夏洛的网 第220期:温暖的风(10)
时间:2019-02-13 05:30:27
As time went on, 时间流逝着,
and the months and years came, and went, 一个月又一个月,一年又一年,来了又去了,
he was never without friends. 可威尔伯从来不缺少朋友。
Fern did not come regularly to the barn any more. 弗恩不再那么经常来谷仓。
She was growing up, and was careful to avoid childish things, 她在长大,小心地避开孩子气的事,
like sitting on a milk stool near a pigpen. 例如端张挤奶凳子坐在猪圈旁边。
But Charlotte's children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, year after year, lived in the
doorway1. 可是年复一年,夏洛的子女、孙子女、曾孙子女一直住在门口那儿。
Each spring there were new little spiders hatching out to take the place of the old. 每年春天都有新的小蜘蛛出世代替老的。
Most of them sailed away, on their balloons. 它们绝大多数都乘气球飞走了。
But always two or three stayed and set up housekeeping in the doorway. 可总是有两三只留下来,在门口安家。
Mr. Zuckerman took fine care of Wilbur all the rest of his days, 朱克曼先生很好地照顾着威尔伯的一生。
and the pig was often visited by friends and admirers, 经常有朋友和慕名而来的人来看望威尔伯,
for nobody ever forgot the year of his triumph and the miracle of the web. 因为没有人会忘记它的峥嵘岁月和网上奇迹。
Life in the barn was very good 谷仓里的生活非常好
- night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, dull days and bright days. ——不管白天还是黑夜,冬天夏天,春天秋天,阴沉日子晴朗日子。
It was the best place to be, thought Wilbur, 威尔伯想,这真是个最好的地方,
this warm delicious cellar, with the
garrulous2 geese, 这温馨可爱的仓底,有嘎嘎不休的鹅,
the changing seasons, 有变换不同的季节,
the heat of the sun, 有太阳的温暖,
the passage of swallows, 有燕子来去,
the nearness of rats, 有老鼠在附近,
the sameness of sheep, 有单调没变化的羊,
the love of spiders, 有蜘蛛的爱,
and the glory of everything. 有所有值得称赞的东西。
Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. 威尔伯永远忘不了夏洛。
Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, 它虽然热爱它的子女、孙子女、曾孙子女,
none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart. 可是这些新蜘蛛没有一只能取代夏洛在它心中的位置。
She was in a class by herself. 夏洛是无可比拟的。
It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. 这样的人物不是经常能够碰到的:既是忠实朋友,又是写作好手。
Charlotte was both. 夏洛两者都是。