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英语听力—环球英语 542 Individuals Fighting Global Warming

时间:2011-11-16 07:27来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  Voice 1
Welcome to Spotlight1. I'm Ryan Geertsma.
Voice 2
And I'm Robin2 Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1
Have you ever thought about how your life affects global warming? Or about how you can fight the effects of global warming?
Voice 2
Global warming, or climate change, has been linked to the release of gases, like carbon dioxide, into the air. And, human actions release an increasing amount of these gases - actions like driving cars, running factories, heating homes and even cooking.
Voice 1
Today, more and more people are starting to think about ways they can reduce their emissions4. Some people and companies choose to "offset5" or balance their emissions. Other people try to reduce their emissions directly. Today's Spotlight program will look at the issue of reducing emissions and explore different ways people can do it.
Voice 2
You may remember a recent Spotlight program about carbon offsetting6. This program explained one way that some countries have agreed to reduce their harmful emissions. These countries have set emission3 limits on companies. And the companies can choose to reduce their emissions directly or to offset their emissions.
Voice 1
Companies can offset their emissions by trading unused emissions called "carbon credits." They can also offset their emissions by investing in emissions reducing projects - like clean energy or environmental protection projects.
Voice 2
Companies have been offsetting their emissions for many years. However, today, some individuals are also beginning to choose offsetting as a way to reduce their own emissions.
Voice 1
Carbon offsetting companies have formed to help people offset their emissions. Many of these companies have websites with tools that estimate a person's emissions. These websites ask a person questions about their life - questions about the size of their home, the number of people living in their home, how much they drive a car, and how often they travel by air plane. This information is used to estimate the amount of emissions a person or family produces. These websites then calculate how much money a person or family can pay to "offset" their emissions.
Voice 2
I used one of these websites to estimate my own family's emissions. The website said that for two hundred and thirty six [236] dollars  I could offset my family's emissions for one year. At first I thought it may be worth investing a large amount of money if it could help the environment and fight global warming. I knew that the money could help important research on clean energy, or that it could help save trees that naturally take in and store harmful emissions. But I also wondered if just paying money was really the best answer. I knew that giving money would not change the fact that my family still produced harmful emissions.
Voice 1
Robin is not alone in her thoughts about carbon offsetting. Many environmentalists believe that carbon offsetting will never work. They believe that people mean to do good when they pay to offset their emissions. However, environmentalists also believe that when people offset their emissions, it will keep them from changing the way they live. And environmentalists argue that the only way to really fight global warming, is to change the way we all live. This includes changing big companies, changing government policies, and also changing our individual lives.
Voice 2
An environmental group called Carbon Trade Watch explains,
Voice 3
"There is an urgent need to return to political organizing for a wider, social change to a low carbon economy, while at the same time taking direct responsibility for reducing our individual emissions."
Voice 1
So, instead of individuals just offsetting their emission, Carbon Trade Watch encourages people to take both individual and social responsibility. The basic way people can release fewer emissions is by using less fossil7 fuels.
Voice 2
One amazing example of individuals taking social responsibility is found among the Ogoni women of Nigeria. Nigeria is a major producer of fossil fuels. This industry has brought much money to the country.
Voice 1
However, it has also caused environmental problems. When people produce oil, they also produce a by-product8 called natural gas. In many countries, this natural gas is used to produce energy. But in Nigeria, most of the natural gas is just burned off. This burning of gases is called flaring9. And flaring produces many emissions which are harmful to the environment and people's health.
Voice 2
Nigeria flares10 more natural gas than any other country in the world. Flaring in Nigeria has released more harmful emissions than the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa together. And this flaring does more than just cause environmental damage. It also wastes natural gas that Nigerians could be using and selling.
Voice 1
In 1995, women from the Ogoni villages in Nigeria decided11 to make a change. They joined together and demanded that Shell, the large oil company in their area, stop flaring. For over ten years, these women fought against the company and the government of Nigeria. The women were often ignored, mis-treated and even physically12 harmed. However, they continued to gather support from people and governments all over the world.
