1.世界小史 第196期:狄奥多里克
Theodoric captured Odoacer, but he promised to spare his life. 狄奥多里克俘获了日耳曼统帅奥多亚塞。 Instead, he invited him to a banquet and stabbed h...
2.世界小史 第195期:原始时期
This marked the end of the Roman Empire of the West and its Latin culture, 这是西罗马的讲拉丁语的帝国的结束, together with the long period that goes ...
3.世界小史 第194期:日耳曼公主
Only two years later, in 453, Attila married a German princess and died on the same night. 此后不久阿提拉便死了,死于453年,死在他与一位日耳曼公主成婚...
4.世界小史 第193期:日耳曼军队
When the emperor refused, Attila set out to punish him with his mighty army, and take by force what had been denied him. 当皇帝拒绝时,阿提拉便率领他...
5.世界小史 第192期:头领
His hordes burnt and destroyed everything in their path. 因为他的部落烧毁、蹂躏一切。 And yet in spite of all the gold and silver and treasures the Hu...
6.世界小史 第191期:汪达尔人
This period is known as the time of the Migrations. 成千上万的人是否被打死,这并不重要,而成千上万的人却随后跟上。这个时期叫民族大迁徙时期。 It was th...
7.世界小史 第190期:阿拉里克
They marched as far as Athens, which they sacked. They also marched on Constantinople. 西哥特人向雅典进军并掠夺它,他们兵临君士坦丁堡城下, Finally, u...
8.世界小史 第189期:骑着马吃东西
This time it was the Huns. People like these had never been seen before in the West: small, yellow men with narrow, slit eyes and terrifying scars on ...
9.世界小史 第188期:雷雨云
The wind buffets you from every angle. 风从四面八方刮来。 And when the storm finally moves away,leaving in its place a clear, still, starlit night, 当...
10.世界小史 第187期:雷声
Have you ever watched a storm approaching on a hot summer's day? 你在炎热的夏天见过一场雷雨来临的情景吗? It's especially spectacular in the mountains...