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环球英语 — 350:Italian Earthquake

时间:2011-10-09 06:21来源:互联网 提供网友:dulldoll   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Hello and welcome to Spotlight1. I'm Adam Navis.
Voice 2
And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 3
Pieces of buildings lie on the ground. People cry and shout. Reporters take pictures of the grey dusty2 earth. One minute this town was beautiful. The next minute, it was in ruins.
Voice 1
On April 6, 2009 the earth shook under the towns and cities of central Italy. It was Italy's worst earthquake for thirty [30] years. The earthquake destroyed much of the town of L'Aquila. It destroyed thousands of houses. And hundreds of people died. In today's programme we look at what happened and why. We also tell what the experts advise people to do in an earthquake.
Voice 2
L'Aquila lies in a beautiful valley, surrounded by the Apennine mountains. It is almost one hundred [100] kilometres northeast of Italy's capital city, Rome. L'Aquila was originally3 built in the thirteenth century. However, an earthquake in the 1700s destroyed many of the original buildings. And so people had to rebuild their town. Today the town's buildings are a mix of old and new. Old buildings are in the centre, and more modern buildings are away from the centre. In April 2009, people watched both ancient and modern buildings fall to the ground.
Voice 3
Santa Maria di Collemaggio is one of the area's most famous churches. Part of it fell...
Voice 4
Four churches and a sixteenth century castle were partly destroyed.
Voice 3
L'Aquila was proud of its new public hospital. It opened in 2000. The building was supposed to be more resistant5 to earthquakes. But it fell along with the ancient buildings. Doctors were forced to treat earthquake victims6 outside.'
Voice 1
Franco Barbieri is an expert in the scientific study of the earth's structure7. He shared the same opinion as other such scientists.  They say that Italian buildings were not built to stand against earthquakes - against seismic8 events. Barbieri said:
Voice 5
'Other countries have been using anti-seismic protection9 for some time. If this had happened in a country like California10 or Japan, there would not have been a single death. It makes me angry.'
Voice 1
However, other experts say it is not helpful to compare Italy to Japan or California. One reason is that many of Italy's buildings are very old. Dante Benini is a building designer11 in Milan. He describes another reason:
Voice 6
'Modern houses must be built to meet seismic rules. Our problem is that we have good laws but bad builders. My industry needs to have morals12. New structures13 should be built better than the law requires!'
Voice 2
Italy's Prime14 Minister said that the government aims to rebuild the town of L'Aquila within two years. He said buildings will be made to better resist4 earthquakes. Meanwhile the rest of the world mourns15 with Italy for the death of its people.
Voice 1
Italy's earthquake was tragic16. And yet it was not one of the worst of recent times. In 2008 an earthquake in China killed more than eighty-seven thousand [87,000] people. All over the world, many people live in places where earthquakes can happen. Scientists tell us that it is not possible to know exactly when an earthquake will happen. However, they do know which areas have the greatest risk. Experts have marked these places on a map of the whole world. They call this map the Global17 Seismic Hazard18 map. Do you live in an area at risk from earthquakes? Do you know what to do if an earthquake happens?
Voice 2
The American Red Cross helps prepare communities for emergencies. The group has produced helpful information for American people to use in an earthquake. People in other countries have also used this information. They have combined it with their local knowledge to produce guidelines19 for their countries too. We share some of the Red Cross's advice.
Before an earthquake...
Voice 4
Identify a safe place in every room - under a strong table or against an inside wall, where nothing can fall on you. During earthquakes, most deaths and injuries come from objects falling on people.
Voice 3
Fix furniture and other moveable objects to the wall!
Voice 4
Speak to an expert! Find out what you can do to protect your home more - to make it stronger.
Voice 3
Prepare supplies! You should include a radio, light, blankets, medical supplies, food in tins, and protective20 clothing! Keep strong shoes and a light near your bed.
Voice 4
When the shaking begins....know what to do!
Voice 3
Go through this exercise two or more times each year! - Drop!
Voice 4
Voice 3
and hold!
Voice 4
Drop - your body to the floor!
Voice 3
Cover - yourself! For example, ‘drop down' under a strong table, chair, or other heavy object.
Voice 4
Then hold on firmly! This will stop you and the object moving! If there is not a table sit on the floor. Sit against a wall away from windows, or tall objects that could fall on you. Press your face against your arm to protect your eyes.
Voice 3
Teach children to ‘Drop, cover and hold!'
Voice 1
People are in different places when earthquakes happen. Some people are inside their homes or work. Other people are outside. The American Red Cross advises people inside to stay there and follow the ‘drop, cover and hold' advice. The safest place to stand is in the doorway21.
Voice 2
But - it is only safer to be inside if the building is strong and not going to fall down! Find out how strong your home is.
Voice 1
If you are outside - move to a clear area, away from trees, sign posts, buildings and electrical poles.
Voice 2
If you are in a car, stay inside it until the shaking stops.
Voice 1
Know what to do when the shaking stops:
Voice 2
See if you have any injuries. Protect yourself from more injuries - put on clothes that cover your arms and legs. Put on strong hard shoes.
