Carbon dioxide is a potent greenhouse gas. 二氧化碳是一种强力的温室气体。 Levels of carbon dioxide, or CO2, in the atmosphere are increasing at an unprecedented rate. 大气中的二氧化碳的浓度正在以前所未有的速度增长。...
It's four A.M. 早上四点, You're tucked safely into a warm bed, savoring thelast few hours of sleep before daybreak. 你还在温暖的被窝里蜷着,享受着天亮前为数不多的睡眠时间。 And then, suddenly (a rooster crows). 此刻却...
Everyone is familiar with the sight of robins hopping aroundthe yard, peering into the grass or head-cocking to locate anice juicy worm. 后院里,知更鸟跳来跳去,注视着草丛,晃头晃脑地搜寻着可口多汁的昆虫。这样的情景...
The Lycaenids are a group of butterflies known commonly as blues, coppers and hairstreaks. 灰蝴蝶是一群被认为有着蓝色,紫铜色,并且翅膀上有细纹的蝴蝶, Most species of Lycaenidbutterflies have evolved close, mutually- be...
Everybody likes music, right? 人人都爱音乐,对吧? I mean, no matter who you are, where you live, or what your ethnicor cultural background is, people everywhere derive some pleasure from listening to their favoritemusic. 不管你是谁,住...
As you may have heard, frogs and toads have had a rough time over the past several years. 就如你听说的那样,青蛙和蟾蜍在过去的数年中都过得很艰难。 Some populations have vanished entirely, while others suffer disease and gr...
What is metabolism really? 新陈代谢是什么? Statements like he can eat a lotbecause he has a fast metabolism are somewhat misleading. 他很能吃是因为他新陈代谢很快像这样的说法有点误导我们。 Metabolism isn't about the...
These dark flies are driving me badly! 这些飞来飞去的黑苍蝇快把我逼疯了! I wish I couldstrangle each of every one of them! 我真想把他们全部勒死! I'm sorry to say, but that's impossible. 很遗憾,你办不到! I real...
Fill a kettle with water, then turn on the burner. 灌满水壶,扭开炉灶。 In a while, your kettle will start belching white billowy stuff into the air. 不一会儿,你会发现水壶向空气喷出滚滚白气。 What is this stuff? Steam?...
How do you improve at any sport? You train, train, train. 你怎样才能在体育运动方面有所提高呢?你不停地锻炼。 But how you train is just as important as how much. 但是你怎样锻炼与锻炼量的多少同样重要。 Armed...
If you're like many people, when you think of algae you picture the unsightly green film that forms on neglected swimming pools and fish tanks. 如许多人一样,当你想到藻类的时候,你会在脑海中即刻闪现出在无人问津的游泳...
When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass;When grass is dry at morning light, look for rain before thenight. 如果早晨青草上有露珠,当天就不会下雨;如果青草上没有露珠,傍晚前就会下雨。 What's the s...
You go to the local laundromat to do your wash. 想象一下你带着换洗衣物到附近洗衣店清洗, In the spinningbarrel full of sudsy water you load clothes of all colors: 呈现眼前的是一个装满了肥皂泡水的大滚筒,这时你...
There's a good reason for the law enforcing seatbelt usage inmany states. 很多国家法律规定使用安全带是有原因的。 Seatbelts saved nearly 12,000 lives in the year 2000. 2000年,安全带的使用挽救了近1200条生命。 In this...
Most of us are cautious eaters. 大多数人对吃的东西都很谨慎。 If you're munching grapes, you'll probably skip one that's allshriveled and discolored in favor of the round, healthy ones. 比如在吃葡萄时,你会选择圆圆的,健康...