生活大爆炸第八季 第202期:把盐递给我
时间:2019-02-28 01:33:43
Can you please pass the salt? 能把盐递给我吗?
Sure. It's not like I was invited to Richard Feynman's house and have anything better to do. 行。反正我也没被邀请去理查德·费曼家,也没有更重要的事情可做。
Is this how the rest of the night's going to be? 你今晚一整晚都会像这样子吗?
I don't know the future. Do you think there's a chance that an
asteroid1 could hit the Earth, destroying Feynman's house and everyone in it? 我又不能预知未来。你觉得有可能会有一颗陨石撞到地球上、刚好撞烂费曼家、 还撞死里面所有人吗?
No, Sheldon. 不可能,谢尔顿。
buckle2 up; you're in for a cranky night. 那做好准备,本人要闹脾气一整晚了。
According to the
codicil3 of the Relationship Agreement which you insisted upon, we're not allowed to
pout4 or be
moody5 on date night. 根据你自己坚持加上的恋爱合约附录,我们不允许在约会之夜撅嘴闹脾气。
You know I just put that in because of uterus stuff. 你明知道我加上那条是防你大姨妈到访。
Well, it applies to you, too. 规矩对你也同样适用。
I was afraid you might bring this up, so I have a work-around. There you go. 我就怕你会提起这件事,所以我钻了漏洞。满意了吧。
As far as you're concerned, I'm smiling. Although, I must admit, I'm smiling a little bit at the moment because this loophole is so brilliant. 就你看来,我是在笑。虽然我不得不承认,我现在的确是在小小窃笑,因为此举实在太机智了。
So, Bernadette, have you thought about how you're going to redecorate this place? 伯纳黛特,你想好了怎么重新装修这地方吗?
You know, I'm thinking ripping up the carpets, maybe lose the wallpaper, all new light
fixtures6... 我在考虑拆了这地毯,墙纸也全部撕了,弄新的灯架...
You know, if you knocked out this wall, it would give you an open floor plan, and then...it's a little scary, but could be fun-- indoor fire pit. 其实,如果你拆掉这面墙,你整个格局就会变成开放式的。然后...或许有点吓人,但也可能好玩——在这弄个室内壁炉。