
生活大爆炸 第九季:第15集 情人节怎么过(上)

时间:2019-03-01 01:35:57



 Hey, gentlemen. Hello. If any of you are looking for something to do on Valentine's Day, Amy and I'll be streaming our firstever live episode1 of Fun With Flags. 各位好啊,好,如果你们有人还在想情人节要做什么,我跟艾米将首次在网上直播我们的《有趣的旗帜》节目

You're welcome to join us as we celebrate the timeless  love affair between wind and flapping3 fabric4. 欢迎你们加入我们,一起来庆祝风与飘扬布料那永恒的爱恋
Penny and I have dinner reservations6 that night, but any other time, no. 我跟佩妮那天晚上定好餐厅吃饭了,其他任何时间我们也不看
Sorry, Bernie and I are breaking in the new hot tub7, if you know what I mean. 抱歉,我跟妮妮要给新浴缸来个"启用仪式",懂我说的是啥意思吧
Not a clue. Raj? Spending Valentine's Day with Emily. 完全不懂,拉杰呢,跟艾米丽共度情人节
You don't sound very excited about it. 你听起来不是太期待啊
Oh, I am, I am. I g... I guess I'm still wondering if Emily and I are right for each other. 没有啊,我挺期待吧,可能我还不确定我跟艾米丽到底适不适合
Does this have to do with that girl you had coffee with? 这不会跟喝咖啡的那个女生有关吧
You mean the strong, sexy angel I can't stop thinking about? 你是说那位我魂萦梦牵的身心灵完美女神吗
Who can say? You've been talking about breaking up with Emily forever. Why don't you just do it already? 谁知道啊,你念叨着要跟艾米丽分手多久了,你为什么不赶紧分了得了
Yeah, just get it over with. 早死早超生
Well, you say it like it's easy. Have any one of youever broken up with anyone? 你们说得好像很简单,你们之中有任何人跟别人分手过吗
No. Not really. You know, uh, once I ordered an Uber by accident. I just got in and went somewhere. 没,不太,有一次我不小心叫了车,我只能默默上车,随便去了个地方
So, you really gonna break up with her? 你真的要跟她分手吗
Yeah, I think so. Do you have any advice? 我想是的,有任何建议吗
Well, I have broken up with my fair share of guys. I mean, how many times did I break up with Leonard? I stopped counting at four. 我这一生甩过无数男子,你知道我甩过莱纳德几次吗,第四次之后我就不数了
All right, my advice to you is do it at her place so you can leave when you need to, uh, tell the truth, make it quick and be prepared for tears. 我给你的建议就是去她家提分手,这样你需要走人时就随时能走,实话实说,快刀斩乱麻,做好会有人喷泪的准备
Oh, I'm gonna do a precry before I go in there. Really dry myself out. 我已经打算在进她家前先预哭一场,先把我的眼泪哭干
She meant Emily. No, II really didn't. 她指的是艾米丽,没,真的不是指她
You're seriously breaking up with me? Yeah. 你真的要跟我分手吗,是的
And you thought right before Valentine's Day was a good time to do it? 然后你觉得在情人节前提分手是好时机吗
You're right let's talk again in a few days. 有道理,那我们几天后再谈吧
Hey, Claire. Hi. It's it's Rajesh. I was I was wondering if you're free for Valentine's Day? 克莱儿,是我,拉杰什,不知道你情人节那天有没有空
Sorry, I just got back with my boyfriend. 抱歉,我刚跟我男朋友复合
But I just broke up with my girlfriend. 但我为了你甩了我女朋友呢
Right before Valentine's Day? What an ass8. 情人节前甩人家吗,真是个渣男
Please take me back. Our love was meant to be! I'm gonna all alone on Valentine's Day. 求你别不要我,我们的爱是天作之合,我情人节要当单身狗了
Well, you were right tears. 你说得真没错,喷泪
Okay, and we are live in 22 minutes.  22分钟后我们就要开始直播了
