Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部
Protocol Department 礼宾司
Information Department 新闻司
diplomatic mission 外交代表机构
embassy 大使馆
legation 公使馆
consulate-general 总领事馆
consulate 领事馆
office of the chargé d'affaires 代办处
military attaché's office 武官处
commercial counsellor's office 商务处
press section, in formation service 新闻处
liaison office 联络处
Protocol Department 礼宾司
Information Department 新闻司
diplomatic mission 外交代表机构
embassy 大使馆
legation 公使馆
consulate-general 总领事馆
consulate 领事馆
office of the chargé d'affaires 代办处
military attaché's office 武官处
commercial counsellor's office 商务处
press section, in formation service 新闻处
liaison office 联络处