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  • Scene 16 冰箱 Scene 16 冰箱 ❶ 冰箱里没有水果了。There isn't any fruit in the refrigerator. 对话 A: There isn't any fruit in the refrigerator. 冰箱里没有水果了。 B: I told you yesterday. 我昨天就告诉你了。 ❷ 你不觉得这瓶牛奶
  • Scene 17 厨房 Scene 17 厨房 ❶ 别把厨房弄得一团糟。Don't leave a mess in the kitchen. 同类表达 Don't make such a mess in the kitchen. 对话 A: Let me cook dinner today. 今天让我做晚饭吧。 B: Don't leave a mess in the kitchen. 别把厨房弄
  • Scene 18 邻居 Scene 18 邻居 ❶ 你觉得你的邻居们怎么样?How do you like your neighbors? 同类表达 What do you think about your neighbors? ❷ 邻居们时常来我家串门。My neighbors drop in on me from time to time. 对话 A: How are your nei
  • Scene 19 爱好 Scene 19 爱好 ❶ 睡前读书是我的一大爱好。Reading books before sleep is my major hobby. 对话 A: I like surfing the internet before sleep. What about you? 我喜欢睡前上一会儿网,你呢? B: Reading books before sleep is my m
  • Scene 20 宠物 Scene 20 宠物 ❶ 我把我的狗当作家庭的一分子了。I consider my dog as a part of thefamily. ❷ 你对你的猫咪付出了很多。You devote a lot to your kitty. 这样回答 The kitty can relieve the burden of my life. 猫咪能减轻
  • Scene 21 租房 Scene 21 租房 ❶ 广告上说您有一间空房要出租。The advertisement says you have a vacantapartment to let. 同类表达 I heard you might have a spare room. 听说你有一间空房。 I heard you have an extra room for rent. 听说你有空
  • Scene 22 买房 Scene 22 买房 ❶ 公寓的地段很重要。The location of the apartment is very important. 同类表达 It's about thirty minutes driving from the city to my house. 房子离城里有半个小时的车程。 The apartment is conveniently located
  • Scene 23 搬家 Scene 23 搬家 ❶ 我计划下个月搬家。I'm planning to move next month. 对话 A: When do you plan to move into your new house? 你打算什么时候搬进新家? B: I'm planning to move next month. 我计划下个月搬家。 ❷ 我请了搬
  • Scene 24 装修 Scene 24 装修 ❶ 你打算怎么装修?How do you plan to decorate it? 这样回答 I plan to repaint our house by myself. 我想自己把房子再粉刷一遍。 I want to make it more colorful and attractive. 我想让它变得更富有色彩,
  • Scene 25 维修 Scene 25 维修 ❶ 墙上有裂缝。There are cracks on the wall. 对话 A: Do you need help with anything? 你需要帮助吗? B: There are cracks on the wall. 墙上有裂缝。 ❷ 这里油漆掉了。The paint is peeling off here. 对话 A:
  • Scene 26 安全 Scene 26 安全 ❶ 安装防盗门是必要的。Installing a security door is necessary. 同类表达 It's necessary to install a security door. 安装防盗门是必要的。 Installing anti-theft lock is necessary. 安装防盗锁是必要的。 ❷
  • Scene 27 邮局 Scene 27 邮局 ❶ 我要寄挂号信。I want to register this letter. 同类表达 I want to send this letter by registered mail. 我想以挂号信的方式寄这封信。 对话 A: I want to register this letter. 我要寄挂号信。 B: Please
  • Scene 28 健身 Scene 28 健身 ❶ 你为什么不参加一个有氧健身班呢?Why don't you attend an aerobicsclass? 同类表达 Why not attend an aerobics class? 为什么不参加一门有氧健身课程呢? ❷ 我必须开始健身计划了。I've got t
  • Scene 29 美发 Scene 29 美发 ❶ 我想理发,再刮一下胡子。I want a haircut and a shave. 同类表达 I want to cut my hair. 我想剪头发。 I want to have my hair cut. 我想理发。 ❷ 我只要修剪一下就好。I'd just like a trim. 同类表达
  • Scene 30 数码 Scene 30 数码 ❶ 我房间里没信号。There is no signal in my room. 同类表达 My cellphone could not be reached. 我的手机暂时无法接通。 My number is out of service. 我的手机停机了。 ❷ 你有一个未接来电。You have