I'm nervous. I hope people will be around to watch even though it's Valentine's Day. 我好紧张,希望观众们能来收看,哪怕今天是情人节
People who are fans of an Internet show about flags? Trust me, they're around. 收看旗帜知识网络节目的观众们吗,放心吧,情人节他们绝对有空
Oh, and speaking of Valentine's Day, I haven't forgotten about you tonight. 说到情人节,我今晚才不会忘记你呢
What do you mean? 你什么意思
Well, you've become such an integral9 part of my life as well as this show, I felt it only right to include your name in the title. 你现在变成了我生命中与这节目不可分割的一部分,我觉得应该把你加入到节目名字中
That is so sweet. 你真是太贴心了
So from now on, this program will be officially known as Dr. Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler present Dr. Sheldon' Cooper's Fun With Flags. Catchy10. 从今天开始,这个节目的名称将会是谢尔顿·库珀博士与艾米·菲拉·福勒博士倾情奉献,谢尔顿·库珀博士的《有趣的旗帜》,朗朗上口啊
I'm gonna check the temp on the tub. 我去检查一下浴缸的温度
Don't make it too hot. 别弄太热
Sorry, but "too hot" is the only temperature I come in. 抱歉,但"太热"辣是本美男唯一的温度
Look at that you shaved it all. You're welcome. 看看光溜溜的青龙,不用谢
Um, question this is my first hot tub is it supposed to come with a rat flopping11 around in it? 提问,这是我首次泡按摩浴缸里面有耗子漂浮着是正常的吗
Ew, really? Get it out. How? 真的吗,快弄走,怎么弄
Uh... wish we had a skimmer. 我们有个漏勺就好了
Uh, you turn off the jets12, I'll get a strainer from the kitchen. 你把按摩喷头关掉,我去厨房拿滤网
I don't know how to turn off the jets. 我不知道怎么关掉喷头
Good, I don't know where we keep the strainer. 很好,我也不知道你滤网收哪
Excuse me. Uh, bad news. The maitre d' said it's gonna be at least an hour. 借过,有坏消息,领班说至少还得等一小时
An hour? What? That's crazy. We have a reservation5. 一小时,别闹了,我们明明订了位
I know. So what did you say? 对啊,那你怎么说的
Thanks, sorry to bother you. But I said it like a badass. 谢谢,抱歉打扰了,我用恶狠狠的语气说的
All right, well, can't you, like, slip him some money or something? 你就不能比如...塞点钱贿赂他之类的吗
Really? I've never done that before. Does it work? 真的吗,我没这么做过,真能行吗
Do people like money is that what you're asking? 你是在问我"人们喜不喜欢钱"吗
A... A lot of attitude from the woman who thought MC squared was a rapper. 某个知识量小到以为mc2是饶舌歌手名的人,脾气倒是挺大啊
Now, is that a smart thing to say on a holiday that's basically13 national sex night? 大过节的你这么说明智吗,今晚基本算是全国操操夜
I'm sorry. You're pretty, I'm stupid. 对不起,你很漂亮,我是白痴
Hello. Just checked again for Hofstadter. Still gonna be an hour? 你好,麻烦再看看到霍夫斯塔德了没,还要等一小时吗
I'm afraid so. Okay. Thanks. 恐怕是的,好的,谢谢
I think you may have dropped this? 这可能是你掉的吧
Did anybody lose a 20? I did. 谁丢了一张20块,我
Oh, I took care of it.Okay, we are live  in five, four, three... 我都处理好了,马上开始直播5  4  3
Oh, wait. Oh, shoot, I already pushed the button. 等等,糟糕,我已经按下按钮了
Never mind, we're live. 没关系,直播已开始
Uh, hello and welcome to a special live edition of Dr. Sheldon Cooper...and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler present...Dr. Sheldon Cooper's Fun With Flags. 大家好,欢迎收看直播特别版,谢尔顿·库珀博士与艾米·菲拉·福勒博士出品的谢尔顿博士的《有趣的旗帜》
