Conference Address
欢迎 welcome代表 delegates公务员 civil servants论断 assertion内外事物
internal and external affairs企业家 entrepreneur社会阶层 social
strata圆满成功 a full success祝愿 wishes祝贺 congratulations自治 autonomy
澳门顺利回归祖国 Macao's smooth return to the motherland
采取有力扶持政策 implement strong supportive policy measures
持续快速发展 undergo steady and fast growth
代表…… on behalf of
当家作主 as masters of the land
读万卷书,行万里路 travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books
发扬爱国爱港的光荣传统 carry on the glorious tradition of loving the motherland and loving Hong Kong
富有蓬勃活力和巨大潜力的新兴产业 a newly emerging dynamic and potentially strong industry
港人治港 Hong Kong people administrating Hong Kong
高兴地看到 note with pleasure
高度重视 give profound attention
高度自治 a high degree of autonomy
各界人士 people from all walks of life
古代中国的风采神韵 the ancient glory of China
观国之光 appreciating the landscape through sightseeing
广泛开展合作 develop extensive cooperation with
合理保护和利用旅游资源 properly protect and utilize tourism resources
积极维护祖国尊严 resolutely uphold the dignity of the motherland
恪尽职守 work scrupulously to fulfill duties
历史文化博大精深 the profound history and extensive culture
民生问题 issues related to the welfare and well-being of
普遍关注的 of universal concern
全国各族人民 people of all ethnic groups in our country