英语听书《海底两万里》第560期 第35章 尼摩船长的最后几句话(7)
时间:2018-07-05 09:15:07
It was an insane idea. 这真是一种疯狂的念头。
Fortunately I controlled myself and stretched out on the bed to
soothe1 my bodily
agitation2. 幸好,我克制住自己,我躺到床上去,让体内的骚动平息一下。
My nerves calmed a little, but with my brain so aroused, 我的神经松驰了一点,但大脑仍然过度地兴奋。
I did a swift review of my whole existence aboard the Nautilus, 我快速地回忆着从我离开”林肯号”船只以来,
every pleasant or unpleasant incident that had crossed my path since I went overboard from the Abraham Lincoln: 在“鹦鹉螺号”船上所有经历过的所有快乐和不幸的事情:
the underwater hunting trip, the Torres Strait, our running aground, the
savages3 of Papua, 海下狩猎,托里斯海峡,搁浅,巴布亚土著,
the coral
cemetery4, the Suez passageway, the island of Santorini, the Cretan diver, 珊瑚墓地,苏伊士通道,桑多林岛,克利特岛潜水人,
the Bay of Vigo, Atlantis, the Ice Bank, the South Pole, 维多湾,大西洋城,大浮冰群,南极点,
imprisonment5 in the ice, the battle with the devilfish, the storm in the
Gulf6 Stream, the Avenger, 受困冰层,大战章鱼,海湾暖流的风暴,“复仇号”战舰,
and that horrible scene of the
vessel7 sinking with its crew... ! 以及那被撞沉的战舰和它的全体船员一起沉没的可怕的一幕!
All these events passed before my eyes like backdrops unrolling upstage in a theater. 所有这些事件历历在目,仿佛是电影院后台那一幕幕展开的布景。
In this strange setting Captain Nemo then grew fantastically. 而尼摩船长在这个奇异的境界里无限地放大,
His features were
accentuated8, taking on superhuman proportions. 他的形象突出超人,
He was no longer my equal, he was the Man of the Waters, the Spirit of the Seas. 他再也不是我的同类,而是一个水中人,一个海底精灵。
By then it was 9:30. I held my head in both hands to keep it from bursting. 9点半了,我双手夹住自己的脑袋,以免它胀裂开。