生活大爆炸 第九季:第12集 莱纳德与佩妮看精神科(上)
时间:2019-03-01 01:15:25
I'm glad to see you made it safely. How's your hotel? 看到你平安到达我就放心了,酒店怎么样
It's not the best Best Western I've been to, but I'd say it's...the third best Best Western I've been to. 虽然不是我住过的最佳"最佳西方酒店",但算得上我住过的第三佳"最佳西方酒店"吧
I know how you feel. The Best Buy by my house is only the third best Best Buy. 我懂你的感觉,我家附近的百思买(最值买)也只是第三值
They have the best buys, but having the best buys isn't the only thing that makes a Best Buy the best Best Buy. 它的确有最值买的东西,但光有最值买的东西并不足以让一家"最值买"荣登最值的"最值买"
What makes a best Best Buy the best Best Buy? 那最值"最值买"怎么样才能担起这头衔呢
Mm, that's a great question. I like when they're next to a Chipotle. 这问题问得好,我喜欢它们开在墨西哥快餐店旁
Okay, well, I should
unpack1. 好了,我该去把行李拿出来了
All right. Enjoy the neurobiology conference. 好的,好好享受神经生物学大会吧
I will. I... wish you were here. 我会的,我... 真希望你也在这里
At a neurobiology conference? What a mean thing to say. 参加神经生物学大会吗,这话也太损了吧
Okay, I'm glad you're not here? 好吧,那我很庆幸你不在这里呢
Aw, you always know just what to say after I tell you what to say. Goodbye, Sheldon. Bye. 真好,每次只要我一教,你就会把话说到我心坎里,再见啦,谢尔顿,再见
Oh! Good news, gentlemen. Amy's at a conference this weekend, which means I'm available to be entertained, hmm. 好消息,各位,艾米这周末去参加会议,这就代表你们有荣幸能娱乐本皇
As today's youth might put it: Who wants to get their Sheldon? 也就是现在年轻人说的谁有兴趣来"谢"主隆恩啊
Bernie and I are getting the house ready for the
remodel2. We could always use an extra pair of hands. 我跟妮妮要为家里的重新装修做准备,我们很乐意有你来帮忙
That sounds awful. Raj? 一听就烂透了,拉杰呢
Uh, I've got time booked in the telescope room all weekend
scanning3 for
rogue4 planets. You're more than welcome to join me. 这周末我已预定好使用太空望远镜控制室来搜索流浪行星,欢迎你跟我一起去
That's the one to beat. Leonard? 列入考虑,莱纳德呢
Oh, if anything, I'm trying to get my Sheldoff. 你别来烦我就"谢"天谢地了
Well, then it looks like we have a winner. Congratulations. 看来冠军得主已经出炉,恭喜你
Well, I should warn you, it's just looking at data for hours and hours on a computer screen. 先提醒你,那只是单纯坐在电脑前看好几小时的数据而已
Uh, stop selling it, kid. You won. 已经选你,别再诱惑我了
How was your day? 今天好吗
Oh, not good. Still couldn't get in to see Dr. Gallo. 不太好,还是没能见到加洛医生
A doctor? Well, I hope you're not
contagious5. 医生吗,你的病可别有传染性啊
I've got a weekend in the telescope room I've been excited about for almost three minutes. 我这周末要去太空望远镜控制室,我可是为此兴奋了将近有三分钟呢
I'm not sick. It's for work. There's this doctor who refuses to see any sales reps. I've been trying to get in for months. 我没生病,是工作啦,有一个医生拒绝见任何医药销售员,我试着要见这医生好几个月了
Well, did you try wearing the shirt I said was inappropriate for work? 你有穿那件我说上班穿太骚的衣服试试吗
Well, the doctor's a woman, but...yes, because you never know. 那是个女医生,不过...穿了,毕竟"直弯"试过才知道
What kind of doctor is she? 她是什么医生
Well, what if you make an appointment as a patient? Then you'll get to talk to her. 那你假装自己是病人去预约呢,那你就有机会跟她谈啦
Oh. What if Leonard made an appointment and tried to lay some groundwork for you? That's interesting. 那如果是莱纳德假装病人去预约,先帮你铺好路呢,这个主意有意思
I'm not gonna make a
fake8 appointment with a psychiatrist. 我才不要假装病人去看精神科医生
What would I say is wrong with me? 我要假装有啥毛病呢
Low selfesteem. Social anxiety.
