招 Kalamazoo County is taking a new approach to address domestic violence. The county unveiled its plan for a trauma court on Monday. It's a program that would consider the past trauma and abuse that perpetrators of domestic violence have experienced in