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相关教程: 天真与经验之歌




  • 天真与经验之歌:第1篇 天真之歌序诗 Introduction 天真之歌序诗 Piping down the valleys wild, 我吹着枚笛从荒谷走下来 Piping songs of pleasant glee, 吹着愉快欢欣的歌, On a cloud I saw a child, 我看见云端上有一个小孩。 And he laughing said to me: 他乐
  • 天真与经验之歌:第2篇 牧童 The Shepherd 牧童 How sweet is the shepherd's sweet lot! 牧童的好运道多美妙, From the morn to the evening he strays; 从早到晚他到处转: He shall follow his sheep all the day, 他得整天跟着羊群跑 And his tongue shall be f
  • 天真与经验之歌:第3篇 飘荡着回声的草地 The Echoing Green 飘荡着回声的草地 The sun does arise, 太阳升起来, And make happy the skies; 天空也欢快。 The merry bells ring 快乐的钟声齐鸣, To welcome the Spring; 欢迎这春天降临。 The skylark and thrush, 云雀和
  • 天真与经验之歌:第4篇 羔羊 The Lamb 羔羊 Little lamb, who made thee? 小羔羊谁创造了你 Does thou know who made thee, 你可知道谁创造了你 Gave thee life, and bid thee feed 给你生命,哺育着你 By the stream and o'er the mead; 在溪流旁,在青草地;
  • 天真与经验之歌:第5篇 小黑孩 The Little Black Boy 小黑孩 My mother bore me in the southern wild, 在南方的荒野我妈把我生养, And I am black, but O my soul is white! 我是黑的,但是啊!我的灵魂却洁白, White as an angel is the English child, 英国的
  • 天真与经验之歌:第6篇 花朵 The Blossom 花朵 Merry, merry sparrow! 快乐的快乐的雀儿 Under leaves so green 在碧绿碧绿的叶子下面 A happy blossom 一只幸运的花朵 Sees you, swift as arrow, 看见你飞掠而过恰似箭 Seek your cradle narrow, 寻觅你小小
  • 天真与经验之歌:第7篇 扫烟囱的孩子 The Chimney-sweeper 扫烟囱的孩子 When my mother died I was very young, 我母亲死的时候我还很小, And my father sold me while yet my tongue 我父亲就卖了我,那时我还不会叫, Could scarcely cry 'Weep! weep! weep! weep!' 简
  • 天真与经验之歌:第8篇 小男孩的迷路 The Little Boy Lost 小男孩的迷路 'Father, father, where are you going? 父亲、父亲,你往哪儿去? O do not walk so fast! 啊,别走得这么快呀。 Speak, father, speak to your little boy, 说话呀,父亲,跟你孩子说话呀
  • 天真与经验之歌:第9篇 小男孩又找到了 The Little Boy Found 小男孩又找到了 The little boy lost in the lonely fen, 小男孩迷失在荒凉的沼泽地里, Led by the wandering light, 只有那摇曳的灯光指引他前进, Began to cry, but God, ever nigh, 他开始大哭,但是
  • 天真与经验之歌:第10篇 欢笑的歌 Laughing Song 欢笑的歌 When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, 当绿绿的树林发出欢乐的笑声, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; 微波涟漪的溪流也哗笑着飞奔, When the air does laugh with our merry wit, 当
  • 天真与经验之歌:第11篇 摇篮之歌 A Cradle Song 摇篮之歌 Sweet dreams, form a shade O'er my lovely infant's head! 甜蜜的梦筑成一片浓阴,笼罩着我可爱的幼儿头顶。 Sweet dreams of pleasant streams By happy, silent, moony beams! Sweet Sleep, with soft down 甜蜜
  • 天真与经验之歌:第12篇 象形的神 The Divine Image 象形的神 To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love, All pray in their distress, And to these virtues of delight 受苦受难的人都祈求仁慈、怜悯、爱与和平:而对这些使人喜悦的德行 Return their thankfulness. 又报以
  • 天真与经验之歌:第13篇 升天节 Holy Thursday 升天节 'Twas on a holy Thursday, their innocent faces clean, 在升天节里孩子们洗干净了天真的脸蛋 The children walking two and two, in red, and blue, and green: 他们一对对走着穿着红的蓝的绿的衣衫 Grey-
  • 天真与经验之歌:第14篇 夜 Night 夜 The sun descending in the West, 太阳沉落在西方, The evening star does shine; 晚星的光芒四射, The birds are silent in their nest, And I must seek for mine. 鸟儿在巢里无声响,我也要寻觅我的巢, The moon, li
  • 天真与经验之歌:第15篇 春天 Spring 春天 Sound the flute! 吹起长笛! Now it's mute! 现在它不吮气。 Birds delight, 鸟儿喜欢 Day and night, 白天夜晚。 Nightingale, 夜莺夜莺 In the dale, 在山谷中 Lark in sky, 天上云雀 Merrily, 多么喜悦 Merrily