Sexual9 insecurity. None of that is true. 自尊低落,社交焦虑,性生活不安全感,你们说得都不是真的
denial10. See, sweetie, the list goes on and on. 否认现实,亲爱的,毛病多得很啊
That's just crazy. How would my going in there even help you? 这也太扯了吧,我去了对你有什么帮助啊
I don't know. You could talk to her, and maybe if it comes up, you could ask if she's heard about the drug. 不知道啊,你可以跟她聊天,谈到药时就顺势问问她有没听过我公司的药
What if I get caught? 万一被抓到怎么办
Fear of failure! Lack of confidence! Kind of a wuss! 害怕失败,缺乏自信,有点怂逼
Fine, I'll do it. But not because of them, because I love you. Thank you. 行,我去,但不是因为他们的话,是因为我爱你,谢谢
Pushover. Spineless. Still hasn't bought milk even though I told him two days ago! 软柿子, 没骨气,两天前就交代去买牛奶,到现在都还没买
That was
incredible11. It was. I just wish Stuart wasn't around so we didn't have to be so quiet. 真是爽翻天了,的确,要是斯图尔特不在就更好了,我们想多大声就能多大声
I know. It's not like he returns the favor when he watches his Japanese porn cartoons. 对啊,而且这家伙看日本色情动画时也不知放大声点回报咱们
You guys got a minute, or are you still cuddling? 你们俩有空吗,还是还在事后抱抱
What is it, Stuart? Can I come in? 有事吗,斯图尔特,我能进来吗
Hang on. Should I send him away? 稍等,要不要我赶他走
What's up? No, it's okay. Thanks, Bernie. 不用,没事,谢谢你,妮妮,你要干嘛
Uh, well, I know the remodel is coming up, so I thought I'd make it easy on you guys and find my own place. 我知道你们很快要重新装修了,所以我想让你们方便作业就出去找房子
I thought I was done getting lucky tonight. So, when are you thinking of moving? 我真没想到今晚能"好事"成双啊,所以你计划什么时候搬
Uh, actually, I already found an apartment, so in a couple of days. 其实我已经找好一间公寓了,所以过几天就搬
Oh. Okay. Sorry to see you go? 好吧,真舍不得你走咩
Okay, well, thank you guys for everything. II really appreciate it. 谢谢你们这些日子来的照顾,我真的非常感谢
You're very welcome. What? 不用客气,怎么了
Hmm, I just have never been in this room while you're awake. 我只是从来没在你们醒着的时候进来过
What are you doing? 你在干嘛
Uh, making sure the telescope's camera is whitefield balanced. 确保望远镜的摄像机白场已平衡
What are you doing now? 那现在呢
Still making sure the telescope's camera is whitefield balanced. 还在确保望远镜的摄像机,白场已平衡
Oh, I see. How about now? 了解,那现在呢
Now I'm making sure the telescope's camera is whitefield balanced and wishing you had a coloring book. 现在在确保望远镜的摄像机白场已平衡以及后悔你没有一本彩色填色本
Well, I can be helpful. Give me something to do. 我可以帮上忙啊,给我点事情做做嘛
You know, my father took me to work once, and in ten minutes I figured out who'd been stealing from the cash register. 告诉你,有一次我爹带我去上班,才十分钟我就发现了到底是谁从收银机里偷钱
It was my father. Yeah, Dad lost his job, but Mr. Hinckley gave me a Fudgsicle. 就是我爹,我爹丢了工作,但是他老板给了我根软糖冰棒
Fine, you want something to do? There's about six months of data on this hard drive. 行,你想要来点事做是吧,这硬盘里有搜集了大约六个月的数据
Why don't you go through it and see if you can spot any patterns or anomalies. Yep, I'm on it. 你何不过一遍这些数据,看能否发现有任何规律或异常呢,好的,我这就去
Hey, look at that! An Indian guy outsourcing a computer job to a white fella. 你看我们,印度阿三把电脑工作外包给白人佬
