英国语文第四册 第1期:热带地区的景象(1)
LESSON 1 Scenes in the tropics 第一课 热带地区的景象 I.THE FOREST I.森林 In hot countries the woods are not like our woods. 热带地区的森林不像我们这的森林。 They are great dark forests, where the trees grow so closely to
英国语文第四册 第2期:热带地区的景象(2)
In the deepest gloom, where the trees shut out the sun, myriads of lights flit about, and twinkle like little stars. 在森林的最深处,大树遮盖住了阳光,无数的光线飞过,就像星星一样一闪一闪地。 As they flash here an
英国语文第四册 第3期:热带地区的景象(3)
II.THE BIRD OF PARADISE II.天堂鸟 If you turn now to the map of Asia, you will find a number of islands lying to the south of Malacca, 如果你打开亚洲地图,会发现马六甲南端分布着很多岛屿, and forming a link between As
英国语文第四册 第4期:热带地区的景象(4)
But there, as in all tropical countries, there is a season of rain and storm. 但那儿正如所有的热带地区一样,都有一个暴风雨的季节。 Then the birds disappear, as the swallows do with us, and seek some sheltered place. 那时候,
英国语文第四册 第5期:热带地区的景象(5)
The birds are perched around them, suspecting no danger; 这些鸟栖息在他们周围,猜想着没有危险, but arrow after arrow comes out of this leafy bower, 但是箭不断地从这些用树叶遮盖的凉棚射过来, and strikes down f
英国语文第四册 第6期:卡萨布兰卡
LESSON 2 Casabianca 第二课 卡萨布兰卡 The boy stood on the burning deck, 男孩站在灼热地甲板上, Whence all but he had fled; 除他之外所有人都逃走了; The flame, that lit the battle's wreck, 点燃战争残骸的火焰,
英国语文第四册 第7期:捕兽者小罗伯特(1)
LESSON 3 LITTLE ROBERT, THE TRAPPER 第三课 捕兽者小罗伯特 One morning while the pitmen were at work in a coal mine, they heard a noise louder than thunder. 一天早上,当矿工在煤矿里工作时,他们听到一声比雷声还大的响
英国语文第四册 第8期:捕兽者小罗伯特(2)
How does it fare with the poor prisoners? 这些可怜的囚禁者该怎么办呢? They were frightened like the rest by that sudden and awful noise. 他们像其他人一样被这个突如其来的可怕声音吓到了。 Little Robert left his do
英国语文第四册 第9期:捕兽者小罗伯特(3)
It was then that they made the clink, clink with their pickaxes, 然后他们用锄头发出能被救援人员听到的叮当叮当的声音, which was heard by their deliverers, and so much encouraged them in their work. 鼓舞着他们继续挖掘。
英国语文第四册 第10期:温馨的家
LESSON 4 Home, Sweet Home 第四课 家、温馨的家 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, 虽然我们可以漫游在欢乐的宫殿里, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home! 但是没有地方像家一样谦卑。 A charm f
英国语文第四册 第11期:HESPERUS号的残骸
LESSON 5 THE WRECK OF THE HESPERUS 第五课 HESPERUS号的残骸 It was the schooner Hesperus 纵帆船Hesperus号 That sailed the wintry sea, 驶向寒冷的大海, And the skipper had taken his little daughter 船长带上了他的小女儿 To b
英国语文第四册 第12期:再试一次(1)
LESSON 6 TRY AGAIN 第六课 再试一次 I. 一、 Have you finished your lesson, George? said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busily engaged in making a large paper kite. 乔治,你的功课做完了吗?普伦蒂斯
英国语文第四册 第13期:再试一次(2)
These two little words gave him a fresh impulse, and he bent his mind again to his task. 这几个字给了他新的动力,他再次下定决心去完成自己的功课。 Gradually he began to find the sentences lingering in his memory; and soon,
英国语文第四册 第14期:海鸥(1)
LESSON 7 The sea-gull 第七课 海鸥 Other white sea-gull, the wild sea-gull, 啊,野生的白色海鸥, A joyful bird is he, 他是一只快乐的鸟儿, As he lies like a cradled thing at rest 他像是怀抱着东西般休憩 In the arms o
英国语文第四册 第15期:海鸥(2)
The waves may rage, and the winds may roar, 海浪汹涌,狂风咆哮, But he fears not wreck, nor need; 但他并不担心会遭遇海难,也无需多虑; For he rides the sea, in its stormy strength, 因为他骑乘在大海之上,在它狂