1.经济学人466:平遥古城 票号的幽灵
Pingyao 平遥古城 In banking's shadow 票号的幽灵 A former financial hub now begs for the patronage of tourists 曾经的金融中心,如今向光顾的游客乞食 The...
2.经济学人465:小众语言 终端数据缓存奶牛
Minority languages 小众语言 Cookies, caches and cows 终端数据,缓存,奶牛 Translating technological terms throws up some peculiar challenges 科学术语...
3.经济学人464:波兰政府 能力的体现
Poland's government 波兰政府 Flashes of competence 能力的体现 Poland's new prime minister is matter-of-fact to a fault 波兰新总理坦然面对困难 Ewa Kopa...
4.经济学人463:日本汽车制造商 活力无穷
Japanese carmakers 日本汽车制造商 Lots of oomph 活力无穷 Japan's small-car firms are defying the industry's get-big-or-die imperative 日本的小厂商们正...
5.经济学人462:降低的油价 症状和疗法
Cheaper oil 降低的油价 Both symptom and balm 症状和疗法 The oil price is tumbling. Is that good or bad news for the world economy? 油价下跌对全球经济...
6.经济学人461:货币政策 或紧或松没有关系
Monetary policy 货币政策 Tight, loose, irrelevant 或紧或松没有关系 Interest rates do not seem to affect investment as economists assume 利率似乎并不像...
Foreign entrepreneurs in China 在中国觅食的外国企业家 Small is not beautiful 小并不是美 It is hard for small businesses to break into the Chinese mark...
8.经济学人459:西班牙出现埃博拉疫情 欧洲境内首例患者
Ebola in Spain 西班牙出现埃博拉疫情 Europe's first victim 欧洲境内首例患者 A Spanish nurse who caught Ebola causes consternation across Europe 一西班...
9.经济学人458:自由民主党 他们必胜
The Liberal Democrats 自由民主党 They shall overcome 他们必胜 Facing electoral meltdown, why are the Lib Dems so cheerful? 面对选举危机,自由民主党为...
10.经济学人457:世界经济 比看起来更糟
The world economy 世界经济 Weaker than it looks 比看起来更糟 Growth is healthy in America and Britain. But most of the world economy is in trouble 美...