Consider tonight's episode a Valentine's Day gift for you, our viewers. It's also my gift to you.  请将今晚这一集当作送给你们的情人节礼物吧,观众们,同时也是我送你的礼物
That was clear, right? 'Cause you're not getting anything else. 这够明显了,对吧,因为你不会得到别的礼物了
Since we're live, you'll finally be able to reach out to us with your flag thoughts and flag questions. 鉴于我们是在直播,你们终于可以即时联系到我们,提出你们的旗思旗问
Allow us to answer a few quick ones that we get all the time. Uh, uh, yes, I really am a doctor. Uh, yes, she really is my girlfriend. 我们先快速回答几个常有人问的问题,是的,我真的是一名博士,是的,她真的是我的女朋友
No, I just blink14 a lot, it's not Morse code15 for "Rescue me." 不是,我只是习惯老眨眼,并不是在打摩斯密码求救
Oh, uh, ok... Uh, here's our first call. Hello, and welcome to Fun With Flags. What's your question? 好的,有观众打进第一通电话,你好,欢迎来到《有趣的旗帜》,你有什么问题吗
What is wrong with me? Why am I so selfdestructive? 我脑子是哪里有病,为什么我总是自我毁灭
Rajesh? Yes. Whenever things are going well, I always find a way to ruin it. 拉杰什,是我,每当事情一帆风顺时,我总有方法毁掉它
You two look happy how do you do it? 你俩看起来很幸福,是怎么做到的
II think it starts with good communication. 我觉得是始于良好的沟通
Yeah, wait, that's not a flag question. Next caller. 是啊,等等,这问题跟旗帜无关,下一位
I hope you don't think I'm just saying this because it's Valentine's Day, but... 我希望你不会认为我这么说是因为今天是情人节,但...
I love you so much. I'm gonna put this down your robe16. 我真的好爱你,我要把这玩意扔进你浴袍里
It's not moving, but I think it's still alive. 它不动了,但我觉得它还活着
Well, should we put it back in there a few minutes? No. 那该把它扔回去多泡几分钟吗,不必
No, and it's not a rat, it's a rabbit. We need to save it. 这不是老鼠,是只兔子,我们得救救它
Well, how do we do that? 我们该怎么做
Um, I don't know, look it up on your phone. II'm gonna wrap it in a towel. 我不知道,你用手机查查,我拿毛巾包着它
"Taking care of injured rabbit."  Okay. "照顾受伤的兔子",有了
Make sure it's comfortable and warm. Well, it was just in a hot tub. I'm gonna say "Check." Anything else? 确保它既舒服又暖和,它刚泡在热水浴缸里,这条符合,还有别的吗
To make sure it's not dehydrated, feed him an electrolyte solution. If it's not responding, use a warm cloth to wash its face and genitals. Yeah. 确保它没有脱水,喂他一勺电解质溶液,如果没有反应,用一块暖布帮他擦洗脸和生殖器,好耶
This is ridiculous. You know, I'm gonna go talk to the maitred. 这真是太过分了,我要去找那个领班谈谈
What are you gonna say? 你要说什么
I don't know. I'm... I'm gonna flirt17 with him. 我不知道,我去嗲他几下吧
I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I'm still sleeping with you tonight. See if you can get a table by the window. 我不知道我是否能接受这事,我今晚还是跟你"睡"啊,你看看能不能弄到靠窗的桌子
Hi there. What's your name? 你好,你叫什么
Glen. Oh, boy, it is crazy in here tonight, huh, Glen? 格伦,天啊,今晚这里人真是超多啊,格伦
Well, you know, Valentine's Day.  情人节嘛,你懂的
Yes. Bet2 your girlfriend is super bummed18 you had to work tonight. 是啊,我猜你女友一定超级郁闷,你今晚得上班
Anyway, look, we have been waiting a while, and I just... 听着,我们等了挺长时间了,我有点...
