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相关教程: 英文语法 英文词汇
  • 英语新词:“新食物恐惧症”你有吗?

    Food neophobia is the fear of eating new or unfamiliar foods.It differs from selective eating disorder. 新食物恐惧症是指害怕吃新的或不熟悉的食物。这与选择性饮食失调有所不同。 Food neophobia is particularly common in...

  • 英语新词:“社交不工作”你是这样的人吗?

    Social notworking refers to the practice of spending timeunproductively on social-networking websites, especially whenone should be working. Social notworking(暂译为社交不工作)指在工作时间上社交网站闲逛的行为。 With today's s...

  • 英语热词:双十一避免不了的"隐形消费者"

    Stealth shopper is a person who shops secretly to avoidflaunting wealth or to hide expenses from a spouse; a personwho purchases expensive items that do not look expensive. 隐形消费者指用隐秘的方式购物,以避免炫富或者被伴侣发现...

  • 英语新词:何为"詹姆斯邦德"效应?

    The James Bond Effect (also called 007 Effect) is a theory inpropaganda and political circles, whereby the first detailedopinion/summary that someone hears or reads on a particulartopic, is the one they are most likely to adopt. 詹姆斯邦德效应...

  • 英语新词:你知道支付宝的"亲密付"?

    Add-on pay is similar to Add-on Card in the banking system. Itis a privilege offered to the spouse, parents or children of aprimary holder of Alipay Wallet, a mobile payment app launchedby Alipay, Chinas largest online payments provider. The primaryp...

  • 英语新词:说说"有异性没人性"的朋友


  • 英语新词:"奈特尔"家庭是什么样的?

    Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life, or NETTEL, refers to the risingpool of households headed by two high-income-earning, full-time-working parents with dependent children. NETTEL(Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,无暇享受生活,简称奈特尔)指夫妻...

  • 英语新词:“学位夫人”你知道什么意思吗?

    Possible holders of an MRS degree are women who attendcollege just to meet potential husbands with high socialstanding and future earning potential. 有些女孩子上大学就是为了找到一个有地位又有经济前景的老公,这样的女孩子...

  • 英语新词:“老妈表情”怎么说?

    两人恋爱进入稳定期以后自然会想要把对方介绍给自己的家人,有时候孩子喜欢的人,老妈却不一定看得上,于是就有了老妈看到儿子女朋友时候的老妈表情。 Mom look is the look you get when your...

  • 英语新词:旅游业新词“男性假期”

    The concept of a gender specific trip has been around since thefirst caveman took his club and went hunting with the others inthe tribe. Yet, mancation has become a buzzword in the travelbusiness lately. 虽说同性出游这样的形式在人类始祖...

  • 英语新词:小长假你“假装度假”?

    Fakeation is the unusual practice of staying at home but tellingeveryone you're away. 假装度假指明明待在家里,却告诉别人你出去玩了。 Some take a selfie that looks like theyre on holiday and post iton social media, some go so fa...

  • 英语热词:“北京瘫”英语怎么说?

    【葛式/春生式瘫坐】可以造个新词,比如para-lies,是paralyze(瘫)+lie,强调瘫和躺。或者para-sit,是parasite(寄生虫/懒汉)+sit,强调懒和废。 例句:The picture of Jenerys Spring-Born of House Gedaye parasittin...

  • 英语流行语:曾风靡网络的“膝盖中箭体”


  • 流行语:高温补贴英文怎么说?

    高温补贴: High-temperature subsidies Twenty-eight provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have made high-temperature subsidies standard this year, China Daily reported. Employees in northern regions such as Tianjin and Gansu are entitl...

  • 英语流行语:衣橱血拼

    衣橱里衣服成堆,可还是觉得没有衣服穿?不如找一天来一场衣橱血拼吧。你不用花一分钱,只需把衣服全部整理一遍,就有可能会发现好几件很不错的新衣服。 Closet shopping is a kind of shopping...
