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环球英语 — 355:Biofuels: Growing Trouble?

时间:2011-10-09 06:26来源:互联网 提供网友:dulldoll   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Hello. I’m Marina Santee.
Voice 2
And I’m Ruby1 Jones. Welcome to Spotlight2. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 3
“We are all eating less. We do not have money to buy beans or meat; we do not have money to buy milk.”
Voice 2
These are the words of Rosario Ochoa. She works3 on a coffee farm in Nicaragua. She earns money to help feed her family. But the money from her job is not enough. Basic food prices have been increasing quickly in the last few months. And now even a common food like beans costs too much for her to buy.
Voice 1
Rosario is not alone. The price of food has been growing very quickly in all parts of Nicaragua. In only six months the price of corn increased by twenty-five [25] percent.
Voice 2
And this is not only happening in Nicaragua. Food prices are rising in many parts of the world. Far away from Rosario, in Afghanistan, people are also having trouble. Two and a half million [2,500,000] of them are in risk of hunger because of these increases.
Voice 1
But, why is this happening? What has caused prices to rise so quickly? Experts have found many reasons. But one in particular is making them very worried.
Voice 2
In today’s spotlight we will discuss biofuels. Biofuels produce energy from plants or animal waste. We will talk about why these fuels have become so popular. And we will tell of why a growing number of experts think they should not be!
Voice 1
Biofuels have been around for a very long time. More than one- hundred [100] years ago Rudolph Diesel4 designed engines to use them. But biofuels have only become very popular in the last few years.
Voice 2
You may have heard the Spotlight programme where we discussed how the Kolam people of India make fuel from seeds. They use this biofuel to run the generator5 that brings electricity to their village.
Voice 1
Many people think the Kolam people are wise to do this. Because their fuel is supplied by things that grow, it will always be available. Biofuels burn cleaner than fuels made from oil in the ground. They say that growing plants helps to fight climate change.
Voice 2
Biofuels can be good for farmers too - especially in the developing6 world. Not all land is good enough to grow food. But some of this land can be used to grow other things. A group of farmers in the Moamba area of Mozambique know this well. They have started to plant Jatropha. The ground where they live is very dry, but this strong plant will grow there. And Jatropha seeds make great biofuel.
Voice 1
Biofuels are popular with farmers outside of the developing world too. A huge amount is produced in the USA using corn. Farmers make a lot of money producing the biofuel “ethanol” from their corn. And every year more and more is made. But this production is starting to have some unexpected7 effects. Some experts are becoming worried. They are beginning to question the idea that all biofuels are good.
Voice 2
A recent report by scientists at Princeton University and the Nature Conservancy organisation8 contains some shocking9 news. The report argues that many biofuels are worse for the environment than common fuel is.
Voice 1
The scientists investigated10 what happens when land is prepared to grow crops for fuel. To make the land ready it is often necessary to remove trees and plants that are already there. But clearing those trees and plants and digging11 up the soil releases12 carbon13 dioxide14 - and most experts agree that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global15 warming.
Voice 2
Natural forests and grasslands16 are very good at taking carbon dioxide out of the air. The crops put in their place may not be so good at it. Biofuels burn cleaner than normal fuel, but it can take a long time for them to have a positive effect overall17. Scientists in the US say that it will take ninety-three [93] years for this to happen with the corn ethanol made there.
Voice 1
People concerned about the environment often look into the future. But some say that the effects of biofuels are being felt right now. Millions of people like Rosario Ochoa are eating less because of them.
Voice 2
Governments are encouraging farmers to grow more crops for fuel. The farmers receive financial help to do this. But the result is that less food is being produced to eat.
Voice 1
At present, about eighteen [18] percent of grain produced in the US is made into fuel. Large areas of Brazil, Argentina and Canada are involved in similar production. In these places, crops like sugar cane18, palm19 oil, and soybeans20 are being grown for fuel.
Voice 2
The World Bank says that prices of all basic foods have risen by eighty [80] percent in just three years. And these increases are causing big problems. There have been protests21 in over thirty [30] countries. Many people are calling for something to be done.
Voice 1
Some experts say that biofuels are making hungry people around the world compete with car drivers for food. Others say that that it is wrong to blame the cost of food only on these fuels.
Voice 2
People have different opinions on biofuels. But there is one area where many agree: it is still possible for biofuels to have positive effects. But for this to happen the fuel producers must grow the right crops in the right places.
Voice 1
David Tilman is a scientist who studies the environment. He is worried about many kinds of biofuels. But he does not think they are all bad. He is trying to develop a plant called switchgrass into a biofuel. Switchgrass often grows on land that is not good for growing other things. Doctor Tilman is doing the same thing as the farmers in the Moamba area of Mozambique. They are all producing a cleaner fuel without making food cost more!
Voice 2
Fuel experts are developing other exciting ideas. They could make biofuels from many things. They could use waste parts of plants. In fact, they say many things that are thrown away could be turned into fuel. It will take time and money. But these kinds of fuels could be made without harming people or the environment.
