英语听书《海底两万里》第566期 第36章 结尾(2)
时间:2018-07-23 03:22:51
But what happened to the Nautilus? 但“鹦鹉螺号”船只现在怎么样?
Did it withstand the Maelstrom's clutches? 它能挣脱大漩流吗?
Is Captain Nemo alive? 尼摩船长还活着吗?
Is he still under the ocean pursuing his
frightful1 program of revenge, or did he stop after that latest mass execution? 他还会在海底继续他那种可怕的复仇行为吗?还是在那最后一次大屠杀后,他就洗手不干呢?
Will the waves someday deliver that manuscript that contains his full life story? 水波会不会有一天把那本记载着他的全部生活经历的手稿带到人间呢?
Will I finally learn the man's name? 我最终会知道这个人的名字吗?
Will the nationality of the stricken
warship2 tell us the nationality of Captain Nemo? 那艘沉没的战舰,能否通过说明它的国籍,来告诉我们尼摩船长的国籍呢?
I hope so. I likewise hope that his powerful submersible has defeated the sea inside its most dreadful whirlpool, 我希望能。我也同样希望在那最可怕的漩涡里,尼摩船长那强有力的船能战胜大海,
that the Nautilus has survived where so many ships have perished! “鹦鹉螺号”船只能在那众多船只葬身的地方幸存下来!
If this is the case and Captain Nemo still inhabits the ocean--his adopted country--may the hate be
appeased3 in that fierce heart! 如果事实真是如此,如果尼摩船长永远生活在他寄居的祖国的海洋里,但愿仇恨在他那颗愤世嫉俗的心中平息!
May the contemplation of so many wonders extinguish the spirit of
vengeance4 in him! 但愿静观那么多的奇观能熄灭他心中的复仇之火!
May the executioner pass away, and the scientist continue his peaceful exploration of the seas! 但愿判官逝去,而学者继续在平静的海底勘探!
If his destiny is strange, it's also
sublime5. 如果说尼摩船长的命运是离奇古怪,那他也是崇高的,
Didn't I lead ten months of this otherworldly existence? 难道我不是亲身经历了10个月那种超自然的生活吗?
Thus to that question asked 6,000 years ago in the Book of Ecclesiastes: 因此,对于6000年前,《圣经·传道书》中提出的那个问题:
"Who can
fathom7 the soundless depths?" “谁曾能探测深渊的深处呢?”
two men out of all humanity have now earned the right to reply. Captain Nemo and I. 现在,我相信人类中有两个人有资格来回答这个问题。那就是我和尼摩船长。