夏洛的网 第218期:温暖的风(8)
时间:2019-02-13 05:29:21
When he woke it was late afternoon. 等到它醒来,已经是下午后半晌。
He looked at the egg sac. It was empty. 它看着那卵袋,已经空了。
He looked into the air. 它抬头看空中。
The balloonists were gone. 气球全都没有了。
where Charlotte's web used to be. 夏洛的网过去一直在那里。
He was
standing3 there, thinking of her, when he heard a small voice. 威尔伯站在那里,想看夏洛,这时它猛然听到一个很小的声音。
"Salutations!" it said. "I'm up here." “你好!”那声音说,“我在你头顶呢。”
"So am I," said another tiny voice. “我也是,”另一个很小的声音说。
"So am I," said a third voice. “我也是,”第三个声音说,
"Three of us are staying. We like this place, and we like you." “我们三个留下来。我们喜欢这个地方,我们喜欢你。”
Wilbur looked up. 威尔伯抬起头看。
At the top of the doorway three small webs were being constructed. 门梁上结了三个小蜘蛛网。
On each web, working busily was one of Charlotte's daughters. 每个网上都有一个夏洛的女儿忙着工作。
"Can I take this to mean," asked Wilbur, “我能够这样看这件事吗?”威尔伯问道,
"that you have definitely
decided4 to live here in the barn cellar, “这表示你们已经拿定主意,在这谷仓底住下来了,
and that I am going to have three friends?" 我要有三个朋友了?”
"You can indeed," said the spiders. “你当然能够这样认为,”那些小蜘蛛说。
"What are your names, please?" asked Wilbur, trembling with joy. “请问你们叫什么名字?”威尔伯问,快乐地直发抖。
"I'll tell you my name," replied the first little spider, “我会告诉你我的名字的,”第一只小蜘蛛回答说,
"if you'll tell me why you are trembling." “如果你告诉我你为什么发抖。”
"I'm trembling with joy," said Wilbur. “我是快乐得发抖,”威尔伯说。
"Then my name is Joy," said the first spider. “那么我的名字就叫快乐,”第一只小蜘蛛说。
"What was my mother's middle initial?" asked the second spider. “那么我妈妈中间名字的缩写是什么?”第二只小蜘蛛问。
"A," said Wilbur. “阿,”威尔伯说。
"Then my name is Aranea," said the spider. “那么我的名字叫阿拉妮,”这只小蜘蛛说。
"How about me?" asked the third spider. “那么我呢?”第三只小蜘蛛问,
"Will you just pick out a nice sensible name for me “你可以给我取一个又好听,又有意思的名字吗
- something not too long, not too fancy, and not too dumb?" ——不要太长,不要太花哨,也不要太傻。”
Wilbur thought hard. 威尔伯埋头拼命地想。
"Nellie?" he suggested. “内莉?”威尔伯想出了一个。
"Fine, I like that very much," said the third spider. “很好,我非常喜欢,”第三只小蜘蛛说,
"You may call me Nellie." “你就叫我内莉吧。”
She daintily fastened her
orb5 line to the next
spoke6 of the web. 它轻巧地把它的环线接到网的下一根辐线上去。