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英语听力—环球英语 517 Play Power

时间:2011-11-15 06:46来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight1. I’m Ryan Geertsma.
Voice 2
And I’m Robin2 Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
That is the sound of excited laughing children. The children are playing.  They are riding on a piece of play equipment. It is called a “merry-go-round” or “round-about.” On the merry-go-round, the children move quickly in a circular3 motion4. The merry-go-round does not have power from steam or fuel. Instead, it receives power from the children who play on it. It turns around a metal bar, like a wheel lying on its side.   A child runs and pushes the merry-go-round.  Then the child jumps on the merry-go-round and enjoys an exciting ride.
Voice 2
Many people see the merry-go-round as just a large piece of play equipment.  It is just for fun and exercise.  But several engineers saw the simple machine as a solution for complex5 problems.  Today’s Spotlight is on how these engineers are using merry-go-rounds to supply people with clean water and electricity.
Voice 1
Over one thousand million people in the world do not have clean water.  Dirty water is the single largest cause of disease6 in the world.   Almost six thousand people die every day from diseases7 caused by dirty water. And finding8 clean water can be difficult.  In some areas, women and children spend many hours of their day searching for water.
Voice 2
Many people who live in country areas also do not have electricity.  They light their homes and schools using dangerous or unhealthy forms of light - like fire, lanterns or candles. Without good light at night, children have limited hours to study. Families also have limited hours to work in their businesses or houses before night.
Voice 1
These sad facts about water and light shocked a South African businessman named Trevor Field and an American engineer named Ben Markham. Although they did not know each other, both men developed similar ideas to help people in need. Both men used the merry-go-round as the base of their new inventions.
Voice 2
After traveling in poor areas of southern Africa, Trevor Field saw the basic need for good water.  He wanted to help people gain clean water. But he needed a new way to do it, a new idea.
Voice 1
And then, Field met Ronnie Stuiver.  Stuiver is an engineer.  He searched for and found clean water sources9 near poor villages.  Field learned10 that near by water sources did not always solve the problem.  Many villages do not have the resources11 to pump the water to the ground’s surface. Most pumps require costly12 electricity or fuel.   However, Stuiver had a solution.
Voice 2
Stuiver noticed another problem in many of the communities he worked with. The children did not have play equipment or other means13 for fun and exercise. This gave Stuiver an idea. He could make a new kind of water pump.  THIS water pump would use play equipment and children’s play to power it.
Voice 1
Stuiver recognized that a merry-go-round would be a good base for his invention. As a merry-go-round turns, it creates energy.  This energy could be used to power a water pump.  The pump would move water from below the group to the surface. The water could then be stored in a tank for later use.
Voice 2
Stuiver made a model of his system.  He took it to a science and farming14 gathering15.  This gathering is where Trevor Field and Ronnie Stuiver met. Field knew immediately that was the idea he had been looking for.
Voice 1
Field used Stuiver’s idea and began building these merry-go-round, water pump systems.  He called them “play–pump” systems.  His organization, Play Pumps International, provides the systems to communities and schools in Sub-Saharan Africa. Field built the pumps for communities without clean water.  He works16 with the community members. He teaches local people how to connect the water pump to the play equipment.  He also teaches them how to repair and take care of the equipment.
Voice 2
The play-pump systems became very popular.  People loved having clean water, and the children enjoyed playing on the equipment. Even when the children were in school classes, their mothers would come and sit on the merry-go-round.  They would turn the machine slowly as they talked with each other. This too provided17 enough power to pump the water.
Voice 1
The play-pump systems provided clean water without fuel or electricity. This means that people no longer have to spend hours finding and collecting water. The play-pump systems have also had a positive effect on farming. With greater resources of water, farmers produced better crops and healthier animals.  Farmers can expand their businesses. Families can spend more money for food, medicine and better education.
Voice 2
The play-pumps idea has gained support from many international organizations. Today, thousands of play-pump systems are in southern Africa. Field estimates18 these systems provide ten million people in ten African countries with clean water. Field explains his hope for the future,
Voice 3
“If we could put a thousand pumps in each country that lacks water, we would make a great difference.   It is a big job to put one thousand pumps in any country, but it will make a major difference to the children.”
Voice 1
Using play equipment this way is not limited to getting water. Retired19 engineer Ben Markham uses the merry-go-round to produce electricity.  He worked as a missionary20 in Ghana, Africa.  Markham noticed that many children living in country villages needed electricity for their schools and homes.
