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  • 趣味英语第110期:父母办离婚期间怎么专注于学业

    Amer Ryals asks: 安美里尔斯问道: How can you focus on school when your parents are getting a divorce? 父母办离婚期间怎么专注于学业? (sympathetically) Oh, poor thing. (同情地)哦,真可怜。 You know you love your pa...

  • 趣味英语第109期:和朋友聚会时怎么能不一直看手机

    Footballholic-yes, I love that name. 足球狂我喜欢这个名字。 How can I stop looking at the phone all the time when hanging out with friends? 和朋友聚会时怎么能不一直看手机? Seriously... (sighs) I have that problem. 说实话(...

  • 趣味英语第108期:怎么去比奇堡

    Partyprice asks: Partyprice问道: How can I go to Bikini Bottom? 怎么去比奇堡? Okay, guys, let me know about what Bikini Bottom is. 好吧,伙计,先告诉我比奇堡是什么。 Bikini Bottom? Is it a store? 比奇堡?那是商店吗...

  • 趣味英语第107期:恋情进展太慢怎么办

    Dash 12579-that's a lot of numbers. Dash 12579好多数字。 What should I do if my relationship is moving too slow for me? 如果我认为我的恋情进展太慢要怎么办? Speed it up! 加速呀! Try and speed it up on your own, and then se...

  • 趣味英语第106期:在公共场合想躲开熟人怎么办

    MandMs AJ wants to know: MandMs AJ想知道: What is a good way to hide from people you know in public? 在公共场合躲避熟人有什么好方法? This happens to me a lot. 我经常遇到这种事。 My advice is don't go out in public. 我的...

  • 趣味英语第105期:怎么克服晕血症

    LPS Sweety: LPS Sweety问道: What do I do to get over my fear of blood? 我怎么才能克服晕血症? (squeamish groan) (谨慎的叹息) Watch Bad Blood? You know it used to be mad love. 观看《敌对》这首歌的MV?这本来应该是...

  • 趣味英语第104期:如何永葆青春

    Neverland711 asks: Neverland711问道: How do I stay forever young 我怎么能永葆青春? Oh my god, that makes a lot of sense. Are you Peter Pan? 哦我的天哪,这有很多意义。你是彼得潘吗? Well, if I knew I wouldn't be sitti...

  • 趣味英语第103期:如何找到心灵伴侣

    Jacoco OS asks: Jacoco OS问道: How do you find your soulmate? 如何找到心灵伴侣? Oh my goodness, my goodness, my goodness. 哦,我的天哪,我的天哪,我的天哪。 I guess try online dating. 我认为可以试试网上约会。...

  • 趣味英语第102期:怎么建造通量电容器

    N3RD09UY asks: N3RD09UY问道: Hmm, am I talking to a computer here? 嗯,我是在和电脑说话吗? How do I build a Flux Cap-a-tap-a-dabbah-dab? 我怎么能建造通量电容器? I have no idea what that is. 我不知道那是什么。 I...

  • 趣味英语第101期:怎么摆脱令人尴尬的摔倒

    YoloMc Prantone writes in: YoloMc Prantone写道: How do you recover from an embarrassing fall? 怎么摆脱令人尴尬的摔倒? Just say, I'm okay! 只要说:我没事! You cover your face and run! 你可以遮住你的脸跑开! Laugh i...

  • 趣味英语第100期:用时空机器回到过去还是去未来

    Time Travel 222-ooh, time travel! 时空旅行222哦,时空旅行! I just built a time machine, but I can only choose one way to travel. Should I go to the past or to the future, and why? 我刚建了一个时空机器,不过我只能选择一种...

  • 趣味英语第99期:怎么让女友的父亲喜欢我

    Tom Krovs asks: 汤姆克罗夫斯问道: How do I get my girlfriend's father to like me? 怎么让女友的父亲喜欢我? Ooh, that's a hard one. 哦,这很难。 Don't do anything that the dad does not like. 不要做任何她爸爸不喜欢的...

  • 趣味英语第98期:美味酱料的配方是什么

    Chloe Barnes asks: 克洛伊巴恩斯问道: What is the recipe for awesome sauce? 美味酱料的配方是什么? There is no recipe for awesome sauce. It just happens. 没有美味酱料的配方。可遇不可求。 I would say you can go onli...

  • 趣味英语第97期:遇上交通堵塞怎么办

    Nick Lee asks: 尼克李问道: What should I do if I get stuck in a traffic jam? 遇上交通堵塞应该怎么办? Okay, being in LA, like, we know this so much. 好,在洛杉矶生活的我们非常了解这种情况。 Start honking your ho...

  • 趣味英语第96期:考试时如何集中注意力

    Paula Andrea wants to know: 宝拉安德莉亚想知道: How can I concentrate in the middle of an exam? 考试时如何集中注意力? I have so much trouble with this. Oh my god. Try your hardest. That's all I can tell you. 我在这方面也有...
