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  • 原版英语对话1000个:467 Sumo

    Yeah, hi, I wanna talk about, yeah, watching sports, like live or on TV. I mean I like to play sports more than I like to watch sports but sometimes a good game on TV or watching it live can be really good, um, you know, everybody, or many people lik...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:466 Best Movie Ever

    Simon: Hi, Lesie. Lesie: Hey, Simon. Have you heard that they're making the third episode of the new Star Wars series? Simon: Yeah, yeah, I heard about that. Lesie: Do you like Star Wars? Simon: Well, the old Star Wars that they made 20 years ago, I...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:465 City to City

    Ruth: So, Akane, you're from Canada, right? Akane: That's right. Ruth: Tell me about where you live. Akane: Well, I grew up in Toronto, and it's quite a big city. In the greater Toronto area, there's about, I think3 1/2 million people just now and it...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:464 Children with Phones

    Ruth: So Akane, what do you think about children today having mobile phones? Akane: Mobile phones? Well, I mean, I think they could be a good thing, I mean for safety reasons. Ruth: Really? Akane: Yes if I was a parent I think I would feel safer know...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:463 Seasons

    My favorite season has to be autumn, although when it gets to autumn I feel slightly disapointed because I know that after summer the weather gets colder and the nights get shorter and the evenings get darker. I still really like autumn. One of my fa...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:462 Onsens

    Akane: Hi, Ruth! Ruth: Oh, hi. Akane: So, what did you do today? Ruth: That's a good question. Actually, today, I went to the onsen. Akane: Oh, the onsen. What's an onsen? Ruth: An onsen is a public bath and people go there, basically just to sit in...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:461 Ruth's Pet Peeves

    There are two things which really annoy me. Actually I experience both of them, sometimes, on public transport. Often when I travel I go on buses and on trains and both of these things seem to occur quite often. Firstly is when other people listen to...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:460 Birthday Memory

    When I was younger I was in an organisation called the guides. Guides are girls who are between 10 and 14 who get together once a week to do things like have competions and play games and go camping and generally just have fun together. I really enjo...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:459 Favorite Actor

    Todd: So, Ruth, who is your favorite actor or actress? Ruth: Oh, that's a good question. I think it definitely has to be Ewan McGregor. Todd: Mm, yeah, he's pretty good. Ruth: I really, really like him. Todd: Why do you like him? Ruth: Well, he's rea...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:458 Wake Up

    Todd: So, what did you do today? Ruth: Well, actually, I got up this morning quite early. I couldn't sleep so I was a little bit annoyed and then I went to church and I had some lunch and.. Todd: OK, but, you said early, like how early? Ruth: Well, I...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:457 Things People Fear

    Todd: Ruth, what is something you are afraid of? Like snakes, spiders, rats? Ruth: Probably sharks. Todd: Sharks. Ruth: I know that sounds quite irrational, especially when I don't live near the sea but just the thought of being eaten by a shark. It'...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:456 Embarassing Moment

    My most embarrassing moment was probably when I lived in Germany. One day I decided to go shopping and I drove into town. I had a car. And I was very, very pleased because I found a parking space immedately which was rather unusual. I did my shopping...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:455 English Village

    My name's Ruth and I'm from a small village in England. I live quite near Nottingham and I've lived there for most of my life actually. Nottingham is quite famous for Sherwood forest, where Robin hood was supposed to live and as a child I spent some...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:454 Bargains

    I'm an English teacher in Japan and when I first came here I didn't really have very much money so I found things quite expensive and I went out looking for cheap bargains. I came across a shop and it called the 100 Yen shop. It's absolutely fantasti...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:453 Being Vegetarian

    Well, I'm going to talk a little bit about why I'm vegetarian. Actually, I became vegetarian when I was 8 years old. We did a project at school and I found out that animals are actually killed for us to eat and as an 8 year-old I thought that was rat...