Voice 2
Like Stuiver and Field, Markham developed a system using the merry-go-round. When children push the merry-go-round, it produces energy.  The energy produced by the merry-go-round is stored in a car battery21.  The battery can then be used to charge LED lights.  Teachers use these lights in the local schools. Students can also take the lights home.   This safe light can replace oil lights or lights that have a dangerous open fire.  The LED lights can help children to read or do their home work after dark.  They can also help the parents to work after dark if necessary.
Voice 1
Ben Markham began an organization called Empower Playgrounds, Inc. Empower Playgrounds works together with the Ghanaian government.  They provide merry-go-round power systems to several test schools.  Empower Playground and the Ghanaian government hope some day to provide power to ten thousand schools.  Today, these schools have no electric light. Markham explains,
Voice 4
“Our goal is to improve the quality of life in the country areas of Ghana.  This project will improve education.  It will do this by providing power for lights.  It will give children times for fun.  And it will also give them a hands-on science laboratory22.”
Voice 2
Basic problems do not always have simple solutions. But in these situations, basic needs for light and water were provided by something simple:  child’s play.


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 robin Oj7zme     
  • The robin is the messenger of spring.知更鸟是报春的使者。
  • We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天要到了。
3 circular MnHy4     
  • The bright boy altered it to a circular form.这个聪明的男孩把它改成了圆形。
  • The lamp stands on a circular base.这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的。
4 motion nEzxY     
  • She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.她能感觉到脚下船在晃动。
  • Don't open the door while the train is in motion.列车运行时,请勿打开车门。
5 complex kOez4     
  • What he said was too complex for me to understand.他说的太复杂了,我无法了解。
  • Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分。
6 disease etMxx     
  • The doctors are trying to stamp out the disease.医生正在尽力消灭这种疾病。
  • He fought against the disease for a long time.他同疾病做了长时间的斗争。
7 diseases 5c749da591474dd5c2c7f1d77b874f5d     
n.疾病( disease的名词复数 );弊端;恶疾;痼疾
  • Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases. 抽烟是引起几种严重疾病的病因。
  • The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases. 这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。
8 finding 5tAzVe     
  • The finding makes some sense.该发现具有一定的意义。
  • That's an encouraging finding.这是一个鼓舞人心的发现。
9 sources f2ab5fb218da8b84623f45579aa4ba11     
原因( source的名词复数 ); [物理学]源; 来源; 起源
  • Government sources denied there had been a deliberate cover-up. 政府方面否认了有故意掩饰的行为。
  • renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power 像风力和太阳能这种用之不竭的能源
10 learned m1oxn     
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
11 resources wkJzZz     
n.勇气;才智;谋略;有助于实现目标的东西;资源( resource的名词复数 );[复数]物力;办法;来源
  • The world's resources are rapidly diminishing. 世界资源正在迅速减少。
  • a policy to equalize the distribution of resources throughout the country 使资源在全国分布均衡的政策
12 costly 7zXxh     
  • It must be very costly to keep up a house like this.维修这么一幢房子一定很昂贵。
  • This dictionary is very useful,only it is a bit costly.这本词典很有用,左不过贵了些。
13 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
14 farming ituzIo     
  • He lives by farming.他靠务农过活。
  • He is farming in Africa.他在非洲经营农场。
15 gathering ChmxZ     
  • He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
  • He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
16 works ieuzIh     
  • We expect writers to produce more and better works.我们期望作家们写出更多更好的作品。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
17 provided PkNzng     
  • Provided it's fine we will have a pleasant holiday.如果天气良好,我们的假日将过得非常愉快。
  • I will come provided that it's not raining tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我就来。
18 estimates d72749910e71e75279b310239e18f36f     
  • Unofficial estimates put the figure at over two million. 非官方的估计数字为200万以上。
  • We got estimates from three different contractors before accepting the lowest. 我们得到3个承包商的报价后,接受了最低的报价。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
20 missionary ID8xX     
  • She taught in a missionary school for a couple of years.她在一所教会学校教了两年书。
  • I hope every member understands the value of missionary work. 我希望教友都了解传教工作的价值。
21 battery guozO     
  • He is charging a storage battery.他在为蓄电池充电。
  • The battery has run down.电池用完了。
22 laboratory P27xd     
  • She has donated money to establish a laboratory.她捐款成立了一个实验室。
  • Our laboratory equipment isn't perfect,but we must make do.实验室设备是不够理想,但我们只好因陋就简。
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