With all due respect, ma'am, there's nothing I can do. 恕我直言,女士,我无能为力
You don't have to call me ma'am. Okay. 你用不着叫我"女士",好的
I mean, we're basically the same age. Okay. 我们应该年纪相仿,好的
How old are you? I'm 21. How old are you? 你几岁,我21岁,你呢
Just shut up, Glen. 把嘴闭上,格伦
Come on, let's get out of here. 走吧,我们离开这里
What? Why?  Because I'm young. Let's go. 为什么,因为姐年轻,走吧



1 episode Titzy     
  • The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.这段经历至今仍深深地铭刻在我的心中。
2 bet ddZy8     
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
3 flapping 5d365b9865333e6498ac9769d0d5caa8     
(使)上下左右移动( flap的现在分词 ); 轻拍; 焦急,焦虑; 振(翅)
  • The flag was flapping around in the light wind. 那面旗子在微风中飘动。
  • Do stop flapping around, we'll get the job done in time. 大可不必担心,我们会按时完成这项工作的。
4 fabric 3hezG     
  • The fabric will spot easily.这种织品很容易玷污。
  • I don't like the pattern on the fabric.我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
5 reservation VWBxo     
  • The instruction should be carried out without any reservation.应当不折不扣地执行这个指示。
  • I accept your statement without reservation.我完全相信你的话。
6 reservations 6208da147b2e01d2daf532f07477c08b     
n.[法律](权益等的)保留( reservation的名词复数 );预订;保留地;保留意见
  • Most of these workers are American Indians living on reservations. 这些工人中的大多数是住在居留地的美洲印第安人。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Have you made the reservations for our holiday yet? 你为我们度假做好预订安排了吗? 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 tub BmUwP     
  • The girl washed clothes in a tub.那女孩把衣服放在木盆里洗。
  • The tub needs fixing too.It leaks.浴盆也得修了。它漏。
8 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
9 integral w4myR     
  • She is our best player,who is integral to our team.她是我们最好的球员,我们队离不开她。
  • That's an integral part of the country.那是构成国家所必需的一部分。
10 catchy 1wkztn     
  • We need a new slogan.The old one's not catchy enough.我们需要新的口号,旧的不够吸引人。
  • The chorus is very catchy to say the least.副歌部分很容易上口。
11 flopping e9766012a63715ac6e9a2d88cb1234b1     
n.贬调v.(指书、戏剧等)彻底失败( flop的现在分词 );(因疲惫而)猛然坐下;(笨拙地、不由自主地或松弛地)移动或落下;砸锅
  • The fish are still flopping about. 鱼还在扑腾。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • What do you mean by flopping yourself down and praying agin me?' 咚一声跪下地来咒我,你这是什么意思” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记
12 jets 4673f6aaf2c2048dc65e963fb8b36bf9     
n.喷嘴( jet的名词复数 );喷气式飞机;喷射流;煤玉
  • The firemen directed jets of water at the burning building. 消防队员把水柱喷向燃烧着的楼房。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The giant jets that increasingly dominate the world's airways. 越来越称雄于世界航线的巨型喷气机。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
14 blink CW4ze     
  • In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.一眨眼的工夫他就没影了。
  • The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.一眨眼,这男孩就在拐角处不见了。
15 code HWoyc     
  • What's the code for Tianjin?天津的代号是多少?
  • Remember to use postal code.勿忘使用邮政编码。
16 robe hXax8     
  • She was sitting at her mirror in a robe.她穿着长裙坐在镜子前。
  • She put her robe on the chair.她把睡袍搭在椅子上。
17 flirt zgwzA     
  • He used to flirt with every girl he met.过去他总是看到一个姑娘便跟她调情。
  • He watched the stranger flirt with his girlfriend and got fighting mad.看着那个陌生人和他女朋友调情,他都要抓狂了。
18 bummed bdf9f789349f2148b0996a04724e0c3c     
  • I was really bummed out that there were no tickets left. 没有票了,我非常恼火。
  • I didn't do anything last summer; I just bummed around. 去年夏天我游手好闲,什么正经事也没做。

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