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英语听力—环球英语 454:No Baby, No Shame

时间:2011-10-28 06:18来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight1. I’m Liz Waid.
Voice 2
And I’m Adam Navis. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
When Betty Apio married her husband many years ago, both their families were full of hope and happiness. Betty lives in the country of Uganda. In Uganda, as in many countries, women are expected to have children. People there believe that women exist to have children. To fail at this, is to fail as a wife and as a woman.
Voice 2
After Betty was married, her husband prepared their house for children. Then they waited. They tried again and again to have children. But the children never came.
Voice 1
Today’s Spotlight is on infertility2. Infertility is when people are unable to have children after one year of trying. While there are many medical reasons for infertility, today’s Spotlight is on the social attitude surrounding infertility.
Voice 2
Betty Apio and her husband went to a doctor to find out what was wrong. The doctor removed part of her reproductive system: one of her fallopian tubes. The doctor thought this would help them have children. But the doctor was wrong.
Voice 1
Betty and her husband were still unable to have children. So she went to a different doctor. He removed her second fallopian tube. She does not know why he did this. But it made it almost impossible for her to have children.
Voice 2
To make the situation worse, her husband’s family began to make fun of her and call her bad names. In Uganda, a man can have more than one wife. So, his family told him to find another woman, a second wife. This new wife gave him two children. All Betty got was disrespect.
Voice 3
“People tell me I have no value. They insult4 me – call me useless. It is horrible. I have to be strong or I will not survive.”
Voice 1
Infertility affects people all around the world. It does not matter if you have money, education, or power. And it affects both men and women. Between eight and twelve percent of all married couples struggle with infertility. In some places, this number can be as high as twenty percent. That is one out of every five married people who struggle to have children.
Voice 2
While infertility is common, people do not often talk about this problem. Many people feel great pressure to have children – even if they are successful in other areas of life. And often, women are blamed if a couple cannot have children. To men and women who want to have children but are not able, the pressure can be crushing5.
Voice 1
This can lead women especially to feel shame. They believe that they are alone in their struggle with infertility. They may even avoid talking about children, or attending events where children will be present. They may find it difficult to be happy when children are born to other people.
Voice 2
While it is difficult to be infertile6, the social attitude about infertility only makes the problem worse. As in Betty’s case, the community can make infertile people feel great shame. But people should not feel shame about their infertility. They should not feel alone. In fact, some women are speaking out to encourage other people who may be struggling. By talking together, they are finding7 hope.
Voice 1
Betty Apio is one of these women. She has decided8 to talk about her situation. She still hopes that, with medical help, she may become pregnant9. But she is also sharing her story with other women. Whatever happens, she does not want other people to feel like she did.
Voice 3
“Even if people make fun of me now, I do not care.”
Voice 2
Betty has found some help from her sister and two brothers. And she visits a support centre in Kampala. At the centre there are groups that help women. These groups explain the medical reasons for infertility. Women can connect with other women. And they can connect with doctors who can help them at a fertility3 centre.
Voice 1
Prakesh Patel runs one of the fertility centres in Kampala. He told the Washington Post newspaper that many women struggle to visit him. Women often make excuses before visiting. They do not want anyone to know they are going to a fertility centre. And they share great sadness.
Voice 4
“I say to them, ‘This is not a disease10. There are many like you – you do not have to feel shame.’”
Voice 2
If you, or someone you know is infertile, the best thing you can do is to find people who support you. Surround yourself with people who will love you and care for you. These people may be in your own family, but they may not. They may be some friends or people from a religious community, like a church.
Voice 1
If you do not feel comfortable talking to a friend or family member, there may be resources in your community. Many fertility centres have support groups. They are a good place to learn about what medical treatments are possible in your area. These treatments are not possible for everyone – they are costly11, and they do not always work. But the most important treatment is the support and love to face the challenge of infertility.
Voice 2
The emotional12 pain of infertility is very real. This is true even for people who are able to build their family in other ways – through medicine, or through adoption13, caring for a child without parents.
Voice 1
Also, it is not easy to avoid anger and shame if you are infertile. You may wonder why God would let this happen to you. You may want to feel peace and acceptance14. But you also may not want to lose the dream of having children.
