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  • 时差N小时 大自然最杰出的建造师

    Unless you're an entomologist or a beekeeper, beestypically inspire one thing: fear. 一提到蜜蜂,大家能联想到的可能是可怕,昆虫学者或养蜂人当然例外啦。 But most bees are non-aggressive, and only sting when provoked. 但...

  • 时差N小时 音乐和非文字记忆

    Even if you haven't touched a piano in years, if you suffered through music lessons as a kid you may have benefited from those lessons in ways you wouldn't expect. 即使你已经很久没有弹钢琴,但只要你小时候学过钢琴,你就能在各...

  • 时差N小时 酸雨

    What are you doing outside, Don? It's about to rain. 你在干嘛呢?马上下雨啦! I'm setting out bottles. 我在放瓶子。 I can see that. But why? 我看得出来!有什么用呢? For my new business venture. Bottled rainwater! 做新的...

  • 时差N小时 营养基因组学

    The study of genes has shown that every individual is genetically unique, and this discovery leads to a host ofquestions as to the relationship between an individual's genesand environmental factors such as diet. 由对基因的研究人们得出结论...

  • 时差N小时 天冷不宜锻炼?

    WooIt's freezing out. 哇,外面太冷了。 Come on, It's not that cold. 不会吧,没那么夸张。 Sure it is. Yael.I guess there's just no way I can go jogging today. 确实很冷啊。我想今天也没办法跑步了。 Oh, so that's what...

  • 时差N小时 不安的大象

    Here's a gruesome hypothetical:If you and your family were rounded up, and you were forced to watch as older relatives were killed, how would it affect you? 设想这样一个可怕的场景:你和家人遭受围捕,你被迫目睹长辈被杀,这...

  • 时差N小时 昆虫是怎样喝水的?

    I was sitting on my Porsche yesterday,having a soda,and a wasp picked its head into the can and drink from mysoda. 昨儿我坐在我的保时捷里,喝着汽水,一只黄蜂将头伸进了我的瓶子,喝起了我的汽水。 For the sugar I k...

  • 时差N小时 老人们仍能欣赏幽默吗?

    Maybe when people get older, sense of a humor is the first thing to go. 也许,人年纪越大,越是幽默感至上。 Actually, research suggests that old folks, if they're healthy, canstill appreciate humor as much as a younger person can. 事实...

  • 时差N小时 自信来源于点头

    Yael, everyday I grow closer to my goal of mind-control. 我觉得自己每天都在不断的靠近我思维控制的目标。 What do you mean, Don? 毫无头绪,你在讲什么啊? Check out this study from Ohio State University that saysnoddin...

  • 时差N小时 健忘症

    When we remember something, the neurons in our brains communicate with each other in a particular way. 我们在记忆一些事情的时候,大脑里的神经元会以一种特殊的方式进行交流。 The chemical and sometimes even structural c...

  • 时差N小时 寂寞会传染

    Some diseases are contagiouslike colds, flu, and chickenpox. 一些疾病是会传染的,例如一般感冒、流感以及水痘。 But what about loneliness? 但是寂寞会不会传染呢? Loneliness may not be adisease, at least not in the sam...

  • 时差N小时 入侵非洲大陆的蜗牛

    Like many midwesterners, it turns out that giant African landsnails really love Florida. 体型巨大的非洲陆生蜗牛同许多生活在中西部地区的动物一样大爱美国弗罗里达州。 Unfortunately, giant African Land Snails are some...

  • 时差N小时 睡觉的时候不会打喷嚏

    The signs are unmistakable: the eyes water, the chestheaves, the nose twitches, the body tenses, suspense buildsuntil finally a sneeze blasts forth, concluding the drama. 眼睛湿润,胸部隆起,鼻子一阵抽搐,身体紧绷,就这样待定...

  • 时差N小时 杯有多满?

    How does the shape of a glass affect how much you drink? 水杯的形状是怎样影响喝水量的呢? Ascientist set out to examine just this, and the results are ratherastounding. 一位科学家打算调查一下,调查结果相当令人惊讶。...

  • 时差N小时 费尔米悖论

    Back in 1950, the Nobel prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi washaving lunch with friends. 早在1950年,诺贝尔奖获得者恩里克费尔米正与他的朋友吃午餐。 Conversation turned to the possibilityof extraterrestrial life. 他们的话...
