时间:2013-09-21 11:55:52
41. blink our eyes 眨眼睛
42. flash our eyes at sth. 瞟一眼
43. make eyes 抛媚眼
44. cast sheep's eye 暗送秋波
45. You have an eye for something. 有眼光有见解
47. pencil the eyebrows 描眉
49. rough bushy eyebrows 浓密的粗眉
50. eyelash grower 睫毛膏
51. eyelash curler 卷睫毛器
52. without turning an eyelash 泰然自若不动声色
54. not bat an eyelid 对事情泰然自若
56. face the music 不得不接受惩罚承担后果必须承受出现的局面
57. a matter of face 面子攸关的事情
58. lose face 丢面子
例如He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face.
59. save one's face 挽回面子
60. pull a long face 拉长了脸
61. make a face at you 对你做个鬼脸
62. have the face 厚颜无耻.
例如I'm so surprised that you have the face to do so!
63. cold fish 态度冷冰冰没有热情的人
64. drink like a fish 牛饮
65. flats 平跟鞋
66. footfall 客流量
例如We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and drive footfall into their
68. green eyed 嫉妒
69. green finger thumb ?把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮.
例如A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly.
70. green hand 生手.
例如I'm still green at my job.
71. green light 允许许可.
例如I'm only waiting for the green light from you.
72. green revolution 绿色革命.
例如These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after
74. the green years 青春年华
75. He is ripe in years but green in heart. 形容某人是老当益壮
76. lose your heart to someone 和某人谈恋爱
77. lack heart 缺乏勇气
78. win your heart 赢得你的心
79. broken heart 破碎的心
80. heart of stone 石头心肠