夏洛的网 第217期:温暖的风(7)
时间:2019-02-13 05:28:48
At last one little spider took time enough to stop 最后有一只小蜘蛛在吐出气球前,停了足够时间
and talk to Wilbur before making its balloon. 能跟威尔伯说两句话。
"We're leaving here on the warm updraft. “我们在乘着这温暖的上升气流离开这里。
This is our moment for setting
forth1. 这是我们动身的时刻。
We are aeronauts and we are going out into the world to make webs for ourselves." 我们是飞天蜘蛛,我们正在到世界上去结我们的网。”
"But where?" asked Wilbur. “可是到哪儿去呢?”威尔伯问道。
"Wherever the wind takes us. “风把我们吹道哪儿就到哪儿。
High, low. Near, far. East, west. North, south. 高处,低处。近处,远处。东,南,西,北。
We take to the breeze, we go as we please." 我们乘着微风飞走,要上哪儿就上哪儿。”
"Are all of you going?" asked Wilbur. “你们全都去吗?”威尔伯问,
"You can't all go. I would be left alone, with no friends. “你们不能全都去。这样就只剩我一个了,没有朋友。
Your mother wouldn't want that to happen, I'm sure." 我断定你们的妈妈不会希望这样的。”
The air was now so full of balloonists 空中这时满是气球,
that the barn cellar looked almost as though a mist had gathered. 谷仓底看上去简直是起了雾一般。
Balloons by the dozen were rising, circling, and drifting away through the door, 几十个几十个气球飞起来,打转,飞出门,
sailing off on the gentle wind. 乘着微风飞走。
Cries of "Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye!" came weakly to Wilbur's ears. “再见,再见,再见!”的叫声微弱地传到威尔伯耳朵里。
He couldn't bear to watch any more. 它再也看不下去了,
In sorrow he sank to the ground and closed his eyes. 难过地扑倒在地,闭上眼睛。
This seemed like the end of the world, to be
deserted2 by Charlotte's children. 被夏洛的孩子们抛弃,这近乎世界的末日。
Wilbur cried himself to sleep. 威尔伯哭着哭着,睡着了。