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  • PBS高端访谈:美国纽约发生地铁炸弹袭击 Judy Woodruff: Two weeks before Christmas, residents and workers in New York City experienced another frightening moment. An explosion occurred in a passageway in the subway near the Port Authority bus terminal. The would-be suicide bomber left at le
  • PBS高端访谈:美国共和党急于敲定税收改革法案 Judy Woodruff: On Capitol Hill, House and Senate Republicans are rushing to finish their overhaul of the tax code, with the goal of holding a final vote next week. As our William Brangham reports, details of the compromise are still emerging, as are
  • PBS高端访谈:谁将从共和党税改中获利? Hari Sreenivasan: The delivery of the 1000 page plus GOP tax plan late yesterday marks an important step toward the first major legislative victory for the Trump administration. The final vote on the bill is expected next week before heading to the p
  • PBS高端访谈:美国华盛顿州列车脱轨 6人死亡多人受伤 Judy Woodruff: The wreckage of an Amtrak train lies strewn around an overpass in Washington state tonight. It derailed this morning with 84 people on board. At least six were killed and dozens were hurt. The southbound train went off the rails near t
  • PBS高端访谈:共和党的税改法案严重影响了平价医疗法案 Judy Woodruff: We return to the tax bill that Congress voted to pass along party lines today. The reach of the measure extends beyond what you file with the IRS to health care. John Yang has more on that. John Yang: Judy, the bill repeals the penalti
  • PBS高端访谈:背井离乡逃缅甸 终得喘息芝加哥 Hari Sreenivasan: Various refugee crises dominated news headlines this year, including Rohingyas, more than a million of whom have fled their homes in Myanmar.Many have ended up in camps in Bangladesh, but some have made it to the U.S., and the major
  • PBS高端访谈:美国记者马文·卡尔布回忆录:改变俄罗斯的一年 HARI SREENIVASAN: We return to Russia.Some 40 years after the Bolshevik Revolution, in 1956, the country found itself again in the midst of turmoil and upheaval. That's the focus of Judy Woodruff's latest addition to the NewsHour Bookshelf. JUDY WOOD
  • PBS高端访谈:黎巴嫩在叙利亚的重建中觅得经济机会 Judy Woodruff: But first, Syria's grinding civil war has led to destruction on an astonishing scale. Great swathes of the country lie in ruins. But now plans for rebuilding are beginning to take shape. As special correspondent Jane Ferguson reports f
  • PBS高端访谈:受灾后的波多黎各人未来不确定不安全 Judy Woodruff: Next- an update from Puerto Rico. Nearly four months after Hurricane Maria ravaged the island in late September, as Jeffrey Brown explores, the return to anything like normal life for most residents has been agonizingly slow. Jeffrey B
  • PBS高端访谈:肯塔基医补工作要求对受益者提出质疑 HARI SREENIVASAN: On Friday, Kentucky became the first state granting permission to mandate work requirements for those receiving Medicaid benefits. The new requirements affect approximately 350,000 adult recipients in this state aged 19 to 64. About
  • PBS高端访谈:越来越多的教会为无证移民敞开大门 Judy Woodruff: But first, throughout his campaign for office, President Trump made halting illegal immigration and building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border a central theme. Now, nearly a year since he was inaugurated, Immigration and Customs Enfo
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普的墙能立起来吗 Judy Woodruff: As we have been hearing, one issue that's sure to be part of immigration talks in coming weeks is the president's proposed border wall with Mexico. The controversial wall, a hallmark of Mr. Trump's campaign, has yet to materialize. The
  • PBS高端访谈:GPS数据如何泄露敏感军事地点 Judy Woodruff: Millions of people around the world wear mobile devices or have apps on their smart-phones that track how much they exercise. John Yang explores whether that data from the Fitbits some of you are wearing right now perhaps and other app
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普政府下 数百个政府要职空缺 Judy Woodruff: The announced departure of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe opens up yet another high-level government post under President Trump. In his case, it's being filled by the number three ranking person at the FBI. But, as our own Lisa Desj
  • PBS高端访谈:总统如何利用国情咨文缔造历史 Judy Woodruff: And now we step back for a historical perspective on addresses to the nation. The State of the Union is an uninterrupted opportunity for President Trump to outline his legislative agenda and his priorities. To help us understand the po