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英语听力—环球英语 1100 A Story for all Times: Les Miserables

时间:2012-10-30 05:22来源:互联网 提供网友:jpstudy   字体: [ ]

   Voice 1

  Welcome to Spotlight1. I’m Anne Muir.
  Voice 2
  And I’m Mike Procter. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand - no matter where in the world they live.
  Voice 3
  The words people say about another person have a great influence on that person’s life. They particularly affect that person’s future. The words have even more influence than what a person does.
  Voice 1
  These words come from the book "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo. The book was first published in France in 1862, but people still read and study it today. It has been a film, and a famous musical play. So why is it still so popular? Today’s Spotlight is on "Les Misérables".
  Voice 2
  "Les Misérables" follows the story of one man, Jean Valjean. But it is also about many other things – history, politics2, and problems in society. It is also very long - the longest versions3 are 1900 pages! The events happen over many years in the early nineteenth century.
  Voice 1
  The book is very complex4, with many events. At the beginning of the book, Valjean is a poor young man. His parents have died. His sister and her children have no food. So Valjean steals some bread for them. The police catch him and put him in prison.
  Voice 2
  This starts a long and difficult time for Valjean. He is in prison for 19 years - just for stealing bread! When the authorities5 free him, he is alone, without friends or family. One man does help Valjean. His name is Bishop6 Myriel, and he is a leader in a Christian7 church. Bishop Myriel gives Valjean a place to stay. But that night, Valjean steals some valuable silver objects from the Bishop. Valjean believes that this is the only way he can live - by stealing. He runs away. But soon, the police catch him again. Valjean expects the Bishop to accuse8 him.
  Voice 1
  Instead, the Bishop protects him. Bishop Myriel tells the police that he gave Valjean the silver. [sfx: an older man’s voice saying “I gave him the silver” in the background. Could do in French.] He also gives Valjean more valuable things. And he encourages Valjean to change his life. Valjean never forgets what the Bishop has said. After more events, Valjean begins to think that he has been very wrong. He will spend the rest of his life doing good things.
  Voice 2
  This is a time of great change for Valjean. He moves to a different part of France, a small town. He changes his name. He starts a successful business. All of this is very good. But one more change is coming. Valjean employs a young woman named Fantine. Fantine is also alone in the world. But she has a little daughter named Cosette. Fantine has many problems in her life. Finally, she becomes very sick, and dies. But before she dies, Valjean promises to care for Cosette.
  Voice 1
  Cosette comes to live with Valjean. Together, they return to Paris. Cosette is like a daughter to Valjean. He loves her very much, and she loves him. As she gets older, she meets a poor student. They fall in love. This student’s name is Marius. Marius becomes involved in a student rebellion9. During a conflict10 with police, Marius almost dies. But Valjean rescues him. He carries him away through the sewers11, the great pipes underneath12 the city. This is one of the most famous parts of the book.
  Voice 2
  Finally Cosette and Marius marry. Valjean tells Marius about his history. At first Marius rejects Valjean, because he was in prison. But then, Marius understands that Valjean was a good man, who tried to do the right things. Marius and Cosette return to Valjean, just before Valjean dies.
  Voice 1
  Through all these events, there is one more important character. This is a police officer, Javert. Javert is searching for Valjean. He believes that Valjean must return to prison. He catches Valjean many times, but Valjean always escapes. Finally, during the student rebellion, Valjean has the chance to kill Javert. But instead, Valjean saves Javert. Javert struggles with his conscience13. Valjean showed Javert kindness. Javert cannot now capture14 and kill Valjean. But he believes that the law requires him to do so. Finally, Javert kills himself.
  Voice 2
  So why has this story been so popular? It contains many subjects that are common to all people. The main idea is redemption. Jean Valjean decides to stop doing wrong. He decides to do right instead. This decision shines through the whole book. Valjean gives money to the poor. He sacrifices to save and protect many people. At the end, Valjean dies a happy man. His family loves and accepts him. But in his life, he suffers much. People do not understand him, and he is always trying to escape from Javert.
  Voice 1
  Forgiving other people is another important idea in the story. Valjean forgives Javert. But Javert cannot forgive himself. He wants to do his job well. He is devoted15 to the law. He always wants to do things right. In the end, he cannot accept his failure to capture Valjean.
  Voice 2
  But these are not the only reasons "Les Misérables" has been successful. Hugo’s social conscience is also clear in the book. In the characters of Fantine and Cosette, he describes the problems of poverty16. In Valjean’s long struggle with Javert, he explains the problems of crime17 and punishment. He has sympathy18 for all the characters, even the characters who continue to do bad things. Valjean is not the only character with a criminal19 past. Many people steal, tell lies, and do all they can to get money.
  Voice 1
  In many parts of the book, Hugo also stops telling the story to describe the social and political20 conditions of France. In one part, he describes in detail the character and policies21 of the French king Louis-Philippe. In another part, he describes the history and condition of the sewers under the city of Paris.
  Voice 2
  "Les Misérables" was very successful when it was published. Many people bought copies in France. But the publisher also translated it into many other languages. It was popular across Europe, and in North America. And since then, it has remained very popular. People connect to the ideas, the characters, and the history.
  Voice 1
  In the beginning of the book, Victor Hugo wrote his reasons for the book. These reasons may be why the book has stayed important and popular. He talks about the way society can create terrible conditions for people. In particular, he talks about poverty, lack of food, and spiritual22 emptiness. The book deals with all of these issues23. He closes this part with these words:
  Voice 3
  “As long as lack of knowledge and great sadness exist on earth, there is a use for books like this.”
  Voice 2
  The writer of this programme was Shelagh Godwin. The producer was Nick Mangeolles. All quotes24 were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net This .program is called, ’A Story for all Times: Les Misérables’.
  Voice 1
  We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.


