1.美国语文第五册 第302期:弗吉尼亚人(4)
The elder was peaceful, studious, and silent; the younger was warlike and noisy. 老大平和好学且沉默寡言,老二则挑衅好战,沉湎嬉闹。 He was quick at le...
2.美国语文第五册 第301期:弗吉尼亚人(3)
When the boys' grandfather died, their mother, in great state, proclaimed her eldest son George her successor and heir of the estate; 男孩们的祖父最终...
3.美国语文第五册 第300期:弗吉尼亚人(2)
Their hospitality was boundless. No stranger was ever sent away from their gates. 弗吉尼亚州贵族世家的豪爽待客令人称奇,他们不会打发上门的陌生人, The...
4.美国语文第五册 第299期:弗吉尼亚人(1)
Mr. Esmond called his American house Castlewood, from the patrimonial home in the old country. 埃斯蒙德先生将他的美国房产称为卡斯尔伍德庄园,那是坐落...
5.美国语文第五册 第298期:乡村生活
Not what we would, but what we must, makes up the sum of living: 随波逐流,我们习惯坦然,无外乎,生活归纳的深刻, Heaven is both more and less than ju...
6.美国语文第五册 第297期:野鸽过客(6)
Here and there the perches gave way under the weight with a crash, 接连不断的坠落冲力,使得方才落脚来及站稳的鸟们纷纷坠下,压翻甚至撞死下端的同类; an...
7.美国语文第五册 第296期:野鸽过客(5)
As the period of their arrival approached, their foes anxiously prepared to receive them. 当鸽群快要飞临森林上空时,鸟类天敌正焦急地等待捕获它们。 Som...
8.美国语文第五册 第295期:野鸽过客(4)
About the middle of the day, after their repast is finished, they settle on the trees to enjoy rest and digest their food. 大约中午,野鸽结束觅食后,...
9.美国语文第五册 第294期:野鸽过客(3)
During their evolutions, on such occasions, the dense mass which they form exhibits a beautiful appearance, 在变幻多端的队形中,麇集鸽群的靓丽色彩令人...
10.美国语文第五册 第293期:野鸽过客(2)
Whilst waiting for dinner at Youngs inn, at the confluence of Salt River with the Ohio, 在当地青年旅馆就餐前的闲暇期间,在盐湖与俄亥俄州一处接壤地带,...