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  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)346 A Cheap Grandpa Jay's niece Sonya, 30, sent him a wedding invitation. She had finally found Mr. Right. Jay called his dad. Jay said, Congratulations! You might be a great grandpa again next year. His dad didn't seem too happy. Jay asked, Is something wrong? Dad said
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)347 Fine, but not Dandy He arrived at Bellevue Hospital. He went to the second floorPrimary Care for Adults. He told the clerk at 2C that he had a 2:20 appointment. He gave her his hospital card. That'll be $20, she said. He paid her. She gave him a receipt. Take this to 2D
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)348 I Have a Better Man for You Auntie was Betty's client. Betty invited Auntie over and made a Chinese dinner for her. Auntie loved it. She said, This is the best Chinese meal I've ever eaten in Manhattan. She even asked to take all the leftovers home. During the meal, Betty had,
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)349 A Plain, Cold Blanket Her seat was 28E. It was between an old man and a young man. Her flight was from LA to NYC. She hadn't slept much the night before. The sofa in her son's small apartment had been very uncomfortable. He had offered her his own bed, but she had refused
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)350 Blind Girl Looks Normal Laurie had beautiful blue eyes, but she was born blind. Her parents didn't know this at first. Then they began to notice things. If they moved a finger from her right to her left, her eyes didn't follow it. When they smiled at her, she didn't smile b
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)351 A New Laptop (1) Bob pushed the power button on his laptop computer. Nothing happened. What?, he wondered. He pushed it again. Nothing happened. He pushed the button again and again. Finally, after maybe 50 pushes, the button worked. The little blue light came on. A
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)352 A New Laptop (2) Bob went to another computer repair shop. The technician told him pretty much the same thing. Bob went to Office Stuff and to PaperClips. He saw an HP laptop that he liked. It was on sale at both stores. But it was cheaper at Office Stuff. He went ba
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)353 A New Laptop (3) Bob had had plenty of problems with his old computer. He said he'd buy the insurance. You probably want us to make recovery disks, too, said Joe. If anything goes wrong, you'll need them to restart your computer. The insurance doesn't include the dis
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)354 A New Laptop (4) Bob took his new computer home. He was happy to have a new computer. His old computer had had one problem after another. Sometimes Bob thought there was an evil spirit inside it. Sometimes he would be typing in one paragraph, and the letters would ap
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)355 A New Laptop (5) Bob went into his bedroom. He wanted to transfer some files on his old computer to a flash drive. Then he would unpack his new computer. He lifted the lid of his laptop. He pushed on the power button. The computer turned on instantly. What?, Bob wond
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)356 An Out-of-Control Printer (1) The printer was not even two years old. Suddenly it developed a mind of its own. On its own, the printer made six copies of nothing. On its own, the printer scanned a blank document. It was its own boss. Jeff was no longer in control. When Jeff click
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)357 An Out-of-Control Printer (2) Jeff decided to try an older printer that he owned. He hadn't used it in a couple of years. He dusted it off. He inserted the installation disk. The disk started spinning. The software failed to install. He tried again. It failed again. He called HP
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)358 An Out-of-Control Printer (3) Jeff went online. He looked at $99 printers. Canon had a Pixma MX410. It was an All-in-One printer. He read the reviews. They were good. Plus, the Pixma was reduced to $79. That would save him $20. It was 9 p.m. Saturday. He had just spent five hours
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)359 Your Questions Annoy Me (1) It was 8 a.m. It was the first day of training. The trainer, Earl, introduced himself to everyone. Will thought Earl seemed nice enough, at first. As time passed, however, Will's opinion changed. Earl did not like many of Will's questions. He said Wi
  • 英文短篇故事(纽约)360 Your Questions Annoy Me (2) Later that afternoon, Earl sent everyone out to take pictures for practice. He said to return by 4:30 sharp. Will and Keesha went to two vacant apartments. Keesha took lots of pictures; Will took only a few. They returned to the training room at 4:27