1 spotlight 6hBzmk     
  • This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.本周引人瞩目的是时装界。
  • The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯的光圈随着她在舞台上转。
2 politics gOyxG     
  • They seldom talk on politics in those days.那时人们很少谈论政治。
  • The two brothers differed about politics.这兄弟俩政见不同。
3 versions b17be6650251f2e6c7d4e90209beb4e0     
n.译本( version的名词复数 );版本;(个人对事件的)描述;(原物的)变体
  • There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one. 这游戏有两个版本,一长一短。
  • When both versions of the story were collated,major discrepancies were found. 在将这个故事的两个版本对照后,找出了主要的不符之处。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 complex kOez4     
  • What he said was too complex for me to understand.他说的太复杂了,我无法了解。
  • Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分。
5 authorities kyqzgw     
n.当局,权力,权威;权威( authority的名词复数 );权力;学术权威;[复数]当权者
  • They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees. 他们为被拘留者向当局求情。
  • At his instigation we conceal the fact from the authorities. 我们受他的怂恿向当局隐瞒了事实。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 bishop AtNzd     
  • He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all.他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.主教逝世两年后被正式封为圣者。
7 Christian KVByl     
  • They always addressed each other by their Christian name.他们总是以教名互相称呼。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
8 accuse kJGye     
  • I've been wrong to accuse him.我指责他是不正确的。
  • Make sure of your facts before you accuse him.在指责他以前要把材料核实一下。
9 rebellion stVyI     
  • The next year they rose up in rebellion.第二年他们就揭竿起义了。
  • The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion.新政府迅速把叛乱镇压下去。
10 conflict AYZy9     
  • Your statement is in conflict with the rest of the evidence.你的陈述同其余证据有矛盾。
  • The conflict between them seems ceaseless.他们之间冲突似乎没个止息。
11 sewers f2c11b7b1b6091034471dfa6331095f6     
n.阴沟,污水管,下水道( sewer的名词复数 )
  • The sewers discharge out at sea. 下水道的污水排入海里。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Another municipal waste problem is street runoff into storm sewers. 有关都市废水的另外一个问题是进入雨水沟的街道雨水。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
12 underneath VKRz2     
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She wore a coat with a dress underneath.她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙。
13 conscience FYczs     
  • Guilt had been eating into his conscience for some months. 几个月来内疚一直折磨着他的良心。
  • He was pricked by his conscience. 他受到良心的谴责。
14 capture xTny1     
  • The company is out to capture the European market.这家公司希望占据欧洲市场。
  • With the capture of the escaped tiger,everyone felt relieved.逃出来的老虎被捕获后,大家都松了一口气。
15 devoted xu9zka     
  • He devoted his life to the educational cause of the motherland.他为祖国的教育事业贡献了一生。
  • We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.我们对这个题目进行了长时间的充分讨论。
16 poverty fP6xf     
n.贫穷, 贫困, 贫乏, 缺少
  • We must continue to war against poverty and disease.我们一定要继续同贫穷和疾病作斗争。
  • He showed his poverty in his knowledge of agriculture.他表现出缺乏对农业知识的了解。
17 crime SzkxN     
  • You'll have to pay for your crime.你得为你的罪行付出代价。
  • Crime in our big cities is on the increase.在我们大城市里犯罪率正在增长。
18 sympathy WHzzK     
  • He felt great sympathy for these people.他很同情这些人。
  • Sympathy is his best quality.同情心是他最好的品质。
19 criminal Kz9xO     
  • He is a habitual criminal.他是一个惯犯。
  • We captured the criminal.我们捕获了那个犯人。
20 political g2dzY     
  • He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.因为政治原因他被迫离开自己的祖国。
  • In ideas those two political parties are worlds apart.那两个政党在思想上有巨大分歧。
21 policies 94422fa6b0fe23d0ab463703c0022a63     
n.政策( policy的名词复数 );策略;政府;策略性
  • The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies. 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认他的经济政策存在失误。
  • an angry denunciation of the government's policies 愤怒谴责政府的政策
22 spiritual vFVym     
  • His spiritual nature is good.他心灵本质上是善良的。
  • Their friendship was strictly spiritual.他们的友情完全是精神上的。
23 issues fe5fe0415fc3e0ff4942d8454f363d2c     
(水等的)流出( issue的名词复数 ); 出口; 放出; (特别重要或大众关注的)问题
  • Let's start with the more easily addressable issues. 我们先从较容易处理的问题着手。
  • Employment and taxation are the bread-and-butter issues of politics. 就业和征税是很重要的政治问题。
24 quotes 2150fd65034a9bcdb357943b3900a918     
v.引用,援引( quote的第三人称单数 );报价;引述;为(股票、黄金或外汇)报价
  • He quotes a few verses from Tennyson in his paper. 他在论文中引用了英国诗人丁尼生的几行诗句。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He quotes (from) the Bible to support his beliefs. 他引用圣经来支持自己的信念。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
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