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  • 【英音模仿秀】世界杯集锦

    模仿文本: Elsewhere, the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has tweeted photos of himself watching Iran-Nigeria last night. No clerical robe, just an Iranian football shirt and tracksuit bottoms. Marouane Fellaini's Facebook says fantastic win, v...

  • 【英音模仿秀】佳人蓓尔

    模仿文本: Belle is based on a handful of known facts about Dido Elizabeth Belle, the illegitimate daughter of a royal navy officer and a West African slave. Unusually for the time, the child was recognised by her father's family and brought up...

  • 【英音模仿秀】歌唱与指挥

    模仿文本: Now as the football World Cup in Brazil reaches its climax next month, the festivities will include a concert featuring the celebrated Spanish tenor Placido Domingo. It'll be his sixth performance in the World Cup. That's Placido Domi...

  • 【英音模仿秀】非洲发展靠石油

    模仿文本:It is of course a fast growing industry. Nigeria leads the way as Africa's biggest oil producer. But a number of other countries are showing their hands. There are new offshore fields being developed in Ghana, Angola and Tanzania. And...

  • 【英音模仿秀】格里•戈芬逝世

    模仿文本: Gerry Goffin who with his then-wife, Carole King, wrote some of the greatest songs of the 60s and 70s, has died at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 75. The couple had more than 50 hits including Natural Woman, The Loco-Motion, an...

  • 【英音模仿秀】今天,你嚼舌根了吗?

    模仿文本: A constant flow of gossip normalizes nastiness. A generation has grown up being shown forcefully and repeatedly that verbal abuse and personal comments are the jolly, bantering norm. Online insults and the calculated use of sexual gos...

  • 【英音模仿秀】觉醒之路

    模仿文本:The Rule of Saint Benedict was written in the sixth century. It's a book of guiding principles for monastic life and it was the dominant force in western monasticism for centuries. Madeline Scherb is the author of A Taste of Heaven, wh...

  • 【英音模仿秀】异国他乡的球迷福利

    模仿文本:Just this week, fans gathered together in Nigeria to watch their team play Iran in the World Cup, many ended up dead, victims of a terrorist attack. Now Nigerians are being discouraged from watching their team in public. In Iran, publi...

  • 【英音模仿秀】居留许可

    模仿文本:First though a film set in London in the present day but also in a kind of limbo, as a group of teenagers from African and Middle Eastern countries wait in a hostel to hear the outcome of their applications to live and work or study in...

  • 【英音模仿秀】来自贫民窟的嘻哈新星

    模仿文本: Octopizzo's turned his back on the bad-boy image cultivated by many rappers, and instead works to put other young people on the right path. He's an ambassador for the United Nations, has his own TV show, a clothing line, and is develo...

  • 【英音模仿秀】金融市场流动性创七年新低

    模仿文本: The global financial markets are not merely relaxed about the world's problems as they stand. They are positively becalmed. The global index of market volatility, the so-called Vix Index or fear gauge as some people call it, is regist...

  • 【英音模仿秀】循环往复,焚书“坑”儒

    模仿文本: So why is that? Yes, book burnings are ugly and harm to books has heralded harm to authors, readers, groups of people classified as unacceptable - their thoughts and dreams thrown onto pyres as proof they themselves are expendable, a...

  • 【英音模仿秀】乌克兰与欧盟签署贸易协定

    模仿文本: In November of last year, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych made a decision that would prove a catalyst for political upheaval, bloodshed and a looming threat of a new cold war. He decided against signing a partnership agre...

  • 【英音模仿秀】苏神咬人遭热议

    模仿文本:This is Rio de Janeiro and it's here I've come to contemplate the World Cup host - Brazil. They won their group and they are into the last 16 where they face the exuberant Chile on Saturday, but can they go all the way and win what the...

  • 【英音模仿秀】孤独的生还者

    模仿文本:You could find on DVD this week, an American action film set in Afghanistan - Lone Survivor based on the memoir of US Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who in 2005 in Baghdad on a disastrous mission as the title implies to capture or kill Tal...