Yeah, okay, whatever it takes to keep you busy for a few hours. 随便怎么样,只要能让你忙个数小时就行了
Found one. No, you didn't. There are millions of data points there. 找到一个,不可能,那有好几百万数据点呢
Yeah, maybe that is something. How did you find that? 好吧,可能真的有东西,你怎么发现的
It wasn't difficult.You know how when you see prime numbers, they appear red, but when they're twin primes, they're pink and smell like gasoline? No. 其实不难啦,就像质数在你眼里自动就是红色的,孪生质数是粉红色,而且闻起来像汽油,你懂我的意思吗,不懂
I guess I'm a special boy. You know, sometimes when a boy is special, he gets a Fudgsicle. Which, by the way, tastes like the speed of light. 可能我与众不同吧,有时候当一个男孩与众不同,他会得到一根软糖冰棒,而且味道尝起来像光速
Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. Ah, it's my pleasure. 非常感谢你能临时抽空见我,乐意效劳
I'm curious, are you related to Dr. Beverly Hofstadter? 我很好奇,你和贝弗莉·霍斯塔特博士是亲戚吗
Uh, she's my mother. You know her? 她是我母亲,你认识她吗
No, not personally, but I have read all of her books. 不,不认识本人,但我读过她所有的书
Well, then you know her better than I do. 那你对她的认识比我还深
Well, I'm not so sure about that. But I can tell you I do not agree with her theories on child
rearing14 at all. 不见得,但我可以告诉你,我完全不同意她育儿的那套理论
Really? Any chance you find them cold, cruel and unsuitable for innocent little boys who just want to be happy? 是咩,你是不是觉得那一套过于冷漠残酷并不适合天真无邪,想快乐生活的小男生
Well, I didn't want to say it... 我不想妄加评论
No, no, say it. Sing it. Rent a plane, write it in the sky. 不不,请评论,唱出来,租一架飞机,写在天空
Sounds like you're holding on to quite a bit of anger towards her. 听起来你对她一直心怀怨念,怒气满满啊
Oh, no, II've worked through a lot of that stuff; I'm better now. Good for you. 不,我已经努力克服不少怨念,现在好多了,那就好
Do you know she never let me celebrate my birthday because being born was her achievement, not mine? That's heartbreaking. 你知道她从不让我庆祝自己的生日,就因为我的出生是她的成就,不是我自己的吗,真是让人心碎
Right? To this day, I send her a card every year with a little money in it. 是吧,直到今天,我还每年给她寄卡片,里面还附上一点钱
You know, once we get the house back to ourselves, we can be romantic in any room we want. 一旦这房子只剩咱俩,我们就能在任何一个房间"搞浪漫"啦
Great. I can finally show you where the laundry room is. 好棒,我终于可以让你知道洗衣房在哪了
Boy, who would've thought when you asked me to move in and help take care of your mom, I'd still be here two years later? 天啊,谁能想到当时你让我搬进来照顾你妈,结果两年后的今天我才走
Nobody thought that. No one. Well, that's it. I guess so. This is
weird15. 没人有想到,没人,都结束了,是啊,感觉好奇怪
Yeah. A grown man moving into his own apartment. Crazy times. See ya! 是啊,一个成年人即将搬进他自己的公寓,真是疯狂的年代,回见
Ignore him. He's just using humor to express how...happy he is. 别管他,他只是用幽默来表达他现在...有多开心
It's okay. I know he loves me. 没关系,我知道他爱我
Sure he does. Well, let us know when you're all settled in. 你说是就是啦,你安顿好了记得告诉我们
I will. And I really can't thank you guys enough. 我会的,我对你们真的感激不尽
Our pleasure. Bye. Bye. 我们的荣幸,再见,再见
He's gone! Let's start in the garage! 他走了,我们从车库开始搞吧