Voice 1
Expect aftershocks! The earth may shake again after the earthquake. Remember drop, cover and hold!
Voice 2
This advice is too late for the people of L'Aquila - this time. But L'Aquila is a high risk area. Scientists know that earthquakes will come again in the future. L'Aquila means22 ‘eagle' in Italian. This strong proud bird is a good image for the town. It represents23 strength and power. The people will need such skills to rebuild their town. Together, they can ensure that building laws are followed. They can learn from the past, to protect their future.


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 dusty NuczPf     
  • He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.他正在从土中拔出枯死的根茎。
  • One spring it was very windy and dusty here.有一年春天这里风沙很大。
3 originally dJCxl     
  • Originally I didn't want to go.我本意不想去。
  • After much discussion they settled on the plan originally proposed.他们讨论了很久,然后确定了原来提出的那个计划。
4 resist 8W7xi     
  • It is vain to resist.抵抗是没用的。
  • I couldn't resist telling him the secret.我忍不住把那个秘密告诉了他。
5 resistant 7Wvxh     
  • Many pests are resistant to the insecticide.许多害虫对这种杀虫剂有抵抗力。
  • They imposed their government by force on the resistant population.他们以武力把自己的统治强加在持反抗态度的人民头上。
6 victims a9155940f433e9935e8839e4cc093612     
n.牺牲者( victim的名词复数 );牺牲品;受骗者;为祭祀杀死的动物(或人)
  • Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. 许多慈善机构捐款赈济饥民。
  • victims of child abuse 受虐待的儿童
7 structure PtNw5     
  • Doctors study the structure of the human body.医生研究人体构造。
  • A flower has quite a complicated structure.一朵花的结构相当复杂。
8 seismic SskyM     
  • Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves.地震产生两种地震波。
  • The latest seismic activity was also felt in northern Kenya.肯尼亚北部也感觉到了最近的地震活动。
9 protection FR6xD     
  • The protection of the country is the duty of everyone.保卫国家是每个人的责任。
  • The young in our society need care and protection.我们社会的年轻人需要关怀和照顾。
10 California FxizMX     
  • He was elected governor of the state of California.他当选为加州州长。
  • We were driving on a California freeway.我们正沿着加利福尼亚的一条快车道驾车行驶。
11 designer owsxW     
  • Carolyne is a fashion designer.卡罗琳是一名时装设计师。
  • He was a set designer.他是一个布景设计者。
12 morals bnPzlH     
n. 道德; 名词moral的复数形式
  • a self-appointed custodian of public morals 自封的公共道德的卫道士
  • We must arm the people against the lowering of our morals. 我们必须武装人们的头脑,以防我们的道德标准降低。
13 structures 346c846d5b0d50e54a8a731fa5ac7a11     
n.结构( structure的名词复数 );[生物学]构造;机构;构造物v.组织( structure的第三人称单数 );安排;制定
  • All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines. 这3座建筑都建于3 世纪,并且初步鉴定为神庙。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures. 打破了旧的工会结构之后,雇用劳工可以灵活处理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 prime lBVyB     
  • The prime minister spoke of the general insecurity in the country.总理谈到了全国普遍存在的不安全。
  • He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour.他和日本首相会见了一个小时。
15 mourns 22364ecf933de41bca1027211340a4e1     
v.哀悼( mourn的第三人称单数 );为…哀痛,向…志哀
  • The fox mourns over the death of the hare, and so animals grieve for their kind. 兔死狐悲,物伤其类。 来自辞典例句
  • Kalpana's native country mourns her today and so does her adopted land. 今天卡尔帕纳的祖国印度在哀悼她,养育她的这片土地美国也在悼念她。 来自互联网
16 tragic inaw2     
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
17 global sgfxX     
  • A global environmental meeting is going to be held here.一个全球环境会议将在这里举行。
  • The report takes a global view of the company's problems.这份报告对公司的问题作了综合性的论述。
18 hazard hdXxz     
  • He climbed into the car at the hazard of his life.他冒着生命危险进了汽车。
  • I think we have provided for every possible hazard.我认为我们已经准备好了应付每一种可能的危险。
19 guidelines 0rtzk5     
  • The government has drawn up guidelines on the treatment of the mentally ill. 政府制订了对待精神病人的指导方针。
  • Planners seem a little uncomfortable with the current government guidelines. 规划师似乎不太接受现行的政府指道方针。
20 protective qRWxE     
  • A mother naturally feels protective towards her children.做母亲的天生要保护自己的孩子。
  • We feel safe with a protective device in the house.我们因为家里有了防护装置而感到安全。
21 doorway 2s0xK     
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.他们挤在商店门口躲雨。
  • Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.玛丽突然出现在门口。
22 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
23 Represents 2f4da1ec3c812deb7b7316eda3221428     
v.表现( represent的第三人称单数 );代表;体现;作为…的代表
  • This represents a volte-face in government thinking. 这代表着政府观点的彻底转变。
  • The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history. 俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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