Voice 1
What do you think about Biofuels? Do you think they should be made? Or do you think it is better to concentrate22 on other things? You can e-mail us your comments, questions and ideas at radio @ english.net.


1 ruby iXixS     
  • She is wearing a small ruby earring.她戴着一枚红宝石小耳环。
  • On the handle of his sword sat the biggest ruby in the world.他的剑柄上镶有一颗世上最大的红宝石。
2 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
3 works ieuzIh     
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
4 diesel ql6zo     
  • We experimented with diesel engines to drive the pumps.我们试着用柴油机来带动水泵。
  • My tractor operates on diesel oil.我的那台拖拉机用柴油开动。
5 generator Kg4xs     
  • All the while the giant generator poured out its power.巨大的发电机一刻不停地发出电力。
  • This is an alternating current generator.这是一台交流发电机。
6 developing futzl4     
  • Transport has always been the key to developing trade.运输一直是发展贸易的关键。
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
7 unexpected Qkpw8     
  • I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests.我总保存些好酒,用来招待不速之客。
  • His promotion was unexpected.他的升迁出人意料。
8 organisation organisation     
  • The method of his organisation work is worth commending.他的组织工作的方法值得称道。
  • His application for membership of the organisation was rejected.他想要加入该组织的申请遭到了拒绝。
9 shocking Vitzd5     
  • His attitude was shocking to her.他的态度令她感到震惊。
  • Such behaviour is really shocking.这种行为真不像话。
10 investigated 9f8c26f0d9e187a2e74ce2e2f9551bb9     
v.调查( investigate的过去式和过去分词 );审查;侦查;研究
  • The crime is presently being investigated by the police. 警方目前正在调查这起案件。
  • He has carefully investigated the allegations. 他对这些指控作了详细调查。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 digging digging     
n.挖掘v.挖,掘( dig的现在分词 );(如用铲、锨或推土机等)挖掘;挖得;寻找
  • They were digging up worms to use for bait. 他们正在挖蚯蚓作鱼饵。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The best implement for digging a garden is a spade. 在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 releases 02b67c3eae678dc49209d6de4709a171     
v.释放( release的第三人称单数 );放开;发布;发行
  • Nuclear fission releases tremendous amounts of energy. 核裂变释放出巨大的能量。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Zemel says that when calcium levels are low, the body releases a hormone that helps squeeze the most out of every available milligram of the mineral. 泽莫尔博士说,当人体中的钙含量偏低时,身体里就会产生一种荷尔蒙,它能帮助肌体最大限度地吸收所摄入的钙。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 carbon kTeyA     
  • Diamonds are pure carbon.钻石是纯净的碳。
  • Carbon is an element,while carbon dioxide is a compound.碳是一种(化学)元素,而二氧化碳则是一种化合物。
14 dioxide Muwxn     
  • The oxygen and the carbon combine to form carbon dioxide.氧和碳化合,形成二氧化碳。
  • Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.二氧化碳太多是道致温室效应的最主要原因。
15 global sgfxX     
  • A global environmental meeting is going to be held here.一个全球环境会议将在这里举行。
  • The report takes a global view of the company's problems.这份报告对公司的问题作了综合性的论述。
16 grasslands 72179cad53224d2f605476ff67a1d94c     
n.草原,牧场( grassland的名词复数 )
  • Songs were heard ringing loud and clear over the grasslands. 草原上扬起清亮激越的歌声。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Grasslands have been broken and planted to wheat. 草原已经开垦出来,种上了小麦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
17 overall vJQxS     
  • The shop assistant was wearing a white overall.那店员穿着白色的工作服。
  • How much will it cost overall?一共多少钱?
18 cane RsNzT     
  • This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.这甘蔗既甜又多汁。
  • English schoolmasters used to cane the boys as a punishment.英国小学老师过去常用教鞭打男学生作为惩罚。
19 palm yKTxE     
  • That woman had her husband in the palm of her hand.那女人牢牢地控制住她丈夫。
  • Palm trees grow all around the island.岛上到处长着棕榈树。
20 soybeans 8ef95ee9c8cda8fe4153337519ba5ade     
n.大豆,黄豆( soybean的名词复数 )
  • Soybeans are very rich in protein. 大豆含有丰富的蛋白质。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • In Europe, soybeans aren't as common. 但是在欧洲,大豆的情况并非如此。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 口蹄疫疯牛病
21 protests 5b355aeb26f04b1eea895170dca5ca48     
n.[体]抗议;抗议,反对( protest的名词复数 )v.声明( protest的第三人称单数 );坚决地表示;申辩
  • The protests have forced the government to back-pedal on the new tax. 抗议活动已迫使政府撤销新的税目。
  • Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。
22 concentrate Ia8yy     
  • You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.开车时注意力应集中在路上。
  • Concentrate your mind on study,Don't look around.专心学习,别东张西望的。
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