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  • PBS高端访谈:大西洋有记录以来最强飓风Irma来袭 In the day's other major story, Hurricane Irma is now the most powerful storm ever recorded in the open Atlantic Ocean. It has winds of 185 miles an hour, and it's closing in on the Northeast Caribbean. That has one forecaster warning that the Leewar
  • PBS高端访谈:佛罗里达人因Irma飓风而逃离 Hurricane Irma is now blamed for more than 20 deaths across the Caribbean. It made landfall overnight in Cuba as a Category 5 storm. 155-mile-an-hour winds battered the island's northern coast, and the storm surge reached 12 feet in some areas. In th
  • PBS高端访谈:厄玛飓风肆虐维京群岛 Meanwhile, across the Caribbean, at least three dozen people are dead in Irma's wake. Officials are struggling to get aid to the region's islands devastated by what was then a Category 5 storm. In the British Virgin Islands, thousands have no electri
  • PBS高端访谈:饱受厄玛摧残的安圭拉人称需要更多英国的援助 Now to the Northern Caribbean, where island dwellers have spent a week amid smashed ruins, with no power and reports of fighting over food. The president of France visited St. Barts today, after spending the night on a cot on St. Martin. British fore
  • PBS高端访谈:7.1级地震检测墨西哥的应急反应 In another major story today: An earthquake shook Central Mexico, knocking down buildings and killing at least 61 people. The quake measured 7.1 and was centered about 75 miles southeast of Mexico City. Richard Ensor is the Mexico City bureau chief f
  • PBS高端访谈:为什么墨西哥城易受地震的影响? Yesterday's earthquake in Mexico was the second in less than two weeks and brought back memories of the terrible tremor that hit 30 years to the day yesterday. So many are asking about why the country and region seem more prone to these earthquakes.
  • PBS高端访谈:飓风玛丽亚袭击加勒比海地区 And now to Hurricane Maria. The confirmed death toll across the Caribbean rose to 19 today, nearly all of them on the island of Dominica. Reports also began coming in of widespread damage on Puerto Rico, after it took an all-day pounding on Wednesday
  • PBS高端访谈:在墨西哥中部 地震幸存者面临巨大的损失 It's early Saturday morning in Ocuilan, Mexico and Faustino Jimenez hopes he won't be delivering more bad news. He's an volunteer engineer, trained by the Mexican civil defense force. Hundreds of homes have been damaged or destroyed in this area. Jim
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普的最新旅行禁令有何改动? The U.S. Supreme Court is dropping, for now, upcoming arguments over President Trump's controversial travel ban. The move comes one day after the White House issued a revised and expanded ban. It restricts travel to the U.S. from eight countries, inc
  • PBS高端访谈:美国大学篮球曝出贿赂丑闻 Finally tonight, yet another scandal has rocked the world of college basketball, and this time it's caught up some of the sport's biggest names. Jeffrey Brown has that. Big money in college sports, that's no surprise. But today's charges expose a lar
  • PBS高端访谈:美属维尔京群岛需要从头开始重建医院 Puerto Rico is not alone in coping with the aftermath of two hurricanes. The U.S. Virgin Islands were also left in ruin. I spoke a short time ago with Governor Kenneth Mapp, and began by asking about where things stand there. We're moving out of resc
  • PBS高端访谈:雇包机惹众怒 美卫生部长普赖斯辞职 But now let's return to the resignation of Tom Price, and similar questions being raised about other members of the Trump Cabinet. Price stepped down after it was revealed he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on private airplane flights for hims
  • PBS高端访谈:报道称俄罗斯黑客盗取美国国家安全局数据 There is new information today about Russia obtaining highly classified information about how the U.S. military protects its computer networks and how it conducts electronic spying. Hari Sreenivasan has that story. The Wall Street Journal reports on
  • PBS高端访谈:缅怀拉斯维加斯枪击案受害者 We remember now some of the victims of the tragedy in Las Vegas. They were mothers and fathers, siblings and teachers, veterans and colleagues. Here are 12 of the 59 people who died in Sunday's shooting, and what co-workers, friends, and loved ones h
  • PBS高端访谈:玛丽亚飓风给波多黎各的电力带来问题 Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico's power grid, but it turns out Puerto Rico's power company was in deep trouble before the storm struck two weeks ago. Reuters reporter Jessica Resnick-Ault has reported on that side of the story. She joins me now