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  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)316 Communicate Well to Succeed The one-day seminar was in the Hotel Martinique on 32nd Street. Cristie, the presenter, said that people who communicate well are the stars of an organization. They make people want to belong to a team. They infect everyone with their enthusiasm. The
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)317 Curb Your Dog The man was walking his dog on the south side of 29th Street. The dog stopped. The man stopped. The dog squatted. It did its business. The man gathered the poop into a plastic bag. He and the dog started walking. Naomi said, Excuse me! You're suppose
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)318 The Spirit Is Within You The two spirits were talking. I'm bored. Who shall we be today? asked Booboo. Nono said, Why don't you be Jack, and I'll be Jill? Booboo agreed. They entered the minds of Jack and Jill. Jack and Jill were at a bar, drinking a beer. They always drank
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)319 A Pain in the Ear He dropped his glasses on the bathroom floor. They didn't break. They looked okay. A few days later, his right ear started hurting. He took off his glasses. The pain stopped. He put the glasses back on. The pain came back. He went to an eyeglass stor
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)320 Human or Plastic? They were at a deli in lower Manhattan. They ordered a ham sandwich with the works. The worker behind the counter was wearing plastic gloves. They watched him put ham, onion, tomato, and lettuce on each roll. He put the rolls on paper plates. He hand
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)321 A Rose Tattoo His daughter went off to college. Don't do anything stupid. And don't follow the crowd, he told her. She said, Of course not, Daddy. You know how smart and independent I am. He crossed his fingers anyway. She came home during Christmas break. She ask
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)322 No Time for Tears Grandma heard sobbing. She knocked on Nellie's bedroom door. Can I come in, honey? Grandma asked. Nellie said yes. Grandma saw Nellie's wet eyes. She saw tears on her cheeks. She gave Nellie some tissues. Nellie dried her eyes and blew her noseHonk!
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)323 Mom the Matchmaker Henry had a good job. But he didn't have a girlfriend. Why don't you have a girlfriend? his mother asked. You need a girlfriend, so you can get married and have kids. That way I'll have some grandchildren. Henry said, Do you want me to have a girlfri
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)324 Bring Your Cold to Work She felt something in her throat. Oh no, she thought. A tiny spot in her throat was burning. She knew what it was. It was the start of a cold. Where did she get it? It was probably the subway, she thought. There's no telling how many germs are on tho
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)325 Do You See Me!? Ivan was standing at the drugstore counter. Something struck his leg. It was one of the store's small plastic carts. It was empty. Someone had pushed it toward the counter. He was walking downstairs into the subway station. Three teenage girls were w
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)326 Golf Isn't Her Bag He was trying to get his soccer-playing daughter to take up golf. Golf is a good way to meet boys, he said. She said, Meet boys? I've already met too many boys. Both of my idiot brothers are boys. Half of my classmates are idiot boys. He said, Be nic
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)327 Monkey Business Ned and Jan worked for the Bronx Zoo. They were monkey experts. Elmer was one of twelve monkeys. He didn't socialize much. Ned and Jan tried occasionally to get Elmer to mate, but he firmly resisted those efforts. Maybe he wants prettier females, jok
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)328 The Visit to Shake Shack He was in Manhattan visiting his mom. They took a walk to Madison Square Park. They saw many people in line for Shake Shack. He said, This place must be good. Let's try it. She said she had never eaten there. He said, Well, it'll be a new taste treat
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)329 The Gay Pride Parade Street vendors were selling rainbow flags. People were wearing rainbow shirts. Women had rainbow hair. Manhattan was Rainbow City for a day. The Gay Pride parade started just north of the Empire State Building. Music blasted from floats. Participants
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)330 No More Standing in Line She hated standing in lines. Lines at the post office. Lines at the drugstore. Lines at the supermarket. The line world needed an app. She had one in mind. She called it Endline. The app was an avatar. The avatar had her credit card information. It s