Voice 2
In January of 2006, the Ogoni women finally won their battle. Nigerian courts ordered the oil company to stop flaring. And over the past three years, Shell has been decreasing their flaring.
Voice 1
These Nigerian women sacrificed much over many years. And because of their sacrifice, the largest producer of harmful emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa has been stopped.
Voice 2
The story of the Ogoni women is amazing. Together they reduced a huge amount of emissions. However, it is just as important that individual people reduce their own small amounts of emissions. In fact, many environmentalists believe that individuals are the most important part of changing the way our societies use energy.
Voice 1
There are many different ways that individuals can reduce their emissions. People can choose to drive less. They can limit their use of electricity. In some parts of the world, people can use wind turbines or solar panels13 to produce clean energy for their homes.
Voice 2
Another way for individuals to reduce their emissions is to change the way they eat. There is much energy used in the raising of animals for meat. Many other kinds of foods are transported long distances across the world. By eating less meat and eating more locally grown food, people can reduce emissions greatly.
Voice 1
These examples are just a few of the many ways a person can reduce their emissions. And these small changes can cause major results. When one person changes the way they live, other people notice. One person's changes can affect the way people in their family and community live. And through this process, the way our communities and societies use energy will change.
Voice 2
The environmental group Carbon Trade Watch explains,
Voice 3
"Our success in dealing14 with climate change will depend on how quickly and completely we can change the way we live our lives, both together and individually."


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 robin Oj7zme     
  • The robin is the messenger of spring.知更鸟是报春的使者。
  • We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天要到了。
3 emission vjnz4     
  • Rigorous measures will be taken to reduce the total pollutant emission.采取严格有力措施,降低污染物排放总量。
  • Finally,the way to effectively control particulate emission is pointed out.最后,指出有效降低颗粒排放的方向。
4 emissions 1a87f8769eb755734e056efecb5e2da9     
排放物( emission的名词复数 ); 散发物(尤指气体)
  • Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emissions. 大多数科学家都相信气候变化与排放的含碳气体有关。
  • Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium. 危险的辐射物从钚放散出来。
5 offset mIZx8     
  • Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。
  • He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。
6 offsetting c005dfe34c894146c623d2dd18e54b55     
n.偏置法v.抵消( offset的现在分词 );补偿;(为了比较的目的而)把…并列(或并置);为(管道等)装支管
  • Dealers, having concluded a forward contract, should always hedge with an offsetting contract. 外汇经营商在签订了一项远期合同之后总是应进行套头交易签订一项相抵合同。 来自辞典例句
  • Where does Germany think offsetting shifts into greater external deficits might occur? 在德国看来,这么大的外部赤字应该转移到哪里? 来自互联网
7 fossil ZipxA     
  • At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.时间隔得这么久了,很难确定这化石的年代。
  • The man is a fossil.那人是个老顽固。
8 by-product nSayP     
  • Freedom is the by-product of economic surplus.自由是经济盈余的副产品。
  • The raw material for the tyre is a by-product of petrol refining.制造轮胎的原材料是提炼汽油时产生的一种副产品。
9 flaring Bswzxn     
  • A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls. 墙壁上装饰着廉价的花纸。
  • Goebbels was flaring up at me. 戈塔尔当时已对我面呈愠色。
10 flares 2c4a86d21d1a57023e2985339a79f9e2     
n.喇叭裤v.(使)闪耀( flare的第三人称单数 );(使)(船舷)外倾;(使)鼻孔张大;(使)(衣裙、酒杯等)呈喇叭形展开
  • The side of a ship flares from the keel to the deck. 船舷从龙骨向甲板外倾。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He's got a fiery temper and flares up at the slightest provocation. 他是火爆性子,一点就着。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
11 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
12 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
13 panels 43e98c51bf989c94bea2f73f4eda1028     
镶板( panel的名词复数 ); 面; (门、墙等上面的)嵌板; 控制板
  • One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. 前门的一块方玻璃破裂了。
  • Make sure the panels are treated with a wood preservative. 确保镶板用木材防腐剂处理过。
14 dealing NvjzWP     
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
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