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  • 原版英语对话1000个:514 House Mates

    Todd: So Carla, you lived in Africa, so you must have some cool animal stories. Carla: Do you want my cockroach story, or my monkey story, or my chameleon story? I know! I have a snake story. Todd: Ok Carla: We had a snake that lived in the bookcase....

  • 原版英语对话1000个:513 Butsudan

    Todd: Now, Carla you have you own website. Carla: Yes I, when I first came to Japan, I didn't learn languages because actually I'm quite terrible at learning languages. But I'm very interested in culture, and Japanese traditional culture is fantastic...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:512 At the Restaurant

    Waitress: Hi, welcome to our restaurant. Customer: Thank you very much. Waitress: How many people are there? Customer: Just the one. Waitress: Just one person, ok. Smoking or non-smoking? Customer: Non-smoking please. Waitress: Come along and have a...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:511 Owning vs. Renting

    Todd: So, Akane, I was talking with my friend and hes just recently married and he was wondering should he rent a home or own a home. Thats a tough call. What do you think? Akane: It is a tough call but I personally prefer to rent. Todd: Really? So w...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:509 Day Trip

    Ruth: Hey Akane, didnt we have a really good time in the city in Oita last weekend? Akane: Yeah we had a great time. Im glad we went. Ruth: Oh me too. It was so good! You know, I thought it was really good to get out of this small town. It was really...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:508 Favorite Fruits

    Todd: Hey Ruth, hows it going? Ruth: Fine, thank you. Im fine. How are you? Todd: Good. Now Ruth, I was noticing that you are eating raisins. Ruth: Thats right yes. Todd: What is it with the raisins? You always have raisins! Ruth: I really like raisi...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:507 Shopping

    Ruth: Akane, you've got a new skirt! Akane: I do. Thanks for noticing. Ruth: Oh, that's OK. So are you quite into fashion? Akane: Well, I do like to buy stuff now and then. Ruth: Yeah, and was that the last thing you bought? Akane: Ah, I'd say so, ye...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:506 Cheesecake

    Akane: Hey, Ruth. Ruth: Hi, Akane. Akane: So, um, how big is your immediate family? Ruth: Ah, there are four of us. Akane: Four people, OK. Whose in it? Ruth: Not big really. Well, there's my mum and my dad and my older brother and then there's me. A...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:504 Family Characters

    Akane: Hey, Ruth. Ruth: Hi, Akane Akane: So we've been talking about your family a little bit. Um, I'd like to know a little bit more about the specific people in your family. Ruth: Sure Akane: So who is the funniest person in your family? Ruth: The...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:503 Mom

    Ruth: So, Akane, tell me about your family. Who do you get on well with in your family? Akane: Well, I think I get along the best with my mother, I would say. Ruth: So, why is that? Akane: Well, I think it probably has to do with the fact that we're...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:502 Kiwi Food

    Todd: So, Mark, when people think of Americans they often think of the hot dog and when they think of Japan they think of sushi. What are the foods that people associate with New Zealand? Mark: According to a lot of the Japanese students that I know...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:501 Fatherhood

    Todd: So, Mark, I see you have beautiful pictures of your child up here. I didnt know you had a baby! Mark: Yeah, baby Roy is about 1 year and 4 months old now. Todd: Oh wow, thats exciting! Mark: Yeah I mean everyone said there would be lots of chan...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:500 International Marriage

    Todd: So, Mark, um, you mentioned that your wife is Japanese. Mark: Thats right. Todd: Ok, and how long have you been married? Mark: We finally got married in April of 1998 but it took us a while to get to that stage. Todd: Ok, well,whats it like bei...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:499 First Job

    Todd: Hey, er, Mark, could you tell me about the first job you ever had? Mark: I think it was when I was at university, well my first long term part time job was when I was at university and one night a week I used to work for 12 hours from 6 pm til...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:498 The Big OE

    Todd: So Mark, when I was in London I saw so many people from New Zealand and actually everywhere in the world I meet so many people from New Zealand, but you have such a small population. Is anybody still in New Zealand? Mark: Yeah, I think the Kiwi...