Voice 2
Shannon Woodward, a Christian15, wrote a book about her struggle to make peace with her infertility. It was not easy for her. Her desire to have her own children never went away. But she was able to see how God can work through her pain. She writes:
Voice 5
“For years, I hated my broken body parts. I took my worth from what I could or could not produce. I asked God to heal16 my body. But it turns out he had a better plan. He healed17 parts of me I did not know were broken. He put new skin on old wounds. He freed me from my pain and self–hatred.”
Voice 1
Infertility is painful. But facing infertility can bring healing18. If you are infertile, look for support. And if you know an infertile person, offer them love and support.


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 infertility 37ExE     
  • It is the Geneva, Switzerland-based Biotech Company's second recombinant infertility drug. 它是瑞士生物技术公司在日内瓦的公司生产的第二种重组治疗不孕症的药。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 生物技术制药疫苗
  • Endometritis is a cause of infertility. 子宫内膜炎是不育的原子。 来自辞典例句
3 fertility Bg4zs     
  • A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.种植绿肥作物主要是为使土壤更加肥沃。
  • She is taking drugs to increase her fertility.她为了增强她的生殖能力而在服药。
4 insult T5xxs     
  • You will insult her if you don't go to her party. 你要是不去参加她举办的聚会,就对她太无礼了。
  • I can't sit down with that insult.我不能忍受那种侮辱。
5 crushing crushing     
adj. 打破得支离破碎的, 使不能在站起来, 压倒的 v. 动词crush的现在分词形式
  • a crushing defeat in the election 在选举中的惨败
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. 偷袭珍珠港(对美军来说)是一场毁灭性的灾难。
6 infertile u71xE     
  • Plants can't grow well in the infertile land.在贫瘠的土地上庄稼长不好。
  • Nobody is willing to till this infertile land.这块薄田没有人愿意耕种。
7 finding 5tAzVe     
  • The finding makes some sense.该发现具有一定的意义。
  • That's an encouraging finding.这是一个鼓舞人心的发现。
8 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
9 pregnant IP3xP     
  • She is a pregnant woman.她是一名孕妇。
  • She is pregnant with her first child.她怀了第一胎。
10 disease etMxx     
  • The doctors are trying to stamp out the disease.医生正在尽力消灭这种疾病。
  • He fought against the disease for a long time.他同疾病做了长时间的斗争。
11 costly 7zXxh     
  • It must be very costly to keep up a house like this.维修这么一幢房子一定很昂贵。
  • This dictionary is very useful,only it is a bit costly.这本词典很有用,左不过贵了些。
12 emotional 3pDxl     
  • Emotional people don't stop to calculate.感情容易冲动的人做事往往不加考虑。
  • This is an emotional scene in the play.这是剧中动人的一幕。
13 adoption UK7yu     
  • An adoption agency had sent the boys to two different families.一个收养机构把他们送给两个不同的家庭。
  • The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.采取这一政策会给他们解除一个巨大的负担。
14 acceptance hJvyz     
  • The new laws gained widespread acceptance.新法令受到广泛赞同。
  • It took years for Einstein's theory to gain acceptance.爱因斯坦的理论经过多年才被人们接受。
15 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
16 heal Fd9xt     
  • Time helped heal the old wounds.时间有助于治愈旧创伤。
  • This wound will soon heal if yon keep it clean.如果你保持伤口清洁,它很快就会痊愈。
17 healed f3304eef965b9c5af9019cbdb18127c4     
v.(使)愈合( heal的过去式和过去分词 );治愈;(使)结束;较容易忍受
  • The surgeon healed the soldier's bullet wound in the leg. 医生治好了那位士兵腿部的枪伤。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The doctor applied an unguent to the wound,which speedily healed it. 医生给伤口涂了些油膏,伤口很快就愈合了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 healing krTz1V     
n.康复,复原adj.有治疗功用的v.(使)愈合( heal的现在分词 );治愈;(使)结束;较容易忍受
  • miraculous powers of healing 神奇的治病能力
  • She seems to have a vocation for healing. 看来她具备治病救人的才能。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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