
美国俚语:the bottom line 最主要的

时间:2013-04-12 07:03:11


   A:Iguessmy boyfriend and I are finally calling it quits. We live3000miles apartfrom each other. Long-distance relationships arejustimpossible.

  A: 我想我男朋友跟终于是要结束了。我们俩相距三千哩。长距离的感情是不可能(维持得下去)的。
  B:That\'s notalways true. There are success stories. If both of you really share thesame goals and feel you want to pursue1, then you can both have a futuretogether. The bottom line is - you have to want it to work.
  B: 不一定都是这样。有人也成功过。如果你们二个都有相同的目标, 愿意一起追求的话, 你们是可以有前途的。重点是, 你(们)必须想要这份感情(它)维持下去。
  写了一堆, 好象只是为了最后要冒出"the bottom line" 这个词来而已。不过, 很多时候别人也是叽哩瓜啦说了一堆话后, 才冒出一个真正重要的关键话来, 这也就是所谓的"the bottom line"了。



1 pursue IC3ys     
  • He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。
  • This is the path that we shall continue to pursue.这是我们要继续走的道路。