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  • 向前一步:第135期 不要身还在 心已远(9) I tried writing e-mails while hovering over the toilet, but the situation didn't lend itself to effective multitasking. 我曾经试图坐在马桶上写电子邮件,但这也没有提高我的多重任务处理效率。 Because I had already been
  • 向前一步:第136期 不要身还在 心已远(10) One of the immediate questions new parents face is who will provide primary care for a child. 为人父母面临的首要问题之一,便是由谁承担照顾孩子的主要任务。 The historical choice has been the mother. 传统上都是把孩子
  • 向前一步:第137期 不要身还在 心已远(11) Obviously, their reasons for staying home are vastly different. 显然,女性决定做全职妈妈的原因各不相同。 Mothers married to the lowest-earning men struggle to find jobs that pay enough to cover child care costs, which are increasi
  • 向前一步:第138期 不要身还在 心已远(12) While it's hard to predict how an individual will react to becoming a parent, it's easy to predict society's reaction. 一个人升格为家长之后的反应很难预测,但我们很容易看到社会对他们的期待。 When a couple announces t
  • 向前一步:第139期 不要身还在 心已远(13) Imagine that a career is like a marathona long, grueling, and ultimately rewarding endeavor. 我们可以把事业想象成马拉松一项历时漫长、备受磨炼最后可能有所收获的运动。 Now imagine a marathon where both men and women
  • 向前一步:第140期 不要身还在 心已远(14) In that moment, Debi said she felt her own ambitions shift. 黑梅特尔说,在那一刻她感到自己心里的希望破灭了。 As Debi told me, It seemed like if this extraordinary woman couldn't make it work, who could? 她说:如果连这么出
  • 向前一步:第141期 不要身还在 心已远(15) Although pundits and politicians, usually male, often claim that motherhood is the most important and difficult work of all, 学者和政治家(通常是男性)常常宣称做母亲是人生中最重要也是最困难的工作, women who take t
  • 向前一步:第142期 不要身还在 心已远(16) But she thought about all the time and money she had already invested in her career and didn't see how walking away made economic sense either. 但她回想起自己已经在事业中投入的时间和金钱成本,这让她确定自己离开职场也
  • 向前一步:第143期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(1) Chapter 8 Make Your Partner a Real Partner 第8章 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档 Being a mother has been an amazing experience for me. Giving birth was not. 做母亲对我来说是相当不可思议的经历,但分娩过程却不是
  • 向前一步:第144期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(2) It was all worth it when my son was pronounced healthy and the nausea that I had felt for nine straight months vanished within an hour. 当医生宣布我的儿子非常健康时,我觉得所有的痛苦都是值得的,9个月持续不断的妊娠反
  • 向前一步:第145期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(3) She said, You're just a few months away from having a baby, 她却说:还有几个月你就生了, so surely you and your husband have thought about who is going to pick up your child if he is sick at school? 显然你和你丈夫都已经考虑过
  • 向前一步:第146期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(4) Dave had founded a company, Launch Media, in L.A. and sold it to Yahoo years earlier. 那一年,戴夫在洛杉矶创立了开启传媒公司,这家公司十几年前被雅虎收购。 Yahoo's headquarters were in Northern California, where I liv
  • 向前一步:第147期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(5) A 2009 survey found that only 9 percent of people in dual-earner marriages said that they shared housework, child care, and breadwinning evenly. 2009年的一项调查发现,双薪家庭里只有9%的夫妻表示会共同分担家务劳动,一同承
  • 向前一步:第148期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(6) A sandwich, carrot sticks, a cut-up apple, pretzels, and a cookie, Scott said. 一个三明治,几根胡萝卜条,一只苹果,椒盐饼干还有曲奇饼。 He hung up smiling and explained that his wife was asking what she should put in the k
  • 向前一步:第149期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(7) But even if mothers are more naturally inclined toward nurturing, fathers can match that skill with knowledge and effort. 但即使母亲和孩子之间有着更自然的联系,父亲也可以通过学习育儿知识并付出努力来获得与母亲不