木偶奇遇记 第163期:匹诺曹梦想成真(9)
时间:2018-06-19 01:26:23
Among other things, he built a rolling chair, strong and comfortable, to take his old father out for an airing on bright, sunny days. 除此以外,他还做了一辆轮椅,既结实又舒服,天气晴朗的时候就带他爸爸出门呼吸新鲜空气。
In the evening the
Marionette1 studied by lamplight. 晚上木偶就在灯下学习。
With some of the money he had earned, he bought himself a secondhand volume that had a few pages
missing2, 他用赚来的一些钱给自己买了一本缺失了几页的二手书,
and with that he
learned3 to read in a very short time. 就这样他很快学会了阅读。
As far as writing was concerned, he used a long stick at one end of which he had
whittled4 a long, fine point. 到了开始写字的时候,他就用一根棍子,一端削的又长又尖。
Ink he had none, so he used the juice of blackberries or cherries. Little by little his diligence was rewarded. 没有墨水,他就用黑莓汁或樱桃汁。渐渐的,他的勤奋有了回报。
He succeeded, not only in his studies, but also in his work, 他不仅在学习上成功了,也在工作上有所成就,
and a day came when he put enough money together to keep his old father comfortable and happy. 他攒够了钱能让他年迈父亲安享晚年的那天终于到了。
Besides this, he was able to save the great amount of fifty pennies. 除此之外,他攒够了一大笔钱,足足有50美分。
With it he wanted to buy himself a new suit. 他想用它给自己买件新上衣。
One day he said to his father: "I am going to the market place to buy myself a coat, a cap, and a pair of shoes. 一天他对他父亲说:“我要上市场给自己买一件外衣,一顶帽子和一双鞋。
When I come back I'll be so dressed up, you will think I am a rich man." 等我回家的时候,我会穿戴一新,您会以为我是一位富翁。”
He ran out of the house and up the road to the village, laughing and singing. 他跑出门,边唱边笑的走上了去村庄的路。
Suddenly he heard his name called, and looking around to see whence the voice came, 忽然他听见有人叫他的名字,他回身一看声音是从哪儿传来的,
he noticed a large
snail5 crawling6 out of some bushes. 看见一只巨大的蜗牛正从矮树